Saturday, February 10, 2018


By Juan Montoya
We could understand an HEB manager, a state senator, a city commissioners, a business guy of a successful company, even a lawyer and a cop or two and we could even stomach the likes of former Port of Brownsville Chief George Gavito being picked as Brownsville Independent School District Principal For A Day.

Dr. Ruben Gallegos, Texas Southmost College trustee and Ruben Herrera, his colleague on the board, were also picked as was TSC President Dr. Jesus Roberto Rodriguez. Gavito was picked by Lincoln School administrators as a result of the social work and assistance he continues to provide that school. The last we heard he had donated a popcorn machine for the students, many of them unwed mothers trying to stay in school.

But look closely at the photo.

Yes, that's John Shergold and the Head Cheez himself Erasmo Castro in the post-principal-of-the-day banquet. One of the honorees pointed out that Castro had been convicted of a felony years ago, but apparently has cleaned up his act sufficiently to be let back into the decent-people fold. He fit right in with Jammin' Jay Z.

Castro has not only run for mayor, city commissioner and the BISD board, but we wouldn't be surprised to see him throw in his hat for some other position in the near future.

Some have hinted that he would go after City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau.
The pick of Shergold, a mercurial attorney who has found his niche in representing BISD staffers in grievance hearings and even taking the BISD to court is somewhat perplexing.

After all, Shergold just rubbed the BISD administration's snout in the mud with his successful defense of BISD Records Manager Martin Arambula, another candidate with political aspirations. Arambula threw his hat into the ring for Cameron County Judge this last go-round, albeit unsuccessfully.

And we're told that BISD trustee Laura Perez-Reyes bugged the administration to no end to be one of the principal-for-a-day picks until the super finally relented and gave in and picked her. What Laurita wants...

Is the BISD saying that bygones are bygones and welcomed back Shergold into the fold as well, litigation notwithstanding? But perhaps even more perplexing is the pick of Adolfo Cordoba, an attorney who lives in Willacy County and is a candidate for the 197th District Court. What would his opponents in that race have to say about that? Go figure.

"Some of us were sitting at the banquet and were surprised to see Castro and Shergold in the bunch," said one of the honorees. "We were feeling good about being picked principals for a day and then we saw who else was there. So we have district where one of the principals for the day is a felon, and at the same time a BISD trustee is under indictment for theft, and we have a school lawyer who tried to get three felony convictions expunged and failed, well, you get the picture. What on earth are we doing? Stop to think about it, maybe Castro isn't so bad after all. He'll fit right in."


Anonymous said...

If BISD is lowering the bar with principal for a day picks we need Conrado Cantu and Joe Lopez as our principals for the day at BISD.

Anonymous said...

According to superintendent he is not consider a felon until proven guilty.
Fuck that shit !!
We need a new board to clean all the wrong doing at BISD.

PS. Lets not forget Corrupt administration too .

Anonymous said...

So, according to Zendejas, the pig Castro is not a felon until proven, then he is good enough to be a Board member, she will probably support him this coming elections, and have a new puppet under her wing.

Anonymous said...

TO: February 10, 2018 at 2:46 PM



Anonymous said...

I too was astounded to see some of the people on the list! What criteria is used to select these "outstanding" citizens?

We had a good laugh at work when we heard that Castro had been selected.

Anonymous said...

The principals get to choose who they want usually a friend.

Anonymous said...

The principals get to choose who they want usually a friend.

Anonymous said...

COME November, 2018, we need to drain the swamp at BISD! So vote for the right people!

Anonymous said...

There are unconvicted murderers on the board.

Anonymous said...

What news would RrunRrun have if BISD were dormant. Leave then entity alone to educate the children and be the biggest employee in Brownsville. It is damn if you do and damn if you don't regardless of what they try to do. I chose to work here and if I were unhappy, I would be in San Benito, LF or Idea, but I love my job cause I have the opportunity to do what is good for the children.

Anonymous said...

It should be called "In Training to be the next board member". The only requirement is to be a puppet.

Anonymous said...

This is a reflection of what BISD has become.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, look at the BISD board. Elizondo with all of his background and current indictments he still sits on the board and is the sups right hand board member. Look at Carlos Lopez, board long of a rap sheet. Corruption Kings sit in the BISD board and are praised. On Erasmo, the BISD snubbed him by not posting his picture or the principal in the BISD Photo Albums. He was left out, yet the BISD uses him for BISD Facebook Publicity. The BISD news and stories are on his page first than any other entity or even their own BISD news page. Erasmo rules the news postings. You had all sorts of folks as Principal for a Day, its the usual folks. The Reyes Board lady sits there but man what a waste of my vote. Has no voice in the board meetings and when she does say something its oh well, it is what it is, WHAT A JOKE! The Principal for a Day is just another excuse to get in good with the board and sup to get some compadres and commadres in top bisd position. Lots of Admin positions up for grabs now!!! BISD March Madness is coming...Juan keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

1:47AM, kuddos to you for doing the right thing. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about some of your superiors and/or board members.

One could only wish that they could be left "alone to educate the children".

Anonymous said...

The principals get to choose who to invite but isn't it a coincidence that school board member Laura Perez is a big supporter of Cordova. Could she have been the one that made the call to the principal and put the principal on the spot?

Anonymous said...

Give me a hell yea!

CC Taxpayer! said...

And you wonder why there is corruption?

Anonymous said...

primeramente.... que despidan a la directora (o) de Oliveira... que ejemplo le llevo a sus alumnos.

Anonymous said...

The children I hope did not learnt about taking drugs, sex with anything that moves, corruption and taking money under false pretenses, tax evasion. As these are the trademark of Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, what a roll model for the children.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So what even pipe got to be principal for a day.

Anonymous said...

That's what BISD does - LOOK STUPID!
