Thursday, May 24, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Fifteen years ago Jimmy and Janie Perez bought a commercially-zoned lot adjacent to the frontage road along us 77 and bound on the other side by Paredes Line Road.

It seemed like a good investment. 

HEB was across Paredes, so the business would have potential customers for any enterprise put there. On the other side, freeway traffic could provide innumerable customer opportunities. 
Manny's Uniforms (206 Paredes), on the lot facing the HEB, got its jump start on the lot before moving on to another location.

The land – Lot 2, Block 14 of Colonia Mexico Subdivision – seemed like the ideal location, location, location. The Colonia Mexico was bisected when the expressway was built and parts of the roads – named after some of the first Mexican presidents like Victoria, Allende, Iturbide, Lerdo, etc. – lay on either side of the new thoroughfare. Nonetheless, they remained city-owned streets.
(Click on graphic to enlarge.)

Then a couple of things got in the way. The city – in its hike-and-bike building frenzy – took over the abandoned Southern Pacific easement and built the trial on the easement, effectively closing access to the freeway. Additionally, when the freeway was originally built, the city did not, as in the case of Iturbide Street south of the property, pave the Allende Street right-of-way but allowed it to lie fallow, as it were. 

No one, unless you were a property owner and read the deed, knew that a city street existed there. 

When the property owner who owned the lot in front of the Perezes decided to make a parking lot out of the city Allende St. ROW next to her business, she told the couple that she had bought the ROW from the city in past years.                                                                                    That owner, Noelia Martinez (Chic Jewelry And Things), never produced the title transfer or sale papers, but made  a parking space nonetheless, and at one time even erected a fence across it to prevent anyone – even the Perezes – from entering their property.

Additionally, the city's Traffic Engineering Dept. had no record of the city ever abandoning – much less selling – the ROW.

It took the Perez paying local attorney Dennis Downey to send off a cease and desist letter to Martinez before she relented and removed the fence.

But instead of relief, after the fence came down and when the couple went to Traffic Engineering, all they were able to achieve was to have a "No Parking" sign erected at the end of the offending driveway/ROW (See graphic at right), furthering closing off their property from an egress.

Between the city's building the hike-and-bike trail, not extending Allende to the frontage road, and Martinez paving over the existing ROW that allowed the ingress and egress to their land, the couple  found that they were effectively landlocked.

"For the last 15 years we have paid our taxes on that land and can't do anything with it," said Mrs. Perez. "We have gone to the city numerous times and they have not been able to provide us with any solution."

Now, after reaching out to City Commissioner Cesar de Leon, who in turn brought in Asst. City Manager Michael Lopez, the city has told the couple that Calle Allende was actually abandoned by resolution of the city commission back in 1965 when the expressway was being built.

However, the fact that the city abandoned the road does not mean that it relinquished ownership of the property and it, in fact, remains property of the city.

However, the owner of the property fronting Paredes – Noelia Martinez – did not have permission from the city to have placed concrete on the city's right of way. The city does not build streets when areas are developed, he said.

Lopez told the parties that if both property owners are willing to work some agreement that allows the Perezes to access their property,  the city will go as far as building a small ramp to allow them entry to the lot in back. However, if there is no agreement reached, Lopez said that the city will move forward with actions that are appropriate when individuals are in the city's right of way, including removing the concrete drive that was built by Martinez.

Will this problem finally be resolved? After 15 years, the ball is in the property owners' court.


Anonymous said...

Only in beantown
That would never happen in McAllen
Your brownsville stories are so amusing

Anonymous said...

Sue both the city and Martinez

Anonymous said...

This city is a huge joke! And people wonder why browntown is getting its ass kicked by McAllen, Edinburg, Weslaco, Mercedes,........

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I saw about 10 city workers at the veterans park shoving dog shit on to a trailer, they were wearing gas masks.

Anonymous said...

If you all are so disappointed with Brownsville, catch the expressway, head north, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

You won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

Just one more reason why Mexicans will never rule the world.

Anonymous said...

Cesar De Leon has always been for the people and this is why he faces backlash. This is just another example of Cesar being the only one to stand up for someone who has been screwed over for YEARS. How many of the other lawyers on the city commission were willing to give their time to research this for the Perez family without compensation? Only Cesar De Leon.

Anonymous said...

I am an REPBULICAN American citizen and I belong here this is my country, you meskins don't belong HERE bamonos pronto pronto.

Anonymous said...

I had intended to comment on the story, but instead I was fueled to comment to 7:06 blogger, so here it goes. I am a Democrat American citizen because I was born in the United States but I am a proud descendent of ancestors who came from Asturias, Spain, by way of Mexico and helped Escandon on his settlement of the first colonies in South Texas. Is this where you are from? Just wondering? Well, in case you don't know, Nuevo Santander was the name given to the area when it was explored and settled and those people received land grants for their contributions. The land was still a part of Mexico, so when the Republican gringos came in, including the Texas Rangers, you stole the land or bought it for pennies on the dollar, like many of our Brownsville founders. So what makes you the owner of this land. Your made-shift happened to be born here, or worked the butts off to settle it? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

there's no more parking lot there

Anonymous said...

" I am an REPBULICAN American citizen and I belong here this is my country, you meskins don't belong HERE bamonos pronto pronto."

Another Mexican pretending to be an Anglo. There is no worst Mexican than a self hating Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Pinches gringos from cockroach europe

Anonymous said...

The people from Europe were not all gringos! They became gringos when they came to the land that belonged to someone else. Those gringos who did steal all they had, be it from the Indians or the Mexicans, then made themselves the "pure-Americans." There is no such thing. We all came from somewhere, for even the first Indians came through the Bering Straight from Europe. See how your history teachers did not teach you anything. I guess it best that we all go back to 1st grade and learn more about our country and what it stands for. Hating each other is for personal reasons and it has now become so prevalent that if we don't like someone and what they say, we attack and thus what is happening in our schools with all the killings. There is a lack of understanding on the part of all of us.

Anonymous said...

No, it’s a Democrat pretending to be a Republican and trolling. This person does it all the time. They say a bunch of offensive shit and put Republican in caps hoping naïve idiots will believe it.

Anonymous said...

The teachers were on 3 months vacation with pay. I guess they forgot...

Anonymous said...

Good tactic and it works but I wouldn't call them naïve idiots more like getting educated in politics.

Anonymous said...

any follow ups to the Allende story? not the racism rants.

Anonymous said...

I heard from some history instructor that the word gringo comes from the us army (or marines). The captain of a company attacking the mexican army would yell "Green Go" when ever they attacked. The mexican army heard the captain shouting those word and the mexican army (being mexican) thought they were saying gringo. True story to my knowledge.

Maybe poster at May 27, 2018 at 10:45 PM has a different story. Would like to hard.
