Wednesday, April 18, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Ofelia Garcia's life changed dramatically for the worse November 9, 2011, just a little under seven years ago.

That's when the 53-year-old Brownsville woman and her mate were traveling on the frontage road in front of Charlie Clark Motors when their 1999 Ford Windstar van was struck from behind by a red Chrysler PT Cruiser and they were sent spinning onto the grassy area alongside US 77.

The 2004 Chrysler crashed into the fence around the car dealership and came to rest inside the lot, barely missing striking a car that was parked on a ramp in the dealership.

Although Garcia complained to the officer of great back pain, general body weakness and shock following the impact, she declined to be transported to the hospital. But if she thought that the body pain was all that would result from the crash she was badly mistaken.

It was until later that the couple found out that their van would never be fixed for heavy back-end damage that resulted from the impact of the Chrysler that police reported was traveling at a great rate of speed when it struck the victims.

In fact, the damages to their vehicle, including the towing and storage fee to Tejano Towing, were borne by the victims. Their badly-damaged vehicle and her injuries would not be paid for by the owner of the other car because the car was registered to District 37 Representative Rene Oliveira.

The police report also stated that the driver – allegedly his girlfriend Guadalupe Molina – could not produce proof of insurance. In fact, Oliveira did not have insurance on the car. (See graphic, on second line Proof of Financial Responsibility.)

Eyewitnesses at the time have commented that it might have been Oliveira behind the wheel because of a number of indications. Some say they saw a disheveled Oliveira using his cell phone in the bathroom of the Cheddar's Restaurant next to Charlie Clark Nissan.

Police report that Molina was so intoxicated that she swayed and could not stand upright on her own. And police said she had a scrape or friction burn on the inside of her left wrist and her stocking was torn as if it had been grabbed or pulled around her left knee. In short, it seemed as if someone had grabbed her by her writs and knee and pulled her into the driver's seat.

Shortly thereafter, then-city commissioner Melissa Zamora (now Landin) appeared on the scene identifying herself as an elected official to police and demanding to speak with Molina who was inside a police unit. It wasn't until the officers at the scene warned Zamora that she was in danger of getting arrested for interfering with an arrest that she stayed at a distance from the car, but not before she counseled Molina to make no statements to police.

Relatives of the victims said that the family tried to seek legal help from local attorneys, but when they heard that Oliveira was involved, none would take their case. And do, after trying without avail to get Oliveira to own up to his obligations to repair the damage Molina (or him, perhaps) had inflicted upon them, they gave up.

Sad as this is, the story is not over. One of Garcia's brothers says that the woman recently suffered an aneurysm which has resulted in a loss of memory. She cannot recall many things, including details of the accident. And he says that his family will never forget that his sister's car and health were damaged as a result of Oliveira's failure to own up to the damages incurred by his uninsured car.

"Its time to get rid of him," he said with some bitterness. "He never assumed responsibility for what happened to my sister. He thinks he is untouchable. She might not remmeber, but we will."

To read entire police report, click on link:



Anonymous said...

C'mon, it's time to unseat this moron. Go vote so he can no longer harm people and screw the citizens.

Anonymous said...

Still voting for Rene Oliveira, Montoya. He's from Brownsville. Your buddy Dominguez is from La Feria. No, no, no.

Anonymous said...

If the victim had insurance
Surely her insurance would duke it out with Oliveira's
Obviously victims had no insurance either

Anonymous said...

Wow new about the incident but we all didnt no this lady was treated like this Dam its so wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

I told you morons that I am untouchable stated Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, was anyone booked for a DUI, who has been booked for anything?. Just put your X by The untouchable Scumbag, and pay up for the next few years.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Still voting for Rene Oliveira, Montoya. He's from Brownsville. Your buddy Dominguez is from La Feria. No, no, no.

April 18, 2018 at 4:00 PM

You always put the fact that Oliveira is from Brownsville and Dominguez from La Feria. Do you ever shop outside of Brownsville? WHY? WHY are you giving your sales tax from Brownsville to other towns not from Brownsville? Your'e giving our money to other towns. If you go to a Brownsville store and you are treated rude, do you let it pass and keep shopping at the store because it's ok and that is what a person in Brownsville is expected to do?
Sorry, I am from Brownsville and I treat people with RESPECT and I've been waiting for over 20 years for this man to bring down factories, jobs to THIS side of the border, do something for retired educators that have gotten a ROTTEN DEAL in their health benefits and are in the verge of losing it all, Oliveira has been taking advantage of the Brownsville vote for decades. My vote and my family's vote is for Dominguez. I don't care where he is from, I care that he is NOT Rene Oliveira.

