Wednesday, February 28, 2018


By Juan Montoya

There is Battle Royale in full swing for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party of Cameron County.

It is a battle which is part of a war that began some four years ago when challenger Carlos Masso tried unsuccessfully for the second time to defeat incumbent Luis V. Saenz. Along the way, both sides gained adherents, resulting in two main factions who have squared off in this year's primaries.

Masso is in an election race for the 197th District Court to be vacated by incumbent Migdalia Lopez next January 2019. Aside from Masso, there are also Adolfo Cordova, Gerardo "Gerry" Linan and Sonia Herrera. But since this is a two-county district (Cameron and Willacy), the split in the Cameron County Democrats has less of a bearing on the results.

Linan has run for office before as has Herrera. And Cordova is well liked by most attorneys since he served as a magistrate for many years at Rucker-Carrizales. But in terms of name recognition, Masso has the upper hand. Can Masso pull it off without a runoff? Or will the vitriol generated in his two encounters with Saenz poison that dream and extend the race with one of these opponents?

It is in the other races that the split becomes more marked.
The lightning-rod race has to be the contest for Cameron County Clerk between incumbent Sylvia Garza-Perez and Lali Betancourt. Garza-Perez won her position and openly supported Masso with her growing constituency. She originally filed for county judge, but party old-timers talked her into switching position to allow former county clerk Joe Rivera to run for judge instead.

Rivera lost and Garza-Perez took over his office. She is running for re-election.
But politicians in South Texas have long memories and bear grudges, like the mascot for the other party is said to never forget.

Many say that Betancourt – the daughter of an iconic political dynasty started by the late Adolfo Betancourt – is DA Saenz's foil to Garza-Perez and that Team Saenz is pushing hard for her to defeat upstart Garza-Perez. The Betancourts hold several public offices such as county treasurer (David) and a county court-at-law judgeship (Laura).

The incumbent, who has forged alliances along the way, has also attracted other constituencies – including an alliance with current county judge Eddie Treviño – to try to stay in office. Among those supporting her is county tax assessor-collector Tony Yzaguirre who has a bone to pick with the DA who had him indicted by a jury on 23 corruption counts.

Yzaguirre was tried by a jury in Nueces County and acquitted. But he – and others – say that Saenz jumped the gun and filed the charges before the federal and state joint task force investigation was complete that resulted in the botched trial. They credit the ensuing publicity with boosting Saenz over Masso in what was generally seen as a tight race with Masso holding a thin edge over the incumbent.

Sources close to Yzaguirre say that it cost him upwards of $1,000 in legal fees over more than a year to clear his name. Recently, the same court where he was arraigned ordered the expungement of the charges for all public documents.

Many said it was ironic that the judge – Janet Leal of the 107th District Court and a former partner in the same law office where Sanez practiced law – signed the expungement order.

The Yzaguirre/Garza-Perez alliance was forged when she administered the oath to the then-indicted tax assessor-collector before he was tried. There were rumors at the time – later confirmed – that at a birthday party for treasurer Betancourt, he was introduced as the new county tax assessor-collector. When Garza-Perez administered the oath of office to Yzaguirre, that possibility evaporated. 

Charges that Garza-Perez is using her office to favor friends and punish enemies and has forced her staff to support her reelection have been bandied about in social media. Some charge that she has allowed her staff to steer couples who have paid for their marriage license in her office toward JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, an ally. She denies it and says her staff is under orders to tell couples they can marry before a priest, a minister, any judge, or the JP of their choice.

They say that claims by her campaign that her staff is hosting an event today at a local sports bar is false and that the staff members are being used involuntarily for her campaign.

If Betancourt should win, she is sure to put an end to those rumors and change the system at the office to dispell them. That is garnering some traction among the other JPs who have complained about the huge disparity in the number of lucrative marriage ceremonies ($200 to $350 a pop) between Salazar and all the other JPs in the county.

Garza-Prez's supporters, on the other hand, say that Lali Betancourt is being used by Saenz to get back at the county clerk for her support of his former challenger. They also say that Saenz supporting Betancourt is bowing before a political dynasty that has been entrenched on the county payroll for decades and that a change is needed. They criticize Saenz's support of candidates to different county and judicial offices saying he wants to exert an imperial influence in the entire county.

There are quirks, to be sure.

For example, in the JP 2-2 race between incumbent Jonathan Gracia and Cameron County Sheriff's Department Captain Javier Reyna, Saenz is said to be favoring Gracia. They say that Reyna is Salzar's nephew and that Saenz was openly supporting former DA Public Integrity Unit Chief Victor Cortez – a Republican – against Reyna's boss Sheriff Omar Lucio. Salazar's son, Ruben Cortez, is currently trying to hold on to his District 2 seat on the Texas State School Board of Education and has been present at many Reyna functions.

