Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Rene Humpty Dumpty had a windfall,

And Humpty Oliveira had a great fall;

All the PAC's money and the lobbyists' cash

Couldn't protect Rene Dumpty from his great crash.


Anonymous said...

Now the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera will now be exposed, the end will soon be his demise and an embarrassment for his family.

Anonymous said...

Ya Juanito! He was the top vote-getter, and he will succeed. It takes money Juanito nothing is free.

Anonymous said...

Telisiko Zeke! VATO Puñetas!

Anonymous said...

Only the freedom of speech, that will expose The black Mamba Rene Oliviera. Let him bask a little longer as he knows that he will be exposed as a disgraced lawyer and a fraudster.

Anonymous said...


Cheech & chong said...

well folks I thought rene ojete would take it hands down, but wait there seems to be a Revolution going on, maybe just maybe, he wont win this time around? Well just depends how hard and well Alex plans out his work for the run off elections, if he works it right hey who know maybe Rene will be out for GOOD. adios

Anonymous said...

Ya se lo cargo el payaso.. Im voting for Dominguez.. hell ya!!

I wonder if he has his own Stormy Daniels stories too! Someone care to share them?

Anonymous said...

Dominguez will lose, dude. Get off that crybaby shot already!!!!

Anonymous said...

The thing that Stormy has in common with the the woman who shall be the demise of the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera, they are both Blonde. All shall be revealed before the in "The exploits of The black Mamba" told in weekly episodes.

Anonymous said...

Rene continues to be a worthless asshole. Whose baby did he use in recent TV interviews and pictures to give the impression that he was a "human". Rene is a total asshole and has no respect for his constituents. Rene needs to go and hopefully voters will see that Alex Dominguez is the future for us.

Anonymous said...

Rene Oliviera is a slug who leaves his slime where ever he goes.

Anonymous said...

You see juanito The supporters and voters that voted for Rene will again vote, while the chicken plate recipients of Alex wont come out again unless the chicken plates are served again.

Anonymous said...

Dominguez could still turn this around. Look at the district map for Oliveira's district 37.

Oliveira's district 37 is South Padre, Port Isabel, the Laguna Atascosa Wildlife sanctuary, the Las Palomas Wildlife protection area, Boca Chica beach and state park, turtle nesting sites and East Brownsville. How anyone convinced Dominguez to cast a vote for LNG to pollute these people's land and water is crazy. LNG is political cyanide. See the results of the pro LNG slate of OP1033 port candidates that got flushed out a few years ago.

Shrimpers alone create 1500 regular jobs, 5 times what LNG is promising. The shrimp industry is careful to protect the baby shrimp to guarantee a good harvest year after year. The health of the estuary where the baby shrimp grow is very important for our jobs. If the baby shrimp die, there are no big gulf shrimp anymore. The fishermen abide to protect from overfishing. The hotels thrive on clean beaches. Anyone who would dump a bunch of chemical wastes here doesn't get it. Oliveira attends the Blessing of the Fleet every year when the shrimpers go out. How did Dominguez plan to bless the fleet, by killing all the shrimp with LNG mercury poison?

Eddie III's voters live in Harlingen. His district doesn't include South Padre or much of Brownsville. III wants to trash our areas with a dirty LNG plant and pipelines, consequence free. Dominguez was ambitious, a potential future rival. Sent on a wild goose chase against Oliveira, when Oliveira's district is South Padre and the shrimp estuaries and large wildlife protection areas. Cut throat move. Who knows maybe he would have run against Eddie III in a few years. But now he's been cut down early. U got played.

Dominguez could turn it around. There have been a few times where commissioners have rescinded their votes. He is still on the County Court. Make a public announcment of rescinding his vote for LNG, joining Eddie Trevino who also voted against LNG. Do the right thing. Explain he now understands it threatens the residents health and welfare and their lives. Look at the district map for 37, the proposed LNG site is right in the middle. It threatens everyone who lives here.

Well Trevino was no dummy. Who could forget it was the Island that decided the Cascos / John Wood election. The island voters came out in droves for Cascos because he protected the Isla Blanca nature preserve from greedy developers who would have trashed it. The island has some of the wealthiest investors, highest property values and strongest economies in the valley, anyone who would fuck with that is crazy loco. Dumping a pollution factory on Port Isabel to kill the baby shrimp and the fish and the sea turtles and turn the water into brown acid. For 300 pissant LNG maintenance jobs. Nope. Why not drop a nuclear power plant next to the causeway while you are at it. Jobs jobs jobs right Lucio? Lucio would, he doesn't care, his voters live in Harlingen. You wonder if these people even consider the effects of what they are doing. If the only thing that matters is winning elections, Dominguez should have studied the old Wood/Cascos election or the OP33 fiascos to understand why never to ever consider doing what he did. The coastal voters they know who butters their bread every year and it's not a mercury cloud LNG plant. Dominguez should have followed Trevino's and Cascos' example if he wanted to represent this area. Well its not too late if he is willing to make a dramatic rescinding. Lead. Take the bull by the horns. Anything can happen in a runoff.

Anonymous said...

If the votes that went to the third guy go to Dominguez in the run-off, OLIVEIRA is OUT.
I didn't know he was in a run-off until Wed. afternoon. As soon as I found out he was in a run-off, I started calling friends and colleagues, LETS HELP OUT. I DONT KNOW Mr. Dominguez, I don't get into local politics BUT State senate, state representative, mayor, judges more than 2 terms, NEED TO GO. They have done NOTHING for this community.

Anonymous said...

Should have called before NOT after

Anonymous said...

Oliveira is going to have to spend a ton of money. He will have to suck-up to big time lobbyists. Enough of him and his so called family name. Our group is going with ALEX !

Anonymous said...

Rene is a DICK....perhaps a DICK with seniority, but what has he done for us lately....NADA. Rene takes care of Rene...for 34 years....and we have gotten NADA for 34 years. He will use his seniority to put a higher price on his vote for special interests. Time for CHANGE....time to elect Alex Dominguez as State Rep. Alex will serve the people in Austin...that's the change we need.

Anonymous said...

Telling Alonso voters to support Dominguez is like demanding a Bernie supporter run to Hillary.

Why should we support Dominguez?

We care about corruption. Stop tiptoing around the elephant in the room, the real corruption: LNG.

Who sold us out. How much $$$$ Who was involved? Juan wrote about school districts being threatened with consolidation over LNG, twisting arms. The biggest conspiracy of the last 30 years. Every branch of government was involved. You gave them millions, why? No one is interested in a movida or a car accident. Come clean. Spill the beans or go home.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for fresh blood, if it were fresh. Voting for a petroleum LNG cartel is not fresh. That's stale as shit and creepy as fuck. Don't kill us dude. We just want to not die in a bonfire LNG refinery detonation k

Anonymous said...

Amazon is negotiating with the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera for the rights for his picture, they want to market it as Fire deterrents. They say by putting up the picture over the fire place, it will keep the children away, also good for pool guards.

Anonymous said...

All that matters here is what type of plates and drinks are served at the pachangas.

Rene will have fajita plates w/lite beer and mariachi music (my vote).

dominguez popcorn w/kool aid and a bluetooth radio (no votes here).
