Saturday, March 24, 2018


(Cameron County Commissioner Precinct 2 Alex Dominguez welcomes guest and gives thanks to Public Works employees Friday morning during Cameron County Public Works Precinct 2 Building groundbreaking ceremony. Photo by Miguel Roberts)
By Nadia Tamez Robledo
The Brownsville Herald

Cameron County officials held a groundbreaking ceremony Friday to celebrate the forthcoming Precinct 2 Public Works Building.

The 9,000-square-foot facility will move public works employees out of the aging warehouse on 14th Street in Brownsville and into the area they serve.

Cameron County Eddie TreviƱo Jr. lauded the public works employees for operating with limited resources at their current location.

“You kind of wonder how these guys have made do for so long with so little,” he said. “Whether it’s cold or hot, or occasionally windy, our public works employees are out there doing everything that needs to be done.”

For rest of story, click on link below:


Anonymous said...

Too late. I'm voting for Rene!

Anonymous said...

Friday morning shouldn't they be working? Why not on a sat or sun? Pura pinche politica just to get votes you give county employees off with pay..MAMON

Anonymous said...

"speaks welcomes." ESL, Montoya? LOL

Anonymous said...

Again, an example of what Alex Dominguez has done for his constituents. We have not ever benefited from Rene. VOTE FOR ALEX DOMINGUEZ FOR OUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

“There is tremendous opposition to LNG in the Valley,” Rebekah Hinojosa, Rio Grande Valley Sierra Club organizer, said in a press release. “Not only are local residents sending public comments, city council members representing them have passed resolutions opposing LNG, intervened on the company federal permit applications, and cities are demanding contested case hearings from the TCEQ for the LNG air permits.”

Rio Grande LNG includes three companies that have applied to the state and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for permission to build a plant for liquefying and shipping natural gas delivered to the Valley via a pipeline.