Gracia's supporters have said that Reyna has cost the county money as a result of lawsuits alleging official abuse, but have yet to provide the details. Reyna has charged that Gracia is too busy with his law practice to be available to law enforcement agencies when he is needed to make rulings. They scoff at his claim that he is a "full-time" judge.

There are two other candidates in that race, former constable office administrator Fred Martinez and Diego Hernandez, a supervisor at the Cameron County District Clerk Office. Will their votes throw the race into a runoff and exacerbate the schism between the two factions in the party? 

Since Betancourt and Garza-Perez are the only two candidates for county clerk in the Democrat and Republican ballots, one of them will fill the office in November if they win the primary.

As the split branches off into the different races, it has now become a us-against-them dilemma where potential candidates for public office in the county feel they are being forced to choose one or the other. And waiting in the wings is Carlos Cascos, the only Republican candidate for county judge who will face either Treviño or Robert Sanchez in the November general election.

Image result for luis saenz swearing in cascosThat this is happening in the home county of the chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, former county judge Gilberto Hinojosa, leaves much to be said about fostering unity in the party under his watch. Additionally, his former county judge office assistant Jared Hockema, waltzed into the county party chairmanship without opposition because she didn't let anyone know she was not going to run for reelection.

The smart money boys say it will be Treviño facing Cascos. If it is, the split becomes a biparty one since Cascos is an ally of the DA and in fact was sworn in by Saenz when he won reelection in 2014 but left to serve as Texas Secretary of State before returning to reclaim his old post.

Which way will Saenz go if it comes to that given the bad blood between Treviño's supporters and his Team Saenz? We've already seen some Democrats inviting Cascos to their rallies. Will the Demo split continue into the general election?


Anonymous said...

You can’t talk about Carlos Masso or Sylvia Garza Perez without mentioning their relationships with convicted politiqueros and the queen of politiqueras. Come on Juan, keep these crooks exposed.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia garza perez is forcing her employees to gather around a bar on central Blvd and pretend they are supporting her there are only a few of the employees that are supporting her those with federal convictions and a few non voting employees the office is in shambles as Sylvia walks in with her bad day attitude hates everyone around ca. It be she smells defeat

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso is a proven loser...why does he keep running; probably because he can't make a living as an attorney. The Reyna Brothers seek to expand their local influence/power while Omar Lucio is still alive. Wouldn't be surprised to see his brother run for Lucio's position. Gracia is a good JP. If he can get all his business done and practice law...that's fine with me. I will vote for Lali Betancourt....not because I like the Betancourt dynasty, but the incumbent reminds me of Aurora de la Garza; a female political scum-bag.

Anonymous said...

As said by @4:42, Gracia is a good JP. during his tenure he has done his job and him having an outside law practice has not seemed to slowed down anything at the JP office. Lali Betancourt also a good choice, no matter the Betancourt dynasty, they have all behaved well enough to stay out of the limelight and keep them out of the chisme. Plus they do their jobs as well as can be expected in this county. Sylvia Garza-Perez on the other hand has not functioned as promised and her staff has turned on her, she is said to be a tyrant and demands loyalty even when she treats her employees like shit. Hard to keep a office running smoothly when your employees dislike you. Will see what happens March 6. Please Vote!

Anonymous said...

Cascos has our vote ! Democrat voting republican not with team Trevino he has not proven to be an effective leader anyone who runs in a pack suffers consequences

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Garza Perez has force her staff to campaigne for her knowing good and well that more than half of her staff can't stand her. Yet she requires them to participate in Bar events and where she orders that each staff member give at least $10 to her to spend on bar drinks.She is know for having events in bars and getting trashed, using her husband as a token till he finally snaped and dump her flirty drunken ass. She is supported by the most corrupted officials in Cameron County such as Carlos "El Relaje" Elizondo, Eddie Treviño, Tony Izaquirre, Gilberto Hinojosa Joey Lopez and J.P. Mike "Mi Compadre" Trejo. Birds of a feather do flock together. Pinches corruptos.

Anonymous said...

Its hard to believe employees are Criminals in those offices? Give us some names come on we need names.

Paulina Rosenbaum said...

Everyone posts anonymous. If you have something to say grow some balls and put your name.

Anonymous said...

Wow free drinks I'll go for that. Hey Juan ask her to post the date of her next bar pachanga. I won't miss that for sure.

Anonymous said...

Lali Betancourt has all the BIG names in Brownsville supporting her .

