Thursday, April 12, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Municipal employees at City Plaza were ordered to evacuate the building after a strong odor of gas permeated the building. City officials discovered that a crew digging on 11th Street between the abandoned El Jardin Hotel and the city parking structure struck a gas line and ruptured it. The city workers were moved to the city parking lot across 10th Street because the one across St. Charles from City Plaza was too close.

The evacuation order was lifted after Texas Gas Company crews shut off the gas line and the workers returned to work.

We have been told by someone who knows that natural gas has no smell, and that what the city workers were smelling was actually the skunk gas (Ethylmeircaptan?) that is injected in gas to allow people to detect its presence.

That's why long after the gas was turned off, the smell of "gas" lingered. Thanks to one of our readers for the photos.)


Anonymous said...

We almost lost a hundred Mexicans, Juan. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Was downtown yearly venture into Tony Martinez's "Fantasy Old Town" and I clearly smelled gas along Levee Street. Noticed several of the people who left the building decided it was a good time for a smoke....stupid people. "Gas leak....Light 'em if you got 'em."

Anonymous said...

Ethylmeircaptan (spelling)
Is the odor ant added to gases used for residential purposes. It is considered the most foul oder in the world. It lingers for sure.

Anonymous said...

Its time for you to Call 444-4444 there is only one number to remember and that's 4!

Anonymous said...

At: Anonymous (April 12, 2018 at 3:12 PM)

"We almost lost a hundred Mexicans, Juan. Wow."

Said the Mexican, smh. Por eso no progresamos.

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly Bill:

If all those meskins would have cut a fart the whole dam place would have exploded. Beans should be label a WMD.

Che vato said...

Was Erasmo Castro in the building?

Anonymous said...

They add an odor to natural gas so yes, it has a distinctive smell. Does anybody here have a gas stove? I can smell the gas when the pilot fails to ignite the gas.

Anonymous said...

Someone said they saw Ren'e The black Mamba Rene Oliviera slithering by the Plaza at the same time, trying to remember the past, before he says hello to Armando Villalobos.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we protest and demand that the Brownsville city commissioner, Eddie Lucio. Filemon Vela, Gilberto Hinojosa, Sofia Benavides and her clan, Martinez, Carlos Marin, Gowen all sit there at the site and meditate on the smell for a couple of hours and then lite a match and see if they don't ignite. If it doesn't ignite then they are clear. Then it speaks for itself. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

A gas stove? Never heard of one. Maybe mesquite stove!

Anonymous said...

Farts, like the gas, cannot ignite themselves. There must be a "spark".

Anonymous said...

Sources of heat(spark) are:


Anonymous said...

Thank you will try to stay away from a gas leak next time I fart.

Anonymous said...

99 that deputy dog thinks he's white.

Anonymous said...

The smell came from Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera, he thought there was a mongoose chasing him. He was taking a long look at downtown before he goes to meet his other Scumbag mate Armando Villalobos.
