Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Early voting in the Democratic Party primary runoff election is off to a blistering start, but even if the pace continues at their rate it will still be be difficult for the turnout totals for the five-day early-voting runoff period to match the 11-day Feb.-March early voting period.

Still, at the rate that the turnout is going, it is now 851 votes ahead of the early voting period pace of the March primary.

The Cameron County Elections Dept. posted on its website that on Monday 1,482 voters showed up across the county's 19 open polling precincts.

Another 1,422 were cast Tuesday. That totals 2,904 for two days compared to 2,053 during the first two days of 11 during the Feb.-March primary.

There are a total of 26 polling precincts, but seven won't open until Thursday and will only operate for two days. Another seven which are open since Monday will close Thursday and Friday.


Anonymous said...

Strong support from whom? According from the 2015 letter of support for the LNG companies that Rene Oliveira and Lucio wrote in support of bringing the LNG companies to the Launa Madre, he and Lucio both mentioned the "strong support" from the local community. He passed H.B. 1716, a month prior (before), amending which means to change or alter, the law, in the WATER Code. Why water? You need water for drilling. He and Lucio already had made up their mind and the hell with what the community says. This is why the oil companies love him. Life is a bitch Rene, maybe you need to tighten your belt to keep your pants from falling to your knees.

Anonymous said...

This would make sense except Dominguez voted to give away hundreds of millions to LNG. Are we all fucked in the brain or what?
