Wednesday, February 7, 2018


By Juan Montoya
And so the Climate Survey conducted by the Region One on the Brownsville Independent School District came to the conclusion that "everyone is happy to have a job at BISD," in the words of a trustee at Tuesday's meeting.

Of the BISD's total 7,658 employees employees (a number released by the district's Public Information Office), 57 percent participated in the survey. The other 3,293 declined to take the survey for a number of reasons, including some that said they did not because they felt threatened by retaliation by the administration if they gave unsatisfactory answers.

So with some 4,365 employees responding, the percentages of "agree" and "strongly agree" answers to whether they were happy on the job or would recommend to others that they work at BISD or their campus, in those categories hovered over 70 percent, or just above.

To the Region 1 Climate Survey and the BISD administrators, that number was acceptable and, as one said, "outstanding."

"I want to congratulate the staff for the overall wellness of the district," said trustee Joe Rodriguez, better known for coaching than for cheerleading in his heyday oh, so long ago. "People enjoy working with us."

But do they?

*If 70 percent of the respondents (4,365) agreed or agreed strongly, that only amounts to 3,055, less than 3,829, half of the total 7,658 BISD employees.

*If 80 percent of those taking the survey (4,365) agree that things are peachy at the BISD or that they felt warm and fuzzy toward the administration, that amounts to 3,492, fewer than half of the total BISD workforce (3,829).

*Even in 90 percent of the 4,365 taking the survey answered positively, that is only 3,928, just a bit over 50 percent of the BISD workforce of 3,829.

The fact of the matter is, such high results (80 to 90 percent) were only attained in administrators' responses to the survey. That means that those at the top are happy while the ones below – whose responses were much lower in the agree strongly agree categories – are not happy campers.

In other words, the BISD is extremely polarized between those who are receiving the goodies while the majority is not.

Trustee Phil Cowen, always the master of the understatement, greeted the skewered results with his usual plaudits.

"I am very pleased," he said. "It is rather incredible."

Well, Phil, for once you are right. It is rather incredible that sitting trustees who should know a bit more about statistics and skewered survey results would take the administration's bait and make themselves blind to the fact that there is a huge level of discontent among the BISD ranks.


Anonymous said...

How strange that the RrunRrun gets all these statistics before the employees do? Who is the leak? Someone in Trump's administration must be leaking down here too. The problem is in your facts regarding those that participated were only 57%. Where were the rest of the scary cats? If they have facts to backup accusations, they should stand up and speak out. That they are afraid of retiliation - on an anonymous survey? Nobody in the district read the results before region one who conducted the survey after the board decide to hire them for $13,000 to conduct the survey. They run around complaining about even the color of the toilet paper, but refuse to put their thoughts into action, just like the reputation teachers have for not voting in regular elections. Simple - if someone is dissatisfied, quit and go work for IDEA or wherever, but quit complaining and picking up you check and all the benefits provided for you. You will never find a person who is 100% content in his job because he will find someway or the other to compare what he does to the other that doesn't do anything. Quit checking on others and do you work!!! Turn in your retirement papers but oh, it is too late for this year to pick up the incentive pay - shucks. Put up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

Was it really anonymous? Everyone had to sign in at their campus, CAB, and main office. It is also of interest that the superintendent created the questions without input of the board who were the ones wanting the survey. Overall, the board did not understand the results as they were presented. The comments they made only verified their mid guidance of what they thought were good results.

Of particular interest was SPA telling Z that they neef to do it again in November. Why November? A new board of trustees will be on board in November. Pena, Lopez, Rodriguez, and Elizondo will all be up for re-election. Rumors have already begun with those who are to run and of the people Z is trying to bring in to kerp her afloat.

Z needs to give credit to the principals running all the schools in the district for their hard work instead of videotaping herself a hundred times at all the campuses acknowleding staff without mention of the campus leadership. Z dorsett like what you do unless it was her idea. Aligning herself with Alarcon is definitely an err in judgment. I can only think of one bigger backstabber than her in BISD.

A better idea in the future is to provide scantrons for surveys that can be mailed in or dropped off so that no one traces your IP address and your assigned computer.

Meanwhile, Dr. Carl Montoya appears to be resigning earlier than expected in Judson.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think the teachers at IDEA Schools are any happier or more satisfied with their job situation than those that are teaching at the BISD.

IDEA schools have many problems also, so if you don't know thst then you need to shut up as well.
