Wednesday, April 25, 2018


From The Texas Tribune

Things just got a little more muddled in the seemingly-endless double Republican and Democratic parties' runoff for May 22 and the special election called by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for June 30 to replace former Congressional District 27 U.S. Representative Blake Farenthold.

There are two Republican and two Democratic candidates in the runoff for their respective parties May 22. The two Republican candidates –  Bech Bruun and Michael Cloud  have already said they will run in the special election. Of the two Democrats who are in the runoff,  Raul "Roy" Barrera and Eric Holguin, the latter said he will be running in the special election regardless of the outcome in the May 22 runoff.

The winners in the regular parties' runoffs will face each other on November 6.

On the other hand, the candidate filing deadline for the special election is Friday, and early voting will run from June 13-26. If no candidate of either party in the special election gets 50 percent plus one vote, the runoff will likely take place sometime in September and the general election before January. That means that whoever wins the special election – Democrat or Republican – will serve until January 2019, at most one or two months, until the winner in the November election takes office.


In the weeks after Farenthold's resignation, Abbott said he wanted to fill the seat "as quickly as possible" because the Coastal Bend-area district is still recovering from Hurricane Harvey. Abbott sought an opinion from Attorney General Ken Paxton about whether the governor could suspend state law to speed up the timeline for the special election, citing his authority to set aside certain statutes if they interfere with disaster recovery.

Paxton promptly gave Abbott his blessing.

Now the possibility that the eventual winners in the regular election cycle runoff will run in the special election and face each other again in September before facing each other, one of them already elected, in the November general election.


Anonymous said...

I shall never get that kind of charge as every woman knows that I am a Scumbag and just know that all I want is sex, yes I string them on to get what I want then they are just a statistic. That is why I am the untouchable lieing Scumbag.

Anonymous said...

...the runoff will likely take place sometime in September and the general election before January.

That's incorrect. Winner in the (Sept) runoff takes all & is elected to the months-long term. There is no January general.
