Friday, February 16, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
With Friday being the deadline to file for two seats on the Brownsville Navigation District and Texas Southmost College and for chairmanship of the Cameron County Democratic Party, no one was expecting any surprises.

But, this being Cameron County, there were.

At TSC, everyone thought that no one would run against Dr. Ruben Gallegos, who was finishing Ramon Champion Hinojosa's term on Place 7. Well, now we learn that Gallegos opted not to run for reelection and that two candidates, Eva Alejandro and Lead Internal Auditor for the Brownsville Independent School District Arvin Tucker Rios will vie for that empty seat.

Alejandro initiated the TSC Child Care and Development Program and then became tenured and taught at UTB before founding the Alternative-South Texas Educator Program 14 years ago. She is the sole  owner of the firm.

And two candidates filed before the 6 p.m. Friday deadline for Place 6, the seat currently held by Dr. Reynaldo Garcia. They are Carlos Rios and J.J. De Leon. Rios is a first-time candidate for office and De Leon has been a clerical staffer at the BISD and has run unsuccessfully for the board before.

At the Port, as expected, BISD board president Cesar Lopez will challenge BND board chairman John Wood for Place 2. Lopez was head of the Mercedes ISD until he was tapped to fill the vacancy left when Christina Saavedra accepted an administrative position in San Antonio. He ran for reelection in 2014 and won.

Wood drew place one on the ballot for the May 5 election. He has been a City of Brownsville and Cameron County commissioner. He ran a narrow countywide race for Cameron County Judge against Carlos Cascos which was decided amidst intense controversy.

In Place 4, Javier Vera drew the first place on the ballot for the election followed by Steve Guerra and Patrick Anderson in third place. Vera is the CFO of the Cowen Group of custom brokerage and warehousing. The Cowens are related to Ralph Cowen, a commissioner at the port. Guerra is a businessman with international experience and has run for the BND once before. Anderson is a teacher at the Los Fresnos ISD and has been a strong environmental advocate opposed to bringing LNGs and what he considers other polluting industries.

Both the BND and TSC races are nonpartisan affairs. At the TSC race, there is the possibility of a runoff, unlike the port, where only a majority of the votes are needed to win.

 On the other hand, it appears that Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa will remain firmly in control of the Cameron County Party with the sole candidate who field being Jared Hockema, currently the city manager of Port Isabel.

Current chair Amber Medina did not say that she would not seek reelection until the end of the filing period. Hockema was an assistant to Hinojosa when the latter was county judge. He will not have an opponent.


Anonymous said...

Carlos Rios is a great choice to replace the old generation, let's get the students to decide their future

Anonymous said...

Who is funding Cesar Lopez?

Anonymous said...

Who is funding all of the candidates is what you meant right?
Or do you just want to pick on who is funding someone NOT your candidate?

Anonymous said...

Who is cesar?

Anonymous said...

WOOD, GUERRA, DE LEON, TUCKER. That’s who I’ll be voting for

Anonymous said...

Cesar Lopez has never won an election. He is a corrupt piece of shit who paid for stolen votes to get access to BISD contracts and kickbacks. The port races will be a dirty affair.

Anonymous said...

Go Patrick Anderson! Thank you for cleaning up the corruption and the pollution!

Anonymous said...

The brownsville cartel funnels money to Lopez's campaigns!

Anonymous said...

J.J again? When will he understand the community doesn't want him.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for any BND candidate who supports the end to our property taxes going to BND!

Anonymous said...

Garcia attempted to discredit TSC! We all know that. Yet he is still running? HAHA! Disgraceful. Part of Terceros plan I imagine.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Dr. Garcia, you are a traitor on the board of trustees of TSC

Anonymous said...

J.J. De Leon again he's a Lol

Anonymous said...

JJ De Leon is a joke. Idiot doesn't get it and he's dumb enough to listen to Adela. Then again, Adela was dumb enough to listen to Farenthhold.

Anonymous said...

I think Rios is the best choice. Let's give the kid a chance. I will vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Cesar says he is getting his money from Carlos Marin but being funneled from Mike Hernandez of OP1033.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We should always be careful what we ask for, we just might get it. The innocent lambs in this bunch of candidate are asking to lose their innocence and jump into the Brownsville cess pool of politics with all the other turds. They won't come out better for the experience.

Anonymous said...

