Sunday, February 11, 2018


By Adolfo Vargas
Channel 5,

EDINBURG – Power, position and politics play a role in Rio Grande Valley corruption. Corrupt officials can abuse the system.

A University of Texas Rio Grande Valley professor is researching corruption. She wants to know why political corruption happens here and why so often.

CHANNEL 5 NEWS learned it’s often fear that keeps those helped by political wrongdoing from coming forward. Objective Watchers of the Legal System member Fern McClaugherty says sometimes those who commit dirty deeds have a conscience.

"I get letters in the mail that has no name but they tell us please this is happening can you help,” she said.

McClaugherty said the anonymous who speak out have participated in Valley corruption.

"We've been told by people what they've done. Of course, they won't come out of the shadows because they benefited from it and its crime so. They are not going to speak. We do know that it happens we just can't prove it,” said McClaugherty.

McClaugherty was once accused of political corruption when she was running in the Edinburg Councilmember Place 1 race.

"I was accused of having contracts stealing taxpayers’ money,” said McClaugherty.

She said it was a false accusation. She's still looking for answers about what led to the accusations.

UTRGV Assistant Political Science Professor Sylvia Gonzalez-Gorman is also looking for answers. She started a study on Valley corruption last year.

"I got a big study going on with the Rio Grande Valley. In what we're trying to figure out is what causes that person to take that turn,” said Gonzalez-Gorman.

The number of those in power, including law enforcement, judges and others, is great.

"I think without putting an actual number to it, we could be well over a hundred just in the last five years,” said Gonzalez-Gorman.


Anonymous said...

The most open corupt politician in Brownsville is Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera. He does not mind people knowing that he is corrupt, but what is done about it? Nothing. That is he is called The black Mamba he can look you in the eye while he buries his teeth in your butt. How can you change a corupt society when the politicians are corupt.

Anonymous said...

I know we don't like to hear the truth, but the truth is what it is. Corruption is found in all cultures all over the world. Dishonesty and greed is part and parcel of human nature. That said, Latin American cultures have made public official corruption the cultural norm. It is expected that public officials will use their position to enrich themselves, their family and friend and to punish their enemies. Like it or not that is the unvarnished truth.

In any place where two cultures come together, there will be cultural overlap. A line on a map does not divide culture. Here in the Valley we share cultural values with Mexico and the United States. It is impossible to be raised here and not share dual cultural values.

I don't think any proof is necessary that Mexico has a culture of corruption. It is to be expected that we in the Valley will have that same value. We share Mexican family values, music, food and many other similar traits. Why do we think that we would not also share Mexican values toward how public office holders view their office. The difference is that we on the North side of the river seem to be bothered by it and those on the South side of the river just shrug it off as normal.

If past history of this blog has any value, people will be quick to denounce me as a Mexican hating Gringo, who need to go back to where I came from. I am not a Gringo and I am a native of Brownsville. I just don't have my head stuck so far up my brown ass that light and truth cannot enter. We can either be like our brother and sister to the South and accept it with a shrug or we jump up and down and be bothered by it yet do nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Corruption in the valley ? It is a Democrat / Mexican problem.

Anonymous said...

It's big egos, small minds, easy cash, and low voter turn out.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame to face it but the problem is bigger than politician's.
It's business as usual.
Too many people making money off drugs and gambling.

Anonymous said...

To February 11, 2018 at 11:55 AM

Don't look in the mirror menso because you'll see what you just describe in your stupid posting. That's exactly what the gringos (your friends) want you to think. Corruption originated in Europe and brought over here, along with their rats, cockroaches and diseases. Pinche pendejo coco.

Anonymous said...

Poster at February 11, 2018 at 11:55 AM

Learn to write to make any sense, know the meaning of correlation and causation. Don't confuse yourself. Sometimes it's better to keep quiet so as not to be seen as a fool. You are not realistic in your attitude to situations and problems that are beyond your control. Your insinuations of value for this blog and other accusations are convoluted and extremely mixed up and difficult to follow. Like your good buddy Trump would say "heavy redaction" but in this case please don't bother.

Anonymous said...

Yes there is... but its not only in the RGV.

Im not sure if you have a TV or internet, but places like Washington DC, have a problem. You might want to look into it.

Looks like someone needs to get out some more.

CC Taxpayer! said...

Of course, because us "idiots," the voters allow it! We know who the crooks are and yet we vote them into office. The ones who run to try and make it better will never win because there are those who want to continue with the crooks knowing full well that we are the ones who lose in the end. Example: (Have to put alleged crooks or Montoya won't post)Tony Yzaguirre, Rene "Wreck'um Ralph Oliveria, JoE rodriguez, Chris Boswell, Tudor Ulhorn, Tony of Brownsville, etc..

Anonymous said...

