Sunday, February 4, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: While the political uproar continues in Washington over the construction of a $25 billion wall and the granting a road to citizenship to 1.6 million "Dreamers," one couldn't tell by walking along the southern border, the Rio Grande in Brownsville, Texas across the charco from Matamoros, Mexico.

Pedestrians walk and motorists drive across on the bridge while wildlife live in the tepid waters below.

The wading bird on top is hunting along the southern side of the river while the dove below pecks along the access road under the Gateway bridge on the U.S. side. We thank one of our seven readers for sharing these photos with us.)


Anonymous said...

Show up Friday at 1530 gours and take pictures of the thousand kids in bisd and idea uniforms going home for the weekend. One bus stops at the old payless building and the 2nd stops right at the INS building to drop off the students.

Anonymous said...

But, Juan, you're still a Mexican!

Anonymous said...

Please note that it is President Trump the "Mexican hating racist" who is putting forth allowing 1.8 Million dreamers and family to stay with a pathway to citizenship. This just proves how wrong the Dems were about the man.

Trump wants in return tighter border security including some more wall, the end to chain migration and the visa lottery. These are reasonable requests, so if the Dems block these requests and the Dreamers get deported, it is on them.

Anonymous said...

Typing Monkey and Hermaphrodites forever

Anonymous said...

Your probably a stupid minded person that doesnt go to school,and is jealous at least they are getting educated loser!!