Chuck said...

Rene got away with this one, had to dash into chedders to save his rumpy slimey ass, and live this other girlfriend behind the wheel and then that ex city commissioner melissa calzon suelto slut coming over to help rene out, gee whiz, well all I can recommend to all this folks that hate RENE including this victims brother is to help out, get people out to vote, do walks or phone banks do whatever it takes to get the vote out and get this MONSTER out, cause that's all he is, he might be one of the longest most senior serving State reps in Texas but Cameron County surely hasn't never seen anything good come from this bastard. Its time to put the trash out, and next hopefully will be the Sucio Lucios gang out with them too. my family and I are voting for Alex, regardless , we need NEW BLOOD

Anonymous said...

Just part of the slimy life of scumbag Rene Oliviera. He might be from Brownsville, but for 34 years he has sold his vote to special interests outside of Brownsville and even outside of Texas. In 34 years he has done nothing for this community. Rene Oliviera is a womanizing asshole, who needs to be put out of office. SO, VOTE FOR ALEX DOMINGUEZ FOR STATE REP.

Anonymous said...

Did I get a ticket NO.
Did I get booked for leaving the scene of an accident NO.
Did I get a ticket for no insurance NO.
Did I pay for the damage NO.
Did I go to jail NO.
When will you morons see that the cop's can't do shit to me, as if they searched the car they would have found my daily snort. Just go and put your X by SCUMBAG again.

Anonymous said...

All the warning signs are there, but I am untouchable, my plate has been sent to all the cop's and state troopers don't touch this car. I am untouchable cried the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera, I do what ever I like, when I like. They call me "David Copperfield" as I make things disappear. No DUI for me, every one knows that I snort cocaine and drink and drive, but I am untouchable cried the Black Mamba. Vote for me you morons.

Anonymous said...

I challenge anyone who wants to take me on, that I am the biggest Lieing Scumbag of them all, I snort cocaine drink and drive I will srew a frog if it will stop hopping, I drive without insurance, I was in my car when it was in an accident that left one person disabled. Now if that is not the biggest Lieing Scumbag of them all cried the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera then I would like to meet him. Just be a good little moron and put an X by SCUMBAG.

Anonymous said...

Good grief! Shut the fuck up, Robert Sanchez! Ya! We get it. Nothing you post will get Lorrie back with you. Move on. Rene is scum, but, you're not exactly a prize catch. You calling Rene a drug user is almost funny.

Anonymous said...

Wrong guy not Robert Sanchez, sorry I have never taken drugs in my life, but I know the Scumbag Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How long ago did this happen? And still nothing has been settled? I guess they have to bring in the Law Giant -Begum or the others who constantly have to advertise that they are the best lawyers. If it can be proven that it was Oliveira in the car or someone he loaned the car too, why has our DA done nothing about it? Papita mamalones todos nuestro representates - my foot.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Scumbag Armando Villalobos? He thought he was untouchable also, look what happened to him. He got off light because he sung so loud. Do you think that that the Fed's have finished with tbem, NO the way Villalobos sang it opened new doors for the Fed's. They will bust the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera, the BEDC and Charlie Cabler. The Fed's don't think that the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera is untouchable, just wait and see, how loud he sings when he is on his way to jail.

Anonymous said...

That is a ridiculous reason to vote for Rene "RIBBIT" Oliveira.

Anonymous said...

I told you I am untouchable cried the Black Mamba Rene Oliviera, I am untouchable look what he got for stealing some Fajitas, 50 years that is life man. I get away with more than that daily. I AM UNTOUCHABLE. Just put the X by SCUMBAG.

Anonymous said...

Manana, Mexican syndrome? What are the FEDS waiting for if they have the evidence and witnesses they need and sworn testimony from felons in jail who squeeled on the other cabrones. Get to work Federales and get all in jail, starting with Joe Rodriguez who is pulling BISD down so bad and the poor guy cant even go to the bathroom by himself. For Christmas, lets make a list and check it twice to see how many of the corrupt politicians will be wrapped up for the prisoners already in jail.

Two cents Worth said...

So if your son is drowning, the nearest rescuer can't try to save him cause he's not from Brownsville? Proof that intelligence skips a generation . .

Anonymous said...

When will you morons see that the cop's can't do shit to me I have them by the balls, I am not like Armando Villalobos, as I got a thick black book that makes me untouchable. Just put the X by SCUMBAG and get it over with.
