Thursday, March 15, 2018


BROWNSVILLE, Texas (March 15, 2018) – City employee Antonio M. Zamorano was escorted from City Plaza, located at 1034 E. Levee St., on March 15, 2018, by officers from the Brownsville Police Department following his arrest on one charge of bribery.

Antonio M. Zamorano joined the City of Brownsville in January 2016 as a Building & Construction Inspector. Antonio M. Zamorano has been terminated effective immediately.

“The City of Brownsville will not tolerate any actions that disrupt our mission to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the preservation of public service and trust,” said Interim City Manager Michael Lopez. 

“The City of Brownsville will continue to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the pursuit of justice. We will provide further commentary as details become available and when appropriate.”

The City of Brownsville encourages residents to report any illegal activity to Brownsville Crime Stoppers by calling (956)546-TIPS(8477) or (956)546-HELP(4357). Reports may also be submitted online at All reports may be submitted anonymously.

Other reports say that Traffic Dept. Director Robert Esparza had also been on the chopping block, but those reports could not be independently confirmed today. We will try to get an update Friday.


Anonymous said...

Who bribed him and why arent they being exposed or thrown in jail?

Anonymous said...

Chump change. Where does one go to REPORT big time, multi-million dollar white collar crime???
Unfortunately this poor guy sold his soul for a few dollars while the REAL robber barons (politicians) are busy riding around in their imported sports cars and throwing cash around like there is no tommorrow.

George Carlin says:

Anonymous said...

Pinche Rata! Barely made it two years and already in the slammer. Next one out is that piece of shit Jesse Weenes

Anonymous said...

These fuckers have been getting away with there sticky finger bullshit for a long time starting with that tonto Gamez.

Anonymous said...

“The City of Brownsville will not tolerate any actions that disrupt our mission to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the preservation of public service and trust,” said Interim City Manager Michael Lopez. And this guy is screwing a city employee named Roxanna Rosas and then tranfer her to HR so she wouldn't be under him (no pun intended) as boss. This motherfucker was just put as interim City Manager but is making so many changes & firings that is beyond normal procedures. There is something not right with this guy, the power went to his bald head and the city commissioners should get involve before there's a law suit against the city! And yes Lopez has had personal vendetta against certain city employees that he recently fired including Robert Esparza.

el monkey said...

Wow, so they are taking bribes, huh, what about that gonzlaez guy that shot and killed someone over at the toucans lounge some years ago, cabler interfered for him and he was just transferred to another department because his mommy used to be the previous HR Director. How come he has not been fired or terminated Mr. Lopez acting city manager or interim city manager why don't you check this out if you think you a big picha. monkey

Anonymous said...

Where’s Jesse Weenes in all this?

Anonymous said...

Why all the fuss now, thisbhas been going on for 20 years. Ralph Cowen built a restaurant, done all the renovations without pulling one permit until it was opened. The chief building inspector along with the City manager Charlie Cabler hid the whole thing, the building inspector resigned to take a city manager position up the valley. Cabler went on to scam the City of Brownsville for ysars, while Ralph Cowen went to the port of Brownsville.
The building inspectors were exposed some 8 years ago with the Windstorm scam, proof was sent to the city building officials, and it was hidden to cover up the Windstorm scam. At least 75% of all homes built in one area of Brownsville are not built to specification of the engineering certificate. When this was exposed to the City manager Charlie Cabler his reply was "I shall look into it" he never did. Good luck to the home owners during the next hurricane to hit their area, there will be a lot of building engineers leaving town when the insurance companies don't pay.

Anonymous said...

The City of Brownsville will not tolerate any actions that disrupt our mission to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the preservation of public service and trust,” said Interim City Manager Michael Lopez. And this guy is screwing a city employee named Roxanna Rosas and then tranfer her to HR so she wouldn't be under him (no pun intended) as boss. This motherfucker was just put as interim City Manager but is making so many changes & firings that is beyond normal procedures. There is something not right with this guy and the city commissioners should get involve before there's a law suit against the city! And yes Lopez has had personal vendetta against certain city employees that he fired including Robert Esparza

Anonymous said...

