Monday, February 12, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(Mr. Montoya Only in San Benito does 1+1=5. Our city manager Manuel DeLa Rosa was recently evaluated by our Mayor and Four Commissioners. Under the city manager's contract in order of him to get a $5,000 raise he must obtain an ABOVE SATISFACTORY RATING. Under his contract, which runs through Jan. 31, 2020, commissioners are required to conduct six-month evaluations which could come with $5,000 pay increases upon “above-satisfactory” job performance ratings.

Now, De La Rosa’s salary stands at $110,000, city spokeswoman Martha McClain stated.The combined average score given to him was a 3.4.That is not an ABOVE SATISFACTORY SCORE. OUT OF THE 20 categories 10 seem to be bias in favor of the city manager. The city manager has not resolved issues with the EX-EDC Director that he fired and the Police Chief who has had SEVERAL COMPLAINTS FILED against him.

The City Manager always falls back on "CAN'T COMMENT IT'S A PERSONAL MATTER." The citizens of San Benito are being kept in the dark on many ISSUES. Thanks in advance from one of your 8 readers in San Benito.)


Anonymous said...

Wow I didn’t know san benito’s above satisfactory rating was so low

Denny Crane, Jr. said...

This anonymouse comment has Mr. Benny Cortez fingerprints all over it.

The total average of 3.455 falls between EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS 4 points & SATISFACTORY 3 points.

That means ABOVE SATISFACTORY; What part of that don’t you, Mr Benny Cortez not understand??

It is also a “PERSONNEL Matter” NOT a “PERSONAL Matter”.

There is nothing personal about it; except for your personal attacks on the City Manager.

Anonymous said...

folks the guy has a CONtract until 2020 so why worry about it, he will be getting raises until then or if the city commission wants him out, they got to pay him, smart guy, great CONtract.

Anonymous said...

Have been out of school for a while now but doesn’t it have to be a 3.5 to get rounded up ? Could be wrong though.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree smart guy and a win win contract. But my question is who approved and signed off on that contract ?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has ghost cars and San Benito has ghost investigations.

Denny Crane, Jr. said...

Casper “The Friendly Ghost” said “Leave me out of this inane commentary.”

Anonymous said...

Isn’t a 69.1 a failing grade ?

Anonymous said...

Time to bring in the GHOST BUSTERS.

Anonymous said...

Mr. DeLa Rosa now that you have received your raise and have a deputy city manager you can concentrate on real issues. Keep us citizens informed of what is going on in our city and bring in businesses that will employ our citizens. Bring the pride and dignity back into our city and make it a worthwhile place to live.

Denny Crane, Jr. said...

To 69.1 failing grade:

Excuse the terse response but it is painfully obvious that you have no experience in management “personnel evaluation using a rating system”.

Much like the members of the San Benito City Commission who rated the City Manager a “1” purely based on the fact that they hate him and voted against his hiring, his first 6 month evaluation, and his rejection of taking marching orders from individual commissioners Esteban Rodriguez & Antonio Gonzales.

The City Manager reports to the entire City Commission and not individual commissioners. They heard this straight from the City Attorney.

The City of San Benito will never grow until this two gentlemen are replaced on the City Commission. San Benito voters can do better!

I would suggest you Google “arithmetic average vs. weighted average”.

Anonymous said...

Hate is such an ugly word.So Commissioner Esteban Rodriguez & Antonio Gonzales have just been branded HATERS.I do not think that any city commissioner would let personal feelings get in the way of sound judgement.The city of San Benito has not grown for the past twenty years if not more and to blame two HATERS in not correct.

Anonymous said...

Settle down JOE. Your BOY will stay till his contract expires.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a conjunto out of tune. I hope they don't play at the fest.

Anonymous said...

This city is so messed up. SMH

Mister Frijoles said...

I agree with Denny Crane, Jr. ... This hate-filled tirade looks like the handiwork of Commissioner Steven and / or his buddy, the forever felonious Benny.
Hey, Benny how did the mud races work for you and your buddies?? Losers!
Commissioner Steve has voted against anything the City Manager says and he continues to be eaten up with it! The only place he could be elected as a commissioner would be San Benito! Another loser.
Where is Joe D when we really need him??
