Thursday, March 1, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Workers for the various candidates on Democratic and Republican parties wave their signs and greet potential voters entering the Main Public Library on Central Boulevard in Brownsville. So far, the Cameron County Elections Department says that as of Thursday morning 7,346 voters had cast their ballots at the various early voting locations throughout the county. Of those, 6109 were Democrats and 1,237 were Republicans. 

Friday is the last day to vote early and next Tuesday, March 6, is election day. Normally, early voting makes up for as much as 66 percent of the total vote. In a close race with more than two candidates, election day and mail-in votes can make the difference.)


Anonymous said...

vote Alex Dominguez for state rep, kick out rene el ojete oliviera

Anonymous said...

If you Vote for Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera he will bite you in the Butt, and screw your Wife or ex wife or your daughter or girlfriend. It is all the same to the Mamba Oliviera as he doesn't care whose life he hurts.

Anonymous said...

What's worst spacex or lng? Both - rene voted spacex domingez voted lng. Vote the lesser evil

Anonymous said...

Geez the liberal environmentalists always have to jump in on their hatred for two large industries that could really grow our community. Why aren't you all busy removing Rose from office for spending millions on used bike trails you all rallied for and voting against Trevino who sold you and gained your votes promising hiking trails when he knew all along he had no way of delivering on that promise as it was not in his hands to do so. Educate yourselves before you cast your vote and stop voting for compadres and compadres and their friends.

Anonymous said...

One will poison the environment and more then likely cause several explosions (it already has in several cities). The other one, well, if one of the most powerful rockets in the world explode above Brownsville you can kiss you and everybody else in Brownville goodbye. It doesn't take an educated person nor a genius to see the problems these two industries bring to this area.

Only PENDEJOS use the word Compadres to mean something illegal. In the Catholic tradition it is a great honor to help in the upbringing of the baptized child, almost like a third parent.

But a PENDEJO like you, you wouldn't know any better. Estupido.
