Monday, April 23, 2018


(The Brownsville Independent School District – like Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas, is barely limping along. Trustee Joe Rodriguez – like the old milk horse – starts champing at the bit at the sound of money for his pet projects at the expense of academic materials to help teachers and students succeed. Millions have been spent on artificial turn and now Joe's legacy to Brownsville will be the $1.4 million scoreboard for Sams Stadium where underachieving football teams will get to watch themselves underperform in slow motion with all the bells and whistles. For these millions to go to sports vendors, someone is going to get shortchanged in the BISD system. One reader below – a retired BISD employee – thinks its the workers who have dedicated a lifetime to the district. We run his post below.)

Special to El rrun-Rrun

The little things matter to our Brownsville Independent School District employees.

 Dr. Esperanza Zendejas, who has never liked a BISD event which was not her own idea, has found a new way to stick it to district employees, while saving money and taking care of old Joe Rod all at the same time. 

 The annual BISD employee awards gala, a tradition for over 35 years, has been personally tweaked this year by the Superintendent to exclude the employees with 20 years of district service. You read that right! The 20 year folks are no longer welcome at the district's celebration.
Wait, it gets better.

In a break with longstanding practice, if you have 30 or 40 years of service, you get to bring one guest and must pay for each additional guest. Retirees get two free guests and must pay for other people wanting to share in the final celebration of a BISD career.

That might seem fair except that BISD hosts plenty of fancy lunches and dinners like Principal for a Day and Alumni Recognition for hundreds of community members and their guests each year and no one gets charged a penny. 

Why must dedicated, veteran employees be nickeled and dimed?

With 100 less elementary teachers needed next school year due to an expected loss of over 2,000 students to charter schools and neighboring school districts, corners must be cut to pay for Joe Rod'S recently approved $1.4 million scoreboard at Sams Stadium and countless artificial turf projects. 

Plus, a constant concern at district events is propping feeble Joe up. (In the photo one can see an obvioulsy impatient Rordiguez wanting to ge the show over with so he can take a break from standing. Zendejas – nursing a sore hip – just gives up and takes a seat.)

 He insists on scheduling events around his doctors appointments and drinking sessions with vendors but complains bitterly about the length of events because his legs can no longer support him when he needs to stand and shake hands.

Against the wishes of a thoughtful, fair minded district awards committee, the employee celebration has become the latest victim to the Dr. Zendejas and board majority wrecking ball. Employee morale continues to crumble. 

 It's a little thing, but you need to ask: Are we still about the children and staff at BISD or are we only about the whims of Espy and Joe Rod?


Anonymous said...

Seems the corruption in BISD continues as normal. It's all about kickbacks or "mordida". The BISD Trustees and Superintendent seem to have lost sight of their educate our children. Students are leaving for Charter schools because BISD has become a social experiment and feeding center, not a place for academics. Money is being shifted from academics, social services and faculty to fund things that will provide kickbacks to Trustees and the Superintendent. Coach Joe is a dinosaur and still thinks football and sports are more important than academics. His football teams are consistent losers and that is not likely to change.

Anonymous said...

This abysmal and egregious treatment of retirees who have given 20 years or more of their lives to educating our community's children is emblematic of BISD's top down structure with its well documented indifference to the people who actually do the work in the District. Is it possible to send a stronger signal of the District's disdain for its personnel? No one familiar with the District's poor record on academics, ethics and innovation can conceivably be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Board meeting after board meeting everything is wonderful with BISD. Coach Joe praises all his profit achievements. The board refuses to listen to any concerns. Have you all seen how fired up and disrespectful Elizondo gets with Minerva Pena? View the last few committee meetings and that board member is snarky and condescending. Elizondo was again re-indicted yet still sits on the board?? Only in Brownsville. Where is Channel 5 or 4?

Anonymous said...

Yell at the top of your lungs, write to every blog and demand all elected trustee to be investigated, cry and say it's not fair and finally question why only in the valley.

Well "PENDEJOS" you keep voting for the same politicians you despise and hate.

See you at the polls or maybe not...

