Wednesday, March 7, 2018


By Juan Montoya
After local pundits and Da Pendejita @ Macalitos plainly stated that District 37 State Rep Rebe Oliveira would wipe out his two challengers without a runoff given his "seniority" as the fifth longest-serving member of the House, we went back to their predictions to see how they fared.

Local pundit Jerry McHale and his phantom STJA predicted the outcome thusly:   

"State Representative District 37: Rene Oliveira, 57%; Alex Dominguez, 39%, Arturo Alonso, 4%.

Starr: "As was stated earlier, Oliveira is the man and you can't expect boys to do a man's job. Oliveira is a player while Dominguez would have to sit on the bench before the Democrats would even call his name to pinch hit. Alonso remains anonymous."

Well, not quite. In fact, the "anonymous" candidate turned out to garner more than 15 percent of the primary vote and threw the race into a runoff between Barnacle Oliveira and current Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez.

The results were actually:

*State Rep., District 37:                 Total   %      Early     Mail-in       Election Day    
Arturo Alonzo                                  966     15.2       561         50                355
Alex Dominguez                            2,329     36.44   1,380      117               832
RenĂ© O. Oliveira                            3,096     48.44   1,705      284               1,107

Ditto for the cosmopolitan, media-savvy, and intrepid prognosticator of past events from Macalitos. He said with his affected, jaded "journalist" air that:

"The Republic projects Incumbent State Rep. Rene “The Plump Partridge” Oliveira will hold on to his District 37 legislative seat after today’s primary vote is counted. Left on the mat one more time will be his opponent, former Cameron County Commissioner Alex Dominguez.

Oliveira’s return to Austin for his latest 2-year term brings him closer to his goal of serving area residents for a full 40 years. A heavy, heavy turnout for early-voting bodes well for the veteran politician. Dominguez never was able to mount a credible, Upset City-like campaign against the well-heeled Oliveira, who outhustled him on the campaign contributions trail.

Dominguez bet the farm on voters perhaps being up to their necks in Oliveira’s fun-seeking social activities, those noted by Dominguez and his supporters being drinking and womanizing. Oliveira, however, is a bachelor from a part of the state that treasures a good shot of tequila at dawn, at lunch, at Siesta and at dinner.

No word on where the ever-ambitious Dominguez goes politically from here…"

How about to a runoff, Sherlock? It was easy enough to "predict" Joey Lopez beating Rigo Bocanegra since the firefighter was no match for the political insider Lopez. Or so some people thought.

Funny how many of our local candidates have taken to talk with a lisp. In this guy's case, he has developed a literary tic and has gotten into the unnerving habit of writing with an ellipse... Ellipsoid Disorder?

McHale also "predicted" the outcome for the 197th State District outcome. His ephemeral STJA prediction was:

Carlos Masso, 40%; Adolfo Cordoba, 23%; Sonia Herrera, 22%; Gerry Linan, 15%.

Starr: "This is really about a race for second place and the runoff. Cordoba has campaigned harder, but there is a blind female vote that might prove the difference for Herrera. Though judges are important in their own minds, most voters don't recognize their names and vote ignorantly for idiosyncratic reasons."

Apparently, they do. In this one, there is no telling what the voters will do in the runoff. The actual results were:

*197th District Court:                   Total       %     Early     Mail-in       Election Day   
Adolfo Cordova                              4,711     31.34   2 ,779       196              1,734                         
Gerardo "Garry" Linan                    1,662    12.06   1,166          75                 691                
Carlos Masso                                   4,857    32.32   2,868        247              1,742
Sonia Herrera                                   3,800    25.28  1,901         306              1,593

We went back to the other blogger in town, the so-called Brownsville Voice to copy and paste the prediction where he stated that Oliveira was a shoo-in for reelection to the District 37 state rep position, a foregone conclusion.

Lo and behold! That prediction had disappeared and it was nowhere to be found. Now La Babosa can claim that he had never predicted any result at all instead of owning up to his clouded crystal ball. Nifty, ain't it? 


Anonymous said...

How the hell can Dominguez by a current county commissioner and simultaneously run for a different office? Shouldn't he have resigned when he became a candidate?! Cameron county is a shithole because of that kind of crap.

Anonymous said...

Jerry blows and OLIVEIRA pays him.

Anonymous said...

Who allowed Rene Oliviera to carry their child in is TV appearance last night. Rene is using the child to make the public think he "cares". BULLSHIT!!!!!
Rene is more at home at the bar in Cobbleheads or having his arm around someone like Capt. Bob Sanchez's ex-wife.....or any ex-wife. Rene is a slug who leaves his sweat/slime where ever he slithers. Rene needs to go because he cares only for Rene and not the people. His vote in the Legislature if for sale to the highest bidder and he a pawn for special interest groups...not for his constituents.

brownsville literary review said...


Anonymous said...

Brownsville voice is a joke!
The man doesntbeven have the balls to post comments he disagrees with. Hats off to you Juan! Tu si tienes pantalones. Ese vato se pone WC like the wash closet. The guy's blog is full of shit. Child advocate my butt!

Anonymous said...

can't see the stuff in white. And what's with the French? You're Mexican, bro!!!!!

chano y chon said...

hey just an FYI for mr 11.30 am since alex Dominguez is on his final year and has less than 12 months left on his term as county commissioner by law he can run for another office, its state law dude, just google it.

Anonymous said...

Small towns harbor small imaginations.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't need to be a commission, as he is headed to Austin in place of the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera, who has lost his bite. This proves that the mongoose has started to bite where it hurts.

Anonymous said...

And now the end is near,
And so I face,
my final curtain.
You idiot's I said it clear
And screwed you all, for that I am certain.
I planned each chartered course, and every scam along the bye way.
It was not my fault, your ex was in the watch, so I took her my way. now that the mongoose has shown his teath, I shall run a mile, MY WAY.

Anonymous said...

Poor child was told to fail very test on purpose and for what?
