Tuesday, April 17, 2018


By Juan Montoya
It took about 20 minutes for those attending the Texas Southmost College candidates' forum to find their way from the parking lot to the Set B Hall where it was held, but once there they got an earful on where the four candidates for two positions stood on a diverse array of issues.

There is actually only one seat in play, Place 6 now held by incumbent Dr. Rey Garcia. His two opponents are Wells Fargo Bank employee Carlos Rios and Brownsville Independent School District Coordinator for State Compensatory Education Juan Jose de Leon Jr.

Candidate Eva Alejandro is running unopposed for the Place 7 seat now held Dr. Ruben Gallegos. Alejandro id the President and CEO of A-STEP (Alternative-South Texas Educator Program), a firm specializing in alternative teacher certification.

The forum was held by the TSC Student Government Association.

While some candidates such as De Leon and Rios emphasized bringing new ideas to assist students success, incumbent Garcia recounted his days as a student at TSC and his transfer to dental school as one way for the college to assist academic-bound students.

The contrast in ages and viewpoints was never more highlighted than when Garcia leaned over to Rios and asked what the moderator had asked because he had trouble hearing and then understanding the questions. For his part, Rios flaunted his youth as an asset to bring "new ideas" to the board. De Leon also emphasized his personal experience as a part-time college student that will allow him to empathize with what he called "80 percent" of the TSC student body.

There were some gaffes. Garcia played on his age and trouble hearing (and understanding) the questions) and sometimes Rios overdid it in trying to make his point. He said, for example, that he had become president of a 401 K corporation to help the community when he might have been referring to a 501c3 non-profit. And when he wanted to stress his bond to the young students, he said everyone was of "skin and bones" instead of "flesh and blood."

Regardless of who wins in the Place 6 position, TSC board president Adela Garza, Ruben Herrera, Trey Mendez and Alejandro will have a working majority. However, as a board member remarked: "We don't just need a majority, we meed a board that can work together to keep improving TSC."

Early voting starts April 23 to May 1. Election Day is May 5.


Anonymous said...

It was funny when Rios said he gained leadership by becoming president of a 401k. We all know what he meant though. I think he was fluent and spoke in detail about issues in TSC rather than the general spiel other candidates gave. Ríos has my vote.

Anonymous said...

All three candidates for the same spot were bad. It was somewhat embarrassing to watch. Garcia should've been able to speak more about the issues, but he couldn't do it either. Rios was not articulate, and JJ was feeling ill. Its obvious that Rios and JJ both had passion, but lacked knowledge and in Rios' case, intellect.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans have ruined us! Enough, Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

My family vote is for Carlos Rios

Anonymous said...

All I heard from JJ were stutters. I guess Adela did not prepare him enough. Rios made logical sense and touched issues like a health clinic and something about security issues. I could not hear Garcia at all. If I were to vote off the forum the young guy Carlos Rios has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Garcia is a good man but it is time for him to pass the torch. I prefer Rios over JJ.

Anonymous said...

Implicit bias maybe poster at 5:12 should go to a starbuck and sit there very day, you'll feel at home pinche gringo.

Anonymous said...

I will not be voting for anyone who adela Garza is supporting.

Anonymous said...

Rios must have nothing better to do all day than post comments here in his favor

Anonymous said...

(Mexicans have ruined us! Enough, Brownsville.)

I'll bet they've also had anal sex with both you and your mother. And then you've taken payments from them for their illicit acts, huh?

Anonymous said...

Carlos Rios is an ignorant buffoon who thinks campaigning is about photo ops and shaking hands. 401K, what an idiot. And to think an ignoramus like this will bring benefit to the board. All he did was make a fool out of himself, made everyone snicker and proved to us this pendejo has no business running for an important position such as TSC trustee.

Anonymous said...

This election is not about youth or a popularity contest, it's about the future of our students' successful careers that require Experienced leadership! Don't toy with our student's future! Vote responsively!

Anonymous said...

All I heard from JJ De Leon was bs. He was so unprepared and empty promises. Does TSC have a parking space ready for JJ? Word around the block is that JJ demands his own parking space at the BISD. All the higher ups have their own space and JJ demanded one too. So its bs that he will help the "80 percent". Its more like the 1 % spoiled and entitled.

Anonymous said...

Dr. García should not be in an elected position if he can’t even hear/listen to the questions. Rios messed up with the 401k answer but if we listen to his other answers he did great. JJ did good but spoke from a script that sounds much like Adela. I think Carlos is the candidate to beat. He’s actually working. I met him years ago. I haven’t seen JJ or Garcia even on this campaign.

Anonymous said...

"All I heard from JJ De Leon was bs. He was so unprepared and empty promises. Does TSC have a parking space ready for JJ? Word around the block is that JJ demands his own parking space at the BISD. All the higher ups have their own space and JJ demanded one too. So its bs that he will help the "80 percent". Its more like the 1 % spoiled and entitled." FAKE NEWS!

As someone who works at the BISD main office, I can testify that "Word around the block" you're repeating, is fake news.

I have to ask, is that you Mr. President?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Garcia is the only one with credentials. This is a "no brainier" election. Adela is desperate!

Anonymous said...

Why is Rios going around saying he is a banker? Isn't he a bank teller? If he can't be honest about his position, then I don't expect him to be honest at all. As far as JJ's sexuality, what does it have to do with him sitting on the board? As far as I can see, JJ has bigger ones than Rios. JJ does not require mommy's permission to do anything. Our vote is with Mr. JJ De Leon.

Anonymous said...

Garcia needs to retire!

Anonymous said...

JJ has always been a mama's boy, because he got what he wanted from his old mommy- Rachel Ayala. He does not have much experience except for taking in requistions and yelling at principals because he was given that authority by his bosses Ayala and Carl Montoya, pero con Espy se chingo. How he got the job he has is a no-brainer. Now he intends to do the same at TSC and his new adopted mommy will be Adela. Where did she get her training? I hear from la Dr. A de BISD and is upset because she wanted Dr. A for the next pres. at TSC. Yes, yes, take her so we can get her and Cesar out of BISD and now lets just get Minnie Winnie to run for something - maybe Sheriff since she had so many years as experience as a State Highway Trooper, dressed in so-tight pantalones someone should have given her a ticket for. While we are at it, lets find other positions for Cowen, and most of all Joe Rodriguez. Leave laura Reyes there because she speaks with the truth and common sense and is learning very quickly what it takes to be a supt in this town - huevos!

Anonymous said...

Laura Reyes is an idiot! She asked stupid questions. I really think you need to get your facts straight. Rios needs to get an education! I would not want a bank teller who has no experience in education becoming our Board Member. - TSC Student

Anonymous said...

TSC Student above summed it up very well. He is not being fooled by anybody.

Anonymous said...

Rios is the best option TSC Board needs new blood

Anonymous said...

If you want new blood start by replacing Adela and Trey. They have been there too long.

Anonymous said...

If having no education, experience, or intelligence are qualifications for this position, then Carlos Rios is the best option. I don't think it matters to him what the job is, he just wants to be a politician. He is running to be on the board of a institution of higher education, and yet his statements make no sense, are riddled with grammatical and punctuation errors, and sound like he googled the word "issues" to find. I find his passion admirable, but he needs to pay his dues before he can play with the big kids. Maybe go back to school and run for student council? Just saying...

Anonymous said...

My vote is for JJ De Leon!

Anonymous said...

It is clear that most of the statements above are authored by Carlos Rios and JJ de Leon. Pounding their own chests. Pure B.S.