Lettie P. Garzoria
Rigo Bocanegro
William Garza
and of course the BIGGEST name in Cameron County politics....



Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos you left with Secretary of State what happened you couldn't soar with the eagles? Or Were they not corupt enough? Stay out of Judge Eddie Trevino's way you had your chance, besides he's way more of a Judge than you ever were, let him be.
Carlos Cascos you're like Linda Salazar it's time to retire.

Y esa de las pelotas de donde salio? Pauling Rosenbaum

Anonymous said...

People should remember that Masso, as a port commissioner voted to bring us not one, not two but three LNG plants. These plants are going to forever change the eastern part of this county. Have you read the list of pollutants they will be putting into the air in significant quantities (by their own admission as per the announcements of the permit applications). Lots of stuff that will harm you and do harm to the environment, including the Laguna Madre, South Bay and Gayman Bridge. Anyone who lives downwind and has breathing problems probably should think about moving. So, even if you think Masso will make a good judge you must decide if he should suffer the consequence of his decision to support LNG. If there is no consequence for elected officials what is to stop them in the future? I think Masso came to believe his job was to represent the port when his responsibility was actually to represent the people of the navigation district. He lost his way and sold us out.

Anonymous said...

A Carlos and Cindy Elizondo comment. Pathetic wannabes. Losers. Never again will I vote for you dirty rat.

Anonymous said...

Running scared sylvia comes to the office all bipolar like it’s the employees fault that she is getting defeated she knows the staff is not with her only a few favorites that kiss her fat ass but I’m glad the nightmare is coming to an end ! Go lali

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to candidates reaching out to church gatherings, community meetings and visiting with different groups to hear their concerns and needs in their community. Now a days it's about having events at bars. Sylvia Garza Perez has had to events back to back in sleezy bars. Everyone knows that she loves to visit local bars and that she gets drunck and trashed at times dancing by herself and getting flirty with men quando ya anda mamada. Is that what you want from a public official. Please vote for someone respectfull like Lali Bentancourt.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos you left with Secretary of State what happened you couldn't soar with the eagles? Or Were they not corupt enough? Stay out of Judge Eddie Trevino's way you had your chance, besides he's way more of a Judge than you ever were, let him be.
Carlos Cascos you're like Linda Salazar it's time to retire.

Y esa de las pelotas de donde salio? Pauling Rosenbaum

Anonymous said...

Shut up Bipolar ERIKA RATERRA DE LA TORRE how dare you still hold a position in her office and talk terribly about her behind her back. Lali betancourt has no chance. Go Sylvia Go you can defeat her, by the way dont forget to fire Erika.

Anonymous said...

Shut up ERIKA RATTERA DE LA TORRE you still talk crap and she still manages to keep you in the county's payroll, but not for long bitch with her winning on March 6, she will not think twice of getting your fake boob ass out of there.

Anonymous said...

SHUT THE FUCK UP ERIKA RATERRA DE LA TORRE why do you hate Mrs Garza-Perez so much, I know why! you cant manipulate her to sleep with you like you do with all this County Men that are so week for your stinky infected vaginers!!

Anonymous said...

You can't talk about Sylvia without mentioning the ass whooping she is going to give Lali on Tuesday .

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the names . What I can tell you is that Sylvia is going to win on Tuesday !

Anonymous said...

I will tell you what's going happen March 6th .


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, but she needs to get rid of all the traitors: Erika la RATTERA, Diana Gomez LA I will beat you If you screw my fat boy! And dont forget Hilda that thinks she's all that, and last but the least Ana Silva that plays the innocent victim but is worse then chucky with a deadly weapon. Mrs Sylvia Garza- Perez do a back ground check you will be in shock!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too many Betancourts, enough with this clan.

Anonymous said...

All of them are dirty

Anonymous said...

Those who know you and dont like you must know how bad you talk about Mrs Sylvia- Garza Perez. "Remember what they say keep Your friends close but your enemies closer"

Anonymous said...

To this person - Don't kiss ass to anyone and especially Sylvia. . Have sum self-respect. . But by GOD! ! ! be assured that everyone and I mean EVERYONE gets what they deserve one way or another. . Love your enemies Bless those who curse you, Do good to those who hate you, And pray for those who persecute you. . . . ENOUGH with all the BS PEOPLE ! ! ! ! !

Anonymous said...
Shut up Bipolar ERIKA RATERRA DE LA TORRE how dare you still hold a position in her office and talk terribly about her behind her back. Lali betancourt has no chance. Go Sylvia Go you can defeat her, by the way dont forget to fire Erika.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 1,2018 at 8:27 PM

Your nightmare has just begun .