I heard Enrique Escobedo say "Si No Hay Transa No Avansas"
He mentored the thief of Cesar Lopez so the Saga Continues!!

Don't be fooled the Fat Pig Erasmo Castro was the one who received the recording from Carlos Elizondo and he has mentioned running for the BISD Board in Carlos Elizondo's Seat since they are buddies now.

Voters need to pay attention who they will be VOTING FOR IN NOVEMBER 2018..

El Pendojo Rata De Cowan no Vale Madre Y Es Rata!!!!
La Idiota De La Laura Perez Reyes No Vale Madre Mas Que Para Temblar Cuando Habla.
La Sylvia Atkinson Mas Mamona Que Serpiente!!!
El Joe Rodriguez Rata, Rata, Rata !!!
La Minerva Es Otra Idiota Que Nadamas Le Gusta Tragar!!
El Cesar Lopez Pelado Come Mierda!!!
El Carlos Elizondo Rata, Rata, Rata!!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention la chisquis Gowen, by the way does anybody know where the city Bike barn is located, and how many city employees work there?

Anonymous said...

9:30 AM Damn vato, you flunked remedial reading. How did you get your GED with such poor reading skills?

Anonymous said...

Here in Brownsville we have political families (also referred to as political dynasties) which are involved in politics, particularly electoral politics, and transcend generations.

Sustainability by getting family members re-elected by any means. Progressively enhancing their family status, so that future generations are able to enjoy at least the same levels of economic sustainability, social status and continuation of their dynasty.

To simplify our political history very much, it has essentially been a struggle to shift political power and accountability from these political dynasties. For one they are generally unknown to the general public. There is an undercurrent that desperately is seeking to find out who they are so the chain of these dynasties will cease to exist and maybe the current wave or corruption will stop.

Anonymous said...

Yes corruption is rife in the capitol, but we live in the RGV and have our own corruption issues to worry about.

Anonymous said...

To EL PENDEJO at February 12, 2018 at 3:08 PM

Well you must have failed to reach the required standards in school so don't even think about taking the GED. Save your funny money. Hint - Your basic requirements are READING AND WRITING, skill you don't have. Good Luck. MENSO!

Anonymous said...

Political corruption is not a result of a Mexican culture or necessarily because of the Democratic Party. It is a result of a weakness in human psychology. The poor and the lower middle class have been susceptible to being corrupted by those who obsess over political power. So in "white" Missouri, the Pendergast political gang (Democrats) was able to get Harry Truman elected to the United States Senate; in New York City, Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall (Democrats) controlled local politics; in Louisiana, the "Kingfish" Huey Long (Democrat) controlled politics; and in Duval County, Texas, George Parr (the Duke of Duval) discovered enough votes from dead people (but registered) to elect Lyndon Johnson to the United States Senate.

There are many more non-Mexican culture examples. It does seem true that the Democratic Party has had far more than its fair share of political crooks. But recall that the Democratic Party always prided itself on having the largest "tent". New immigrants to the United States and the lower classes were attracted to the benefits that the Democratic Party typically provided. On the other hand, also recall that the Republican Party was often categorized as the party of the rich.

Anywhere in the world where there are poor and near-poor people, you will find "leaders" who are a bit more educated, a bit more clear thinking about using political fraud to acquire power. They will use the poor and near poor.

Is that true of Mexico and Central America? Sure. In Brownsville, Texas? Sure. In New York City? Sure. In Chicago? Sure. In Miami? Sure. In New Orleans? Sure.

Is the Republican Party immune to these political shenanigans? Maybe some time ago. Maybe. But in 2016, the Republican Party changed. Lower class Caucasian voters switched from the Democratic Party in significant numbers --- adding themselves to the party of the rich to elect Mr. Trump. They might not go back to the Democratic Party. (It has changed also and is changing --- #metoo, for example). If that happens and those people susceptible to being corrupted stick with the new Republican Party, then it is certainly possible that the Republican Party will suffer its share of corruption in local politics (not limited to Brownsville).

Anonymous said...

List of republicans CONVICTED of corruption,
bribery recently:
Nixon, Andrew J. Hinshaw, Bernard Kerik, Bill Janklow, Brian J. Doyle, Buzz Lukens, Caspar Weinberger, Charles R. Forbes, Charles Colson, David Durenberger, Deborah Gore Dean, Duke Cunningham, Dwiht Chaplin, H.R Halderman, Jeb Magruder, Jesse Helms, John Ehrlichman, John Mitchell, Oliver North, Spiro Agnew, Want more. All Republicans including a President and Vice President.

Anonymous said...

Trump's best example of political corruption is himself a republican. Want More?

chon said...

juan, Yes plenty to go around in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy and Starr counties, maybe due to something in the water? Folks what do you all think?

Anonymous said...

The gringos at PUB are at fault. Don't drink the water in Brownsville if you are a Mex.
