By Jose Sandoval
Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Orgullosamente Mexicanx*
Orgullosamente mexicanx
Cuando te conviene mas,
Cuando tocan los mariachis
Y la bironga fría esta.
Cuando linda señoritas
Con sus trajes de color
Bailan por las avenidas
En brillante formación.
Pero cuando truena y llueve
La injustica y el dolor
De repente ser mexicanx
Algo pierdede de sabor.
¡Auxilio! Se oyen gritar
A madres de hijas quien
Solo en la memoria existen
Y la Ley trató con desden
¡Auxilio! Grita el migrante
Que, en busca de vida mejor,
Entro al desierto como tantos
Y un sepulcro encontró.
¡Auxilio! Grita la viuda
Que solita se quedo
Cuando en camino a Califas
Una tumba, a su marido, se tragó
¡Eres orgullosamente mexicanx!
Cuando te conviene mas
Y al terminarse tu fiesta
A otra gente volveras.
Bajo tu ancho sombrero, tu dolor esconderás,
Y entre tequila y zarapes,
Nadie te conocera
Entonces si,
El orgullo de tus gentes con tu voz proclamaras.
*Mexicanx- mexicano/mexicana
I'm calling LA MIGRA on you, Montoya! English!!!!!
When, if ever, on this blog will anybody proclaim to be proudly American. You leach off the rights and privileges of America, but proudly proclaim to be a Mexican.
Anonymous said...
When, if ever, on this blog will anybody proclaim to be proudly American. You leach off the rights and privileges of America, but proudly proclaim to be a Mexican.
March 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM
*If your last name is NOT Anglo and your ancestors were here BEFORE Texas became part of the USA, Mexican, for you is NOT a nationality but a heritage that came with your last name and has NOTHING to do with being American born and raised. I am a woman, I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, I was BORN on the 4th of July (try getting more American than that)but I was raised with tortillas, not white bread, tacos, not sandwiches and even though in school I listened to JOURNEY, Madonna or Cindy Lauper, my parents taught me to appreciate Javier Solis, Lola Beltran and even Ramon Ayala. IGNORANCE is the greatest asset you give to those who want to put you down for what should be a great asset; YOUR HERITAGE.
yo mawma sho got hahsayelf a cayas of da rayed ayss t’day.
To: March 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM
yo mawma sho got hahsayelf a cayas of da rayed ayss t’day.
General Escandon brought 5000 familes to settle this area in 1749. That's over 100 years before any pendejo gringo set foot in this area.
My last name IS Anglo and my ancestors came here before Texas became a part of the USA. We fought the Mexican's twice (1836 and 1846), the Comanche and the Yankees to keep Texas free. Before they came to Texas, they fought the French and English twice. In recent memory, they fought the Germans twice and the Japs. My mother was born on the 4th of July. I detest Mexican music, but like the food. I speak Spanish well, though I prefer my native language (English). I am a native of Brownsville. I am a proud American of the Texas version and this is my Heritage. I take affront at those who would put me and my ancestors down, something that happens frequently on this blog. If those whose name is NOT Anglo want respect for their heritage, they must respect my heritage. This is a two way street.
Hoy este pinche guerito "SOY MEXICANO HASTA LA MADRE
Mexicano hasta la madre
y orgulloso de ello estoy
el que quiera ser mi amigo
mi mano le brindo yo.
pero si quieren problemas
a sus ordenes estoy.
Soy atento con las damas
las trato con mucho amor
soy amigo del que es hombre
y enemigo del traidor
no presumo de valiente
pero me sobra valor.
Is that the best you can do, typical with your fairy tales. So you fought all these countries to keep texas free, you mean to keep your slaves. So you detest Mexican music "I" detest any and everything that's anglo.
Now go ahead and say to leave, well for your information my family has been here longer then yours way before your ancestors got released from prisons in your homeland europe. I am not asking for anglo repect nor do I want it.
Your Good Buddy trump will not be president forever as he wants to do. So all you racist republicans enjoy for it will not last forever.
Yes, Escandon brought Spaniards here. Every wonder why there are no native tribes around here?Escandon wage a war of extermination on them. That man was a Spanish Pendejo of the highest order. Nobody should be proud of him. There are no Spaniards around here anyway, just the half breed Mestizos of the raped native women.
Well, 2:59PM you should not be calling anybody racist. You say you hate all things anglo. If that doesn't make you a racist, there is no such thing as a racist.
I am "Mexicano hasta de Madre" also, but I am not a stupid, ignorant, racist.
A pot calling the kettle black! Pinche pendejo gringo racist republicans. Sin ninguna verguenza.
White trash, hillbillies, redneck all related as they marry within their own, eve the wasps. Its like who's (in) first within their own family.
To 4:27
Convoluted pendejo
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