Thursday, February 15, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Hanna Early College High School; my glorious school; my Alma Mater is as broken, crooked, and corrupt as the school district itself.

And not just Hanna but many other schools as well.
There are many untold stories of corrupt individuals that lurk in the shadows of injustice. It is a problem widely known in the valley and yet it has not changed.

But I am here to speak out my voice problems with in my school and point out problems I myself have noticed and am concerned about. For example, our newest principal as well the previous one seem to be playing a game of hot potato passing her problems to the next and the next in charge and on down the line; issues she herself should be handling personally.

Hanna being so old requires much maintenance to keep up to date but how can we achieve this when our Maintenance Department is understaffed, under-educated, and lack the vital skills to comprehend and accomplish basic tasks? Now I understand that nothing is free, but you cannot tell me that there is no money.

If there wasn’t any, then why did the superintendent grant herself a $30,000 raise in the summer, as well as an artificial turf (costing $100,000s) for Hanna’s soccer team?

The school is physically falling apart in many locations. I am more afraid the roof will fall over my head than the food poisoning I would have gotten from the rotten and molded biscuit and barbacoa scandal. Let us not forget the $300,000 of cafeteria funds stolen from the student’s cafeteria food funds. How much lower can you get than stealing from kids?

I have attended Hanna for some time now and have noticed no change for the better. Our administration seems to be heading in the wrong direction. On September 17, 1787 our founding fathers signed and issued the constitution for the United States. Within it James Madison pushed toward a better sense of government by establishing the separation of powers and checks and balances.

But what is the point of democracy. It is NOT the rule of the people by the people? The Greeks did it, the Romans sort of did it, and England improved upon it with the Magna Carta. And our founding fathers established it because they believed that it is easier to corrupt an individual than to corrupt a group of individuals.

The valley on the other hand has proven them wrong. Our politician’s, our schools, our fire departments, our hospitals, our law enforcement, etc., all have traces of corruption. Many of us are afraid to speak out the truth and many of us are silenced by money and the false promises of power.

Others have involuntarily been dragged into this loop of corruption and are as well afraid to speak up in the fear of facing charges. But it will be much worse if you keep silent. We live in a country where we as a people can speak our voice and be heard. These moral values that we have between wrong and what is right should not be ignored.

If we do not speak out as a community, then nothing will ever change. But as a student of BISD I still dream of a greater future for my beautiful city. I dream of a place where I can trust my children to be safe in our schools and that doctors will do everything they can to make them sure my kids are better rather than milk me for money because they are so in debt in student loans.

There is a reason we are the poorest city in Texas. It is because the money that we do get disappears in someone else’s pockets.


Anonymous said...

The people of Brownsville don't want honest and competent elected leadership. They want people who will do them a favor when needed. I find the appeal to the Founders and the Constitution to be interesting, albeit a joke. This part of the world cares little for those folks, being more a part of Mexico than the US. Geographically we are north of the Rio Grande River, but in all others ways we are south of that same river. In fairness and honesty, it needs to be said that you can drink the tap water here and the roads are better.

Meme said...

Hanna high school FKA Brownsville high school has been around for well I remember attending there as a freshman in 1974, so that's 44 years so the school has to be around 50 years or more? more or less, so yes it will need more maintenance and TLC than the other high schools like Porter, pace, rivera or lopez, just for the record. Don't think the BISD board really gives a hoot about anything, perhaps that's why the charters schools are eating every school district's lunch in the valley and now just in Brownsville. Do they really produce a better student? Perhaps, just look at Idea academy in the top 10 in the USA. just saying.

Anonymous said...

While I agree completely with "Anonymous" (12:13 PM), the absence of any real leadership among our elected officials (at every level of government) and the public's willingness to accept corruption is overwhelming. The public is critical/fearful of outsiders (one of the 7 readers opposes Alex Dominguez because he is from La Feria; or Cesar de Leon expressed his prejudice, racisim and bigotry by saying Black Assistant District Attorneys were here to prosecute Hispanic men for domestic abuse.) and for years the city has failed to hire trained/experienced, educated city officials because of the fear of outsiders. Outsiders, especially outsiders who are not Hispanic are a threat to the culture of corruption here. The prejudices of this Hispanic community keep Brownsville and Cameron County from growing. BISD is just one of those governments of corruption and, like the city of Brownsville, there is little politial glamour or kickbacks in spending on infrastructure. The old saying is "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" and one voice on this blog not likely to get attention....just might get one student at Hanna in trouble with the corruptors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The principal seems to be lost at Hanna with all the students that are in the halls that are late to class.
what do I do.....
tardy round up !
wow wow lol..........

Anonymous said...

This article doesn’t give any specifics on anything...I literally don’t know what it’s talking about half the time. What problems, that you think should be handled personally by the principal, are they passing off to other people? Also how is educating the maintenance department gonna help? Did you perhaps mean training? And in addition “you can’t tell me there’s no money”, I’ve heard straight from Hanna’s teaching staff that Mrs. Lambarri is one of the first principals that they’ve worked for that actually tells them there is money in the budget for them to work with...are the teaching staff lying or are your claims baseless? One more thing, who’s in charge of allocating funds for things like the new turf because you seem to be blaming everyone down the line? Who are we supposed to hold accountable for using money in places you deem frivolous? (FYI Hanna’s not the only school getting a turf field installed this year) Just a little tip, fix your grammar and get some sources so maybe your work would be a tiny bit credible.

Anonymous said...

You are Spot on.
There id so much wasted and pilfered money that goes unreported.

What the BISD BENEVOLENT BENEFACTORS do not get is that they are the main reason Charter Schools are getting more and more students.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like disgruntled teachers wrote this. Probably the click that ran the school when teresa alarcon was the principal are upset that they’ve lost their power. At least with Lambarri she meets with parents and students and tries to help them. But, the old guard at Hanna can’t have that. They must rule that school. Laughable.

Anonymous said...

In the writers defense tho, he is a student after all, so missed grammer I can understand with. I didn't think they even cared for what happens anyways since they'll just graduate eventually. But it seems that all he or she wanted was to be heard and they got that so props to the writer. And a little advice, every writer gets negative and positive feedback so don't take anything personal.



What Hanna needs is hall monitors and more security guards period.
This will help the administration and teacher so kiddos can get to class on time.

Anonymous said...

What a let down to the students who looked up to Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera as a roll model to follow, the utter disappointment they must have felt when they heard the truth of who he really is.

Anonymous said...

A kid that thinks he's politically smarter because he is a Trump supporter. Students are upset because they won't work hard and end up failing. They cheat like crazy, and lie even more. Ms Lambarri is working very hard for students, teachers, and staff.

Anonymous said...

Hanna tardy round up did not work still to many kids in the halls,
plus they gave us bkf.

We have to much fun in the morning at Hanna tardy round up and bkf. for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Excellent article to prove what BISD is lacking... promising students. Where have they gone? And why did they leave? Its easy they left ti charter s hools and to los fresnos! BISD needs to in
Corporate the north Alton floor area. Thats where the money is at, that is where the 2 parent household students that succeed are at. It would boost our athletic programs and academic sucess. E dicho.