Anonymous said...

This demonstrates that the "little guy" at BISD, no matter his/her loyalty to the system, is meaningless against the arrogance and greed of those at the top of the BISD food chain.

Anonymous said...

It is very sad to grasp the reality that in Brownsville or Cameron county, for that matter, the voter constituency is an ignorant one and adding to this, the lethargic attitude of this same constituency, barely ten out of every one hundred registered voter does actually go out and vote. As one prominent local District Judge once put it, “….we seem to live in a cacique syndrome environment”, which might explain the quality of representation that we have in our local elected officials. As another local political gadfly said a few years ago, “….WAKE UP RAZA AND SMELL THE COFFEE”!

Anonymous said...

To: April 23, 2018 at 4:11 PM

Texas is ranked 46 in the country with only 55.3 voter turnout. So what the shit are you talking about PENDEJO? The only ignorant is YOU. Siera el osico para que no sete meta una mosca menso.

Anonymous said...

Many years ago they honored at the dinner those with 10 years. As the district grew they eliminated that and they were honored at the campus. Many long time employees and retirees went every year to just get a free meal. I had become so big you couldn't get a seat unless you came very early. This is something that had to be done.

Anonymous said...

He will never forget the time he beat Harlingen.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you...except about our football teams. Why put down our children? Yes, my son played football and all these boys work hard. We had several of our schools make the playoffs. I am also a special education teacher and am impacted by what is going on. Just do not demean the hard work that our sons have put in just to bash th people that are causing all this mess.

Anonymous said...

Zendejas, the entire board members should pay for this event with all the (thousands & millions) kickbacks they have taken including Baltazar Salazar that makes close to $300,000. for doing shit!
Pathetic scumbag, hope you all end up in prison!

Unknown said...

46 out of 52...that is sad

Anonymous said...

The anger in your reply is evident—- I hope you and a thousand others vote in November ——
Supt has to go - that’s the one question I have for candidates and will you investigate the purchases and conflicts of interest and do what has to be done to regain trust and put kids in front?

#vote #change #LetHerGo

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry our district is getting Smaller every year and IDEA is getting bigger
This leadership and board have done nothing to earn public trust and respect so the this trend will continue

Two cents Worth said...

I also agree with the senseless expense of a new scoreboard but I take exception of the word "underachieving" . . These young men put forth their best effort but sometudes their best is just not enough. Do not demean their best efforts.

Anonymous said...

Look at Sylvia Barguiarena, she is in the darkness....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A district full of the kids of illegals is failing? Oh! Say it ain't so??!!! They are simply creating what they created in the motherland: laziness, a lack of education, and a general racial performance gap with their white and asian peers. No surprise there! We see this on a global scale. Let's blame that on "racism" right? Right......

Anonymous said...

The house is falling apart ! Investigate kickbacks, employee abuse by supervisors, nepotism and other more important matters.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of all their abuse! I will work very hard to get the 3 up for selection out! Hope you will too!

Anonymous said...

Asians??? In a study conducted by some university most asians visualize themselves as white. Most marry whites and vote republican.
They forgot how they were treated by the whites as maids, gofers, and traitors. So your visualization of comparing asians and whites in the same "racial performance gap" is flawed. As early as 1950 japan was recovering from two atomic bombs dropped by the US and china was still a stink-hole country and still is...

Anonymous said...

Right! Right?

Anonymous said...

Zendejas Coach Joe should run off with each other they would make a lovely couple, I’m almost certain that their evil off spring is Carlos The Product Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

So the event was the smallest and fastest ever ... and the Supts speech was focused on why they are downsizing this event- to make it “special”

But we really know:
Make it fast- you and joe can’t stand that long
Downsizing enrollment means downsizing events
(But we still build bigger gyms, scoreboards etc)
Downsize cuz we don’t want too many people around (cuz they hate us anyway)

Cut here and spend on other pet projects

#countdowntoNovember #changeiscoming

Anonymous said...

Get rid of Sylvia Barguiarena at Special Services. Enough abuse. Staff doesn't like her...we want her out..Thank You.
