Friday, April 13, 2018


By Ryan N. Miller
USA Today

Eight police officers in Argentina who claimed that rats ate more than half a ton of marijuana missing from police custody were fired Tuesday, according to local media reports.

Argentine news outlets Pilar de Todos and Clarin reported that Buenos Aires' security minister Cristian Ritondo fired the officers after four told a judge that rats ate the missing pot.

Officials dismissed the officers' theory, citing experts who said that rats would not confuse marijuana as food. If the rats did eat the drugs, they likely would have died and police would have found their bodies, the experts said, according to Clarín and El País.

The officers are accused of not properly protecting evidence and are ordered to testify before a judge in May.

According to Pilar de Todos, police alerted internal affairs in April 2017 after discovering more than half a ton missing from an evidence inventory of six tons of marijuana in Pilar, a city roughly 35 miles outside Buenos Aires.

While Argentine investigators may think rodents aren't to blame for the missing pot, police in Wichita said mice ate through evidence bags of marijuna in 2013, the Wichita Eagle reported.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like the cops have been on line to Brownsville, for some tips. As they heard about the $1,2m of Fajita meat.

Anonymous said...

When the cat is away, the mice will play. Works here, works there too. When there is little or no oversight, the rats move in. Here it took nine years to catch the "fajita bandit" oversight. By the way, what ever happened to those county computers that ended up in the pulga with citizens' information on them. Never a follow up by the media and never any follow up by our County Commissioners. Did the rats eat them?????

Anonymous said...

I do so wish, the writer of the title of this piece would learn to speak Spanish and not border jibbrish. Con todo respecto Guey!

chuy said...

Juan years ago I remember this same incident happen at the Cameron county sheriff dept and at the brownsville pd?

Anonymous said...

It's a gringo thing.

Anonymous said...

I gave them my tip on how to loose half a ton of marijuana stated Ren'e The black Mamba Oliviera as he looked into his glass of drink. The rumors flying around saying that the Mamba would swap the grass for cocaine and snort three times a day. He has been rumored to say that marijuana should be legal as it would save him a fortune, (he realy ment us as we pay for his habbit). If you vote for this Scumbag, then you need to get off the drugs.

Diego lee rot said...

Some of my good fiends are rats and they grow very large

chucky said...

juan its not just the mice but the cockroaches that ate the dope here at the Brownsville pd and at the Cameron county evidence rooms some years ago, plus also bundles of cash too.
