Tuesday, May 22, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Incumbent District 37 State Rep. Rene Oliveira and his campaign team may not have known it, but by the time the polls opened Tuesday for election day, they were already 482 votes behind challenger Cameron County Precinct 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez.

By the time the returns for the 45 precincts were counted, it became clear that Oliveria would not overcome the deficit and that he would get walloped in the election day vote by another 296 votes.

The final tally was 3,287 for Dominguez to 2,509 for Oliveira. That result ended a 34-year reign by the political heir of a pioneer Brownsville family in local politics.

Dominguez drew 2,131 votes in early voting compared to 1,530 for Oliveira. Oliveira out polled Dominguez in the mail-in vote 283 to 164. At that point, Dominguez was already 482 points ahead of the incumbent.

On election day, the voters filled in the oval 992 times for Dominguez compared to 696 for Oliveira. Any hope that Oliveira would have had of overcoming the deficit vanished with that result. Ater the early vote, the mail-in vote and election day votes were tallied, the final result was 3,287 for Dominguez to 2,509 for Oliveira, a 778 vote difference.

It didn't help Oliveira that he was charged with a DWI on April 27, a little over two weeks before the start of the five-day early voting period for the runoff.

Oliveira nearly walked away without a runoff in the March 6 primary, drawing 3,096 votes, or 48.44 percent of the vote. Dominguez had 2,329, or 36.44 percent of the vote. A third candidate, Arturo Alonso drew 966, or 15.2 percent of the vote.

Going into the runoff, Dominguez had to overcome a 767 difference. He prevailed with an eerily similar 778 vote advantage, almost identical to his primary deficit.

There are other unique circumstances in the Oliveira loss. With three candidates running in the Distrct 37 race in the March 6 primary, 7,391 voter were cast. In the runoff between Oliveira and Dominguez, 6,796 voters cast their ballot, only 595 less than in March. The total vote was 92 percent of the total primary votes cast in the March primary.

What weight did the DWI arrest and the ensuing publicity that surrounded it play in the Oliveira loss? It surely did, but there were other, more sordid facts surrounding the performance of the incumbent.

There were the Texas Monitor reports on his living large and lavish spending on food and liquor. He was named fifth in their rankings in terms of spending on entertainment and liquor of all the 150 legislators in Austin.

From June 1 through December 31, 2017, Oliveira said he spent $167,756.58 to get reelected. Then, in his next report, from February to May 2018, he said he spent another $126,107.70. That's $293,863, almost $300,000.

And the fact that he was ranked fifth in terms of seniority in the legislature got lost in the ensuing scandal surrounding the DWI arrest and the aftermath.

"The Demo kingmakers,
And his blogger friends
Couldn't put Rene Dumpty
Together Again..."

The Texas Tribune reported that Oliveira was one of two incumbent state reps who lost in the runoffs. Both Dominguez and Oliveira will serve until January 2019. Joey Lopez will take over for Dominguez at Pct. 2 and Dominguez will take over Oliveira's position in Austin.


The Captains Table said...

Karma. Now, where will he get the cash for destroying marriages and buying families just to feed his sexual needs. Lobbyists and Political Action Commitees have dropped him. Will his Law Firm finance that lavish sick addiction? Amazing developments. Oh well, he can go to HELL as far as I am concerned.

Anonymous said...

Now we know McHale is so full of shit with his polls, they were all wrong.

Anonymous said...

I bet you he's going to demand a recount. I'm glad he won't be representing Brownsville anymore!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There were 778 people more who were certain that the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira was touchable. Now see the rats desert the sinking ship, and the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira gets out of Austin, he has his apartment he can sell so his slush fund will keep him for a while, while he is in hiding from the Mongoose.

Anonymous said...

Let's see who stands by him now since his status is no longer an aphrodisiac. ~ because his looks alone sure as hell don't make the cut! js

Anonymous said...

Now watch DA Saenz throw him under the bus with a bottle.

Anonymous said...

Who's next Juan give us a list...

Anonymous said...

We all know you're upset captain, but nobody forced her to go. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. The question is now that he's a regular joe, will she jump ship? Probably.

Anonymous said...

With what money? He will not longer have the free check.He needs to go to rehab.

The Captains Table said...

I knew he would have to walk the plank. Captains do not put up with Pirate's shenanigans.

The Captains Table said...

Juan Montoya is now elevated to Admiral Montoya

Anonymous said...

Kien mas Perdio..

En la LaVADA sale TODO...

AY Viene..Ay Viene

Anonymous said...

The Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira has embezzled his firm out of thousands of dollars, how can he be trusted with female clients with his reputation, he even Pimped one female client out to another client. I don't think the firm needs another Janitor,

Anonymous said...

Ok Capt. Slop, you can relax and turn off that black candle of yours. I'm sure you'll be bragging about it for years to come!

Chucky said...

