Saturday, February 10, 2018


Image result for city of brownsville fire department
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

And we thought things would get better at the Brownsville Fire Department after disgraced fire chief Carlos Elizondo was jettisoned by the city administration.

Well, guess again.
Those of us who are still here are looking at some of the hiring practices of the "new" chief Jarrett Sheldon and detect a faintly similar pattern as under the Elizondo regime.

For example, the son of 30-year firefighter veteran Juan Raul Martinez got passed over the eligibility list when he came in 24th and was replaced by another applicant who scored #27. Could it be that Juan Raul Martinez Jr got passed over by Kenneth Breaux Jr, who just happens to be a relative of one of the administrative brass there. It wouldn't be because he's a relative of Acting Training Chief Edward Guerrero, would it? Nahhh.

Then why was Martinez served with a certified letter only after the eligibility list had expired Jan. 21 even though the letter was dated Jan. 11 and it wasn't until Jan. 23rd that Martinez received it? Previously, Martinez had been told by interim chief Sheldon that he was disqualified because he was tardy to an orientation meeting set for the candidates who had passed the physical agility exam. Yet, we know he had been told by the administrative secretary to show up at 11 a.m. He showed up early and to his surprise, he was late when he arrived at 10:07 a.m. He tried to explain to no avail and was sent on his way.

Then, in the certified letter, he was told that he was disqualified as a result of some negative results of his background check without any further explanation. He filed for a civil service commission hearing but that hasn't been scheduled. Yet the new entry level test has already been posted for March. Funny how things work. In the posting, Martinez is already disqualified because of a two-year requirement if he applied and was disqualified previously. This despite the fact that the administration is required to give a sufficient reason for him being passed over.

Not only has Martinez fallen victim to Sheldon's compadrismo, but 10 other candidates were skipped over to accommodate #18 Jose Cisneros, the son of a City of Brownsville employee who works at the Brownsville South padre Island International Airport who happens to be a longtime friend of former deputy chief David Hinojosa. Hinojosa, by the way, just happens to be the good buddy of Sheldon's father. Draw your own conclusions from that.

Seems like it's business as usual at the old Fire Department.


Anonymous said...

Someone spotted Sheldon eating breakfast with a commissioner. What a kiss ass. Little does he know what they are up too ����

Anonymous said...

What a shithole!

Anonymous said...

Is he related to that guy that used to talk to dogs over at the county?

Anonymous said...

Pinche Pelon Hinojosa.

Anonymous said...

Is being the son of a veteran fire fighter a qualification? As this is written it looks like the real complaint here is not that they showed favoritism. The complaint seems to be that they showed favoritism to the wrong guy.

Anonymous said...

Sheldon and his little puppet Asst. Pedraza are products of Carlos " La Rata " Elizondo. How can the City Commissioners reward Carlos Elizondo by appointing his little side kicks and his partners in crime to fill in these positions.Shelton is a total disgrace to the entire BFD just like his "Papi" Carlos Elizondo was. Birds of a feather flock together. Same shit different names.

Anonymous said...

For those who did not get why the veteran firefighter was mentioned, I'll explain. It is to show that there is a "clicka" who gets favors and then there is everyone else. The numbers provided are a amatter of public record. Before you sling your mud get informed.

Anonymous said...

Ask "Chief" Edward Guerrero why he is working in McAllen for MedCare EMS ?
He used to work for IAEMT, Carlos Elizondo's ambulance company.
The whole fir3 administration needs to be replaced. But it's the taxpayer's paying the price.

Anonymous said...

Please, more stories about the fire department ! Fire them all and replace with a private company . Too much corruption . Too many immature , vulgar idiots. Too much drama.

Anonymous said...

Let it go Mario all that hate is eating you up inside. This is what you need to do. Tomorrow when you wake up look at yourself in the mirror and say this out loud. I will never be the fire chief. Let it sink in come to terms with it and accept it. It's not good to be full of so much anger. Enjoy the twilight of your career and try to go out with some dignity. Not with the reputation you have now of being a petulant child. When you spin uour yarns the guys aren't laughing with you they are laughing at you. Is that really how you want to be remembered.

Anonymous said...

Yes lets put this drama to rest we cant go judging people or (administrations) because of what other people say or we perceive without knowing the facts. If that was the case I would have to beleive that the union president is a part of the village people group. That is the perception I got from his news picture. Which is not the case if you spoke to the man. No disrespect intended. And as for the idiot remark. Yes they must be because they run into buildings on fire laying their lives on the line for people they dont even know. So, I would gladly take a vulgar idiots as you call them over an educated scholar in my time of need. Now, if you can do my taxes and get me a big refund you can be a hero too.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of cry babies

Anonymous said...

Donde anda Teran?

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps if you were such grandiose "journalists" you might have uncovered the reason why they were actually disqualified. All I am reading here is hearsay and ad hominem. While I have no doubts that any organization, private or government oriented can have favoritism, Civil Service is cut throat. If you so much as neglect any information or have negative infractions, you will be disqualified. Might any of those people "unjustly" overlooked have those?

Anonymous said...

Next we'll see an article on how the Fire Chief was merely walking down the street and that with that action he was stealing tax payer dollars or causing the next apocalypse... You'd think gossiping women instead of firefighters work there at this rate.

Anonymous said...

Fire Administration has made enough mistakes that cost taxpayers alot of money but they go after field personnel like their sh*t doesn't stink. If the administration would stay in their little office & not get in the way, nobody would be complaining.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't they hang their underwear (chones) on the top windows. They used to do that.

Anonymous said...

If they do that they might feel at home and become one big happy family. I think chisquiada might agree.

Anonymous said...

I bet they're all pink (y tangas).