Who is Jesse Weenes?

Anonymous said...

You say report the truth for once not FICTION well what happens with retribution, the city took the word of a crooked pool buider an put me out of business, knowing the poolbuilder had 10 permits pulled by the EPA.
When reports were made who suffered the retaliation. Whe proof was presented that an employee of the BEDC stole off the BEDC credit card over $5k what was done? He was made President of the 'BEDC because he was the ring leader in the Titan scam who paid Titan $1millon when their doors were closed. Who do you report to when Charlies Cabler was scamming openly, Larry Brown of the SPIA was openly steeling from the airport, Bill Hudson was scamming GBIC. The planning department just closed their eyes and the politicians were on the take, that leave only the Dog.

Anonymous said...

What about the big honchos that get all the freebies and cuts? All those developers that cut corners and build crap plazas with tiny parking lots? Or those neighborhood developers that build subdivisions that are overcrowded and dirty.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lopez does this mean you will be investigating Charlie Cabler, well if you have a week to spare and meal alwance I can start at anytime, I shall only speak with you. Be sure to have plenty of tapes as I will need a copy. We shall cover, the planning department, Charles Cabler, Larry Brown,the BEDC, GBIC and the Windstorm scam. I shall need a copy of the complaint as I can get the tv interested in case you will not expose the guilty, as it includes politicians as well.

Anonymous said...

Look into BISD !! WOW

Anonymous said...

Omar you are next

Anonymous said...

The City of Brownsville will not tolerate any actions that disrupt our mission to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the preservation of public service and trust,” said Interim City Manager Michael Lopez. And this guy is screwing a city employee named Roxanna Rosas and then tranfer her to HR so she wouldn't be under him (no pun intended) as boss. This motherfucker was just put as interim City Manager but is making so many changes & firings that is beyond normal procedures. There is something not right with this guy and the city commissioners should get involve before there's a law suit against the city! And yes Lopez has had personal vendetta against certain city employees that he fired including Robert Esparza

Anonymous said...

“The BISD will not tolerate any actions that disrupt our mission to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the preservation of public service and trust, all students and employees' ” said DR. ZENDEJAS

Anonymous said...

Lopez has not been there long enough to get the tast of the fringe benefits of the phoney milage claims and travel expenses. He should start looking for the in house fraudulent claims, I have the documents from Charlie Cabler that i paid $540 for, so the city has the evidence already. If he. Needs dates and amounts of 3 mileage claims that were for the exact same milage 3 months in a row, then make contact. Mr.Lopez pay a young intern a wage and let then first check the commissioners milage claims for the last ten years under Cabler, then the traveling expenses for the same time, that will keep the DA busy for a while that would show many millions of US dollars not the small bribery charge of the inspector. Mr. Lopez you made the statement of no corruption in City hall, then show how big your balls are and look, you will not last a month in your job.

Anonymous said...

I want to know when Mr. Cabler will be arrested. And what about Mr. Carlos Elizondo? Why should they get away with their illegal dealings??

Anonymous said...

Don't you think these homeowners need to know now? Let them sue the city, engineers, Cabler and everyone who was involved. Give the public the area or neighborhood where this took place.

Anonymous said...

REPLY TO EL MONKEY....tienes toda la razon el tal " WILLY " sigue jalando en Public Health la mama de este fue HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Hizo chingos de favores a Cabler,y ahora nombran asst city manager al guey que era director de public health y que no hizo nada para correr ha este tal "WILLY 'sr.lOPEZ DEBE IVISTIGAR QUIEN RECOMENDO A ESTE RATA QUE PESCARON AGARRANDO MORDIDAS.

Pat Ahumada said...