Alamo, said Rene Oviedo Oliviera, now what? I lost the election, so what am I going to do now? Time to get to work dickhead, that's what, pinche puto -PVC-Pinche vato culero as George lopez says, adios motherfucker. Remember guey, your mother always told you to be nice and honest, two things you never did and really there is no one to blame but you. adios guey

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the one thing that's missed in this entire sad story is how a district of over 160,000 people can have a representative elected with a little over 3,200 people.

Voter apathy is such a problem here in South Texas. People sit on the sidelines and complain about how Rene slept with Captain Bob's wife, and how he's such a rat, and how he spends so much money, yet so few people go to the polls to vote.

I really hope Mr. Dominguez will remember his role as a trustee and a representative of the people when it comes to making decisions in Austin.

I also hope it doesn't take the voters 34 years to realize a politician isn't doing anything for their district. We don't have another 34 years of mismanagement, graft, and corruption to spend on a politician.

Congratulations, Mr. Dominguez. Don't break our hearts.

Anonymous said...

See what happens when you vote.
Great Job, Mr. Dominguez.
I always said, you could be from Jupiter, and I would still vote for you over oliveira.
Eddie Lucio you are NEXT in line to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Rene will atill be a have a job as a lobbyist, he will just turn around and be a conduit for big oil and gas companies, loan sharks, insurance scams, unions.....

Anonymous said...

Mark Cortez is next, son of JP Linda Salazar and brother to Ruben Cortez. Lind a and her son Ruben need to elected out, and Mark Cortez should not be elected in for BISD, and his momma Linda Salazar is his treasure.. stop the corruption in Brownsville.. we need educated candidate's..

Anonymous said...

Mchale now you pick up the tab lol.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Alex Dominguez campaign on their victory. For the first time in 34 years, District 37 will be represented by a person who cares about the people and their needs. CONGRATULATIONS ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The mongoose killed the Black Momba. The mongoose is after Female momba Gowen for having Oliveira sign polute Rio Viejo in her front yard. Pizza Hut deliveries must stop at that former mansion that now has additions made with cheap wood siding. What a disgrace to the historical preservation

Anonymous said...

Oh how the mighty has fallen....Its about time this scum bag was voted out. He thought he was undefeatable and above the law. This should send out a message to Lucio.. Everyone is vulnerable to a loss. Remember when Solomon Ortiz thought that he was set for like and a pervert ended up voting him out of office. Now Oliveira.. Next is Eddie Lucio Jr. We remember Lucio that you have been running and present yourself as a democrat, but you actually get into bed with the devil (republicans). Plus all your so called "lobbying jobs" are actually pay for votes and support a certain bill. Your just getting rich off the companies who pay you off, because in reality you don't have a real job to call a job. So how do you make all that money and afford your lifestyle? Wake up valley voters. Lets continue to clean house and vote for new and fresh leadership. Someone who will really represent the valley people.

Anonymous said...

That would be awesome for a change, the untouchable Black Mamba Rene Oliveira bitting the dust.

Anonymous said...

There is no black Mamba Rene Oliveira the Scumbag Pimp. He is headed to jail, as I have had an offer for my story. And I am thinking about it, as it is from an out of town offer to bring the Black Mamba down.

Anonymous said...

I still have my black book for protection as long as I can keep the Mongoose quiet I shall be ok.

Anonymous said...

This just proves that when you buy a blogger don't spend your money on McHale.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He will be hired either at Charro Day Association, BISD, PUB, even at the Port. Keep an eye out JUAN...

Anonymous said...

He will be hired at Cobblheads as a sommelier

Anonymous said...

The Scumbag is going to jail when the mongoose catches up with him,

Anonymous said...

Does anybody think that Capt. Bob’s “I’m a cuckold” ads did any good? It sounds like Capt. Bob’s tiny little wee wee will never get any action.

Anonymous said...

....just the easy action that’s general seating and open to the public.

Anonymous said...

Correction! Lucio goes to bed with the evil Democrates. You claim Lucio and Oliveira are Democrats so it's crystal clear Democrats are evil and corrupt! Republicans are the most ethical and law abiding individuals. They don't have to wheel and deal like your shitty Democrat officials!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Right on comment 9:45! I totally agree!
Brownsville is full of Democrats and look at all the corruption going on!

Anonymous said...

And now the end is near
And I have lost my cookie jar
I will try and hide
hoping the mongoose
can't get that far
I'll run and hide
And try it MY WAY.
Move over Armando Villalobos I need to get help, the mongoose is after me and I didn't mean to shitt on you. The snake Rene.

Anonymous said...

Damn captain, I need your help with a certain politician not winning next election...Trump! HA!!

Anonymous said...

I heard that he will be replacing the BISD attorney very soon. Family ties to Joe...

Anonymous said...

So true

Anonymous said...

He supports Trump, dumbass.