You know who is funding Cesar Lopez? Jaime Escobedo and his cronies?
Cesar Lopez has been Pura tanza since Mercedes ISD, and he just jumps from chi-chi,just leeching from everybody that will throw him a huezo.

Anonymous said...

Who is funding JJ De Leon?? Heck who is funding him at BISD, he got a sweet job right away and still wants more. Big time kiss ass?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Gilberto Hinojosa is at it again, he was not abel to get his little puppet Jared Hockema elected in Cameron County so he brought him in thru the back door. Knowing good and well that Jared could not get elected if he was to run County wide they pulled a Bennie Ochoa move. Gilberto well go to all extremes to keep his hands and and controll of the Democratic Party in Cameron County. As long as he has his hands and controll of it the Demo. Party well never be a as united as it should be and well never move forward. Amber Medina played up to his wishes and allowed this to happen. Gilberto Hinojosa, Eddie Treviño, Sylvia Garza Perez are a total disgrace to our County and our party.

Anonymous said...

I thought that dude Hernandez Was about cleaning dirty politics corruption down here if he's for Cesar lopez then he's part of the corruption.

Anonymous said...

JJ DeLeon is the best candidate for the job. Those of you saying he got a job right away really do not have a clue how much hard work he had to put in to get hired for a job he is highly qualified to do. He put in his time as an administrative assistant and now that he is a coordinator some just want to tear him down. He is a wonderful and caring human being who really wants his community to thrive. In a time where there is so much divide lets bring each other up. Do your research and vote for the best candidate. Most of what we know is all hearsay. If you have questions just ask. I'm sure every candidate will be up for a discussion about the issues.

Anonymous said...

When are you guys gonna learn to live Gilberto out, What the fuck! Have you not noticed no matter how hard you work to put the man down, It does not work! Candidates, run because they choose to run not because they are forced! You incompetent asshole.

Anonymous said...

We have enough. We don't want another De Leon in public service in Brownsville

Anonymous said...

JJ is all about gossip and treats people lower than him like dirt. Just ask people that have worked with him while he was a secretary which was months ago. Hard worker my ass he got lucky and his boss did him a favor by giving him the job he has now. Everyone knows and he walks around the glass palace like the Queen B. Learn to respect everyone JJ.

Anonymous said...

Callales el osico Gil. They deserve that and more. Ditto

Anonymous said...

Cant believe you betrayed our trust like that Amber. They didn't elect you we did and you gave the hinojosas and piece of shit Sylvia Garza Peretona the keys? Thanks for nothing, move to Mcallen already.

Anonymous said...

My vote's with Carlos. I met JJ the other day, and it was a bad first impression. Dr. Garcia's time has come. If the letter than everyone is talking about is true, he doesn't deserve the seat. Can someone please publish that letter?

Anonymous said...

For those of you talking trash about Mr. De Leon, in all fairness, he received a Master's Degree at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and has earned his way up to administration without kissing ass. He has nothing to gain from winning, but students like myself will have Mr. De Leon's support in making sure things are done for the fairness of students attending college. It's time we get someone who speaks without being afraid or receiving mordidas under the table. You know who you are! Most haters that talk have nothing to show for. Go back to school and earn your Masters and learn something other than trashing someone you don't even know. It's like the saying goes "Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots!' Which one are you?

Anonymous said...

To: February 19, 2018 at 5:07 PM

It's leave not live, written like a true Democrat, and a true incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Same old faces we need new blood with new ideas and not compromises

Anonymous said...

lol... live, leave bla, bla bla. Incompetent your mama! Would be my answer to that intelligent acknowledgment of literature. HA HA HA HA
truly yours, La Bruja!

Anonymous said...

Grammar not literature incompetent bitch

Anonymous said...

Margen de todo, excepto de la mayoría persistente de invitados no deseados que buscan audiencia con el gran brujo

Atentamente: El Gran Brujo

Anonymous said...

Para: February 21, 2018 at 4:52 PM

Vieja pedorra huele mal donde te sientas.

Anonymous said...

Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja

Vieja pedorra

Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Don't need to go to no comedy house or watch a comedy movie. I just read postings from this blog. Thanks Juan this is hilarious (really).

Anonymous said...

Listen I met Carlos the other night and his a drunk please ask anyone his a full if he thinks that he can pass his push cards and try to ask people to vote for him when his drunk sweety and smelly. Talk about first impressions get over yourself My vote is for JJ DeLeon someone that tells it like it is.