It us not fair, "the buck stops here" does not apply to Cabler when the standard and epithomy of corruption was created by Cabler. Why is he not inducted and arrested? Is it because Luis Saenz looks the other way? Cabler allowed so many things because he had no principals or standards, he sold himself to the devil to get all he could for himself and we are paying for it.

Anonymous said...

yes 20 years plus I remember there was a guy raul mata, who was an inspector too and he was taking bribes but no one ever did a thing about ti and then went over tot he county to work in the county tax dept with Tony yzaguirre, Rata or Mata or not? you folks make the call.

Anonymous said...

Pat Ahumada The windstorm scam was brought to your attention but at the time you were busy with your own problems. This was happening the same time as i reported the scam on the commissioners illegall milage claims. Three commissioners claims one female and two males had the exact same milage claims for 3 months.Charlie Cabler just shrugged it of like nothing was wrong. Wben I asked how a commissioner flew to Dallas on a Friday and returned on a Monday three weeks in a row plus hotel and car hire?. His reply was "I just approve their claims. When is Charlie Cabler going to be charged.

Anonymous said...

You dont need Mr. Lopez. Do a special report with law enforcement who are not connected with Brownsville. Blow the whistle. I would if i had facts.

Anonymous said...

Is this mileage public record?? If so I will request the documents. Please let me know.

Anonymous said...

To: March 16, 2018 at 12:48 PM

You forgot the most important department the deputy dog finance department.

Anonymous said...

Let them ask the city for a copy of their inspection certificate, when the city issues that certificate then they will be held responsible for any damages due to faulty workmanship, as they gave the certificate. If they don't give you the certificate, then they will admit liability .

Anonymous said...

Yes you have to pay for the copying, Cabler gave me 3 boxes full and charged me $540 but he never checked what he gave me.

Anonymous said...

Start with the housing behind Wall Mart on 802. The old Rack Daddy's. Corruption was rife there, with the Windstorm scam.

Anonymous said...

Who do you blow the whistle to?, when the whistle was blown over the Titan scam and proof came out about some one from BEDC credit card for over $5k. The whistle blpwer got fired and the credit card thief was made President .

Anonymous said...

If the records haven't passed their retention period (per the State), then they should be available to the public. However, you have to be specific in what you are requesting because if you aren't, you'll end up with 3 boxes of documents and paying $540.

To Anon@11:02 It is not the city manager's responsibility to check the requested information. You were probably vague in your request and ended up with a bunch of unnecessary documentation.

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA.... Si le escarban desde cuando fue MAYOR el tal TREVINO a la fecha no van a caber en el bote tanta RATA que todavia trabaja en la cuidad. desde comisionados y mayores han robado tanto que por eso esta cuidad esta jodida. y para acabarla de chingar siguen corrieron para comisionados y mayores y jueeces los mismos ratas. LO QUE SE NECESITA ES QUE INTERVENGAN LAS AUTORIDADES 'FEDERALES' PARA ACABAR CON TODA ESTA CORRUPCION Y QUE LES ESCARBEN PARA ATRAS UNOS 15 ANOS.

Anonymous said...

I specifically asked for travel expenses for a certain period, and got commissioners total travel documents for three months. But he now wish he hasn't.

Anonymous said...

We shall see if lopez has got any balls, or has he all ready tasted the perks.

Anonymous said...

I saw lopez drinking expresso with sneaky pete at 7th park cafe. Ya valio!

Anonymous said...

These guys make it difficult to get a permit so you can try to bribe them. Cameron county permits department now implemented a NEW way to get more money out of your projects by charging for re-inspections. They now charge $75 dollars as punishment to contractors whenever they have to go out and do a re-inspection. That is just a license to the county officials to use the smallest of pretexts to charge you extra money for an already expensive permit. Permits in the county should be easier to obtain than in the city, but it turns out that they have worse customer service. They charge about the same as the city does and they are more stringent with they way they enforce the rules in order to milk homeowners and contractors out of more $$$$. Hope new manager who implemented this gets fired JUST LIKE GAMEZ DID IN BROWNSVILLE!
