Friday, April 20, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Part 2: The Bad, the Ugly

Autocratic. Arrogant. Abusive.
Those are just three words that the employees at the Special Services Dept. use to describe director Dr. Sandra I. Rodriguez.
And there are 26 more letters left in the alphabet.

Insiders say that Rodriguez is the director of Special Services because trustee Joe "Coach" Rodriguez struck a deal with Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas to place her there as a favor to one of the coaches who is his buddy, one Ronnie Rodriguez, no relation. In return, they say, Dr. Rodriguez has instituted cost-cutting measures that will leave a sizable amount of cash to be returned to the general fund which will be used to pay for the new $1.4 million scoreboard "Coach Joe" pushed through the board.

But what Big Joe and Zendejas didn't count on was the arrogant streak of the new director who feels that as long as she has Joe and Esperanza in her corner, she has carte blanche to do as she pleases and that anything goes. That includes lording it over the staff and other employees in the department. Not only are services to special needs student given the short shrift, but morale there is at an at al-time low.

Take for example, the fact that she has moved her executive secretary across the building because she claimed her perfume offended her and that she stinks. Some staff members say that she repeatedly belittles her in public and threatens to have her reassigned and written up. In one instance, they say, she ridiculed her for wearing a pant suit she likened to pajamas and sent her crying to her office.

Then there was the case of the custodian that she directed to place a Christmas garland over head and when the woman climbed the ladder at her direction, she fell and broker her arm. Rodriguez denied she had ordered the custodian to hang the garland even though at least a handful of employees heard her do it. The custodian was out of work for seven weeks without pay because Rodriguez insisted that climbing ladders was not part of her duties. It is said that the employees who witnesses this abuse are more than willing to testify on the custodian's behalf.

At a recent meeting with BISD Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Bertha Peña, Rodriguez tried to blame the staff for the department's disarray and low morale. Peña heard more than 30 department employees voice their discontent at the way the department is being run under Rodriguez. At least that many have signed on with the Texas Valley Educators Association to be part of the grievance against Rodriguez.

After the meeting, Peña told them that Zendejas would be getting back to them to hear their complaints. But if what happened when a young employee spoke out at the meeting is any indication of the superintendent's response, there is little hope for a resolution. When the young man spoke, he was escorted from the room by security and when he tried to speak with Zendejas, he was told she was too busy to meet with him.

"Being singled out and made fun of in front of staff is a daily occurrence," said one. "It was suggested by one employee for them to get the camera feed so they can see and hear what is happening at Special Services. We would all love to see that footage."

Department employees fell that the board and the administration has abandoned them to their fate under autocratic Rodriguez. Even parents, they say, have noticed the lack of administration' support of their mission to educate for special needs kids.

"The parents noticed and commented that not one main office person took the time to come offer support during the AU conference held April 13 at CAB, not even to say hello," said a staff member. "It is sad to see the board members all over the Internet, Facebook and the Herald with general education kids, but when it comes to special education events, they are too busy. It was very insulting to the parents as well as the staff."

Next: Part 3: Special Services, a Raisin in the Sun...


Anonymous said...

Yawn. Shallow, speculative. Not admissible.

Anonymous said...

..... one of the coaches who is a buddy, one Ronnie Rodriguez, . . .

Look at the Los Fresnos CISD Directory for the "one Ronnie Rodriguez" who is the spouse.

Los Fresnos CISD Directory
Area Code 956 for All Offices

Career and Technology Education 254-5205
Ronnie Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:57. Ha!HaHa! Must be right on point; she just got suspended. Hope she gets what she deserves.

Anonymous said...

Juan, look into Sylvia Barguiarena's role into this corruption in Special services. She know's and has participated in this skim's...for years. Juan, get Sylvia and you will get everything we taxpayers want to know. Get Sylvia at special service's...Get her to talk to you, she will decline because she is guilty as hell....She's corrupt..

Anonymous said...

You guy's have probaply never heard of Sylvia Barguiarena at Special Services Department(BISD). She is the second in command and very mean and arrogant towards it's employees. Get rid of her fast, she is poison.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this Special Services Administration leadership is the one that Judge Elia Cornhole Lopez encounter at BISD. The corruption and poor leadership continues at BISD. Will the public ever elect a Board of Trustees that will put the kids and academics first....ahead of their own personal greed. Sounds like those three "A" words at the top of the story describe the leadership at BISD.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia is very bad for the for the district. She is bad for familias and kid's

Anonymous said...

Get Sylvia Barguiarena (BISD) at Special Services and probe her about federal money. You have no idea what you will find...She and the board are a problem. Sylvia is a problem, nobody no's her but, she's a problem

Anonymous said...

Juan, help us get rid of Sylvia Barguiarena at Special Services (BISD). Please, thank you. Help us...

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that Minerva Pena actually did not attend the Sp Ed.
conf at CAB? Finally, her husband demanded that she wash dishes and cook for him at home. En todo anda metida ella and even imitated Trump in pushing
people out of the way so she can fit into the picture. Me aquita la vieja escandalosa. She thinks that by playing with her hair all the time that he face will pretty up. These people need to get together and go sit at Dr. Zendejas' office until she finds a break in her schedule or talk to her as she is on her way to her car to attend some function all over the district.
She does not sit in her office like the other superintendents - anda en chinga todo el tiempo.

Anonymous said...

There's two self-styled DOMINATRIX at Special Services...Dr. Rodriguez and Sylvia Barguiarena but, Sylvia works in the shadows and does Rodriguez dirty work. Never heard of Sylvia, dig. She's arrogant and thinks her shit don't smell. She thinks she is better than everybody else, including you Juan. How about them apples for you. You are not in Sylvia's world, in her mind you don't matter. You are insignificant to her. She will never give you the time of day because, as far as she is concerned, she is above you. The staff her avoids her. Thank you for reporting on this abusive department.Complains are coming and lawyers have been consulted...Shit is going to hit the fan, finally, we are getting brave and speaking out.

Anonymous said...

Yes Juan, Rodriguez has been put on leave. Sylvia Barguiarena should be next! Probe into this woman, she's the devil incarnate. Why do you think her name keeps coming up? There's a reason! Staff does not trust her.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sylvia Barguiarena's name keeps coming up at special Services! Why? Tell us Juan...Apparently staff doesn't like her ! Why? Is she involved in all this
transfer of federal money to the general fund? We hear that she is a despicable woman, she's another Rachel Ayala, Rachel is her aunt. Their family thinks their better than you and us. Thank You, Keep us posted.
