Monday, May 14, 2018


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A total of 1,482 votes were cast on Monday in the Democratic Party runoff, the first of five early voting days scheduled before the May 22 election day.

By comparison, 1,087 Democrats votes were cast on the first day of early voting in the first day of early voting on Tuesday, Feb. 20, the first day of the 11 days of that early voting period. But it is evident that even if the pace keeps up this way, it is doubtful that the totals over five days will come close to the total over 11 days back in March.

The runoffs includes Democratic candidates for governor between Sheriff Lupe Valdez and Andrew White.

Depending on where you live, you may be able to vote in the District 37 State Representative race between challenger Alex Dominguez, a county commissioner for Precinct 2, or the incumbent Rene Oliveria.

Again, depending on where you live, you may be able to vote in the Precinct 2, Place 2 race between challenger Javier Reyna,a a Captain in the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept., or the incumbent Jonathan Gracia.

Countywide, there's the runoff for 197th District Court between Carlos Masso, a Brownsville attorney and Brownsville Navigation District commissioner, and Brownsville attorney and former magistrate Adolfo Cordova. This is a heated race and includes Willacy County.

As usual, the top voting spot was the Central Public Library in Brownsville. There were 440 votes cast there today compared to 333 in February.

The dark shades in the graph above means that early voting will be limited to the days shaded blue.


Anonymous said...

Jonathan Gracia..Educated.Experience, Lawyer', ..Excelent Choice.

Anonymous said...

Vote for me, Vote for me, said "Rear-ender Rene Oliveira" take my new card in case you are stopped by the cops, just give them my card and drive away, that's what I did.

Chuy said...

Vote for ALEX

Anonymous said...

And leazy

Anonymous said...

Vote Javier Reyna for a full time judge

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Jonathan....never at your court

Anonymous said...

In Browntown, a high voter turnout means there is an increase in tamales, coke and cash being handed out.

Anonymous said...

Hey, are those tamales any better than any that are being sold as "tamales" in Brownsville? I have not had a good tamale since my huelita used to make them. I don't know how some tamalares can claim they are selling tamales. They sell pollo o una tirita de carne envuelta en in libra de masa y todos le tienen que hechar chile a que no se los pueda comer uno. Does any one know for real where someone sells a good tamale. Hey, maybe we can have a Tamale Party at the new market square and have the millionaire Tony Martinez pay for them and invite Brownsville citizens to come to a tasting fiesta - similar to the one held with fajitas in McAllen. I guess we can't do the one with fajitas cause the fajitas were confiscated by the marshalls. Que triste!

Anonymous said...

3.What is the law regarding serving alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person?

Selling an alcoholic beverage with criminal negligence to an intoxicated person is a violation of Section 101.63 of the Alcoholic Beverage Code. It is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine between $100 and $500 and/or up to a year in jail.

TABC:Mobile is TABC's preferred way of securely filing complaints and officially filing breach-of-peace reports quickly and easily. Filing with TABC:Mobile takes just minutes and provides verification of receipt by TABC.

You may also file a complaint about possible violations of the law on TABC-licensed premises, or to report possible alcohol-related violations taking place at any location, you may do so by filling out a TABC Complaint Form and providing it to our agency.

Complaint Form in Word format, Complaint Form in PDF format or submit the on-line form.

You can use the form to report:
•A bar, restaurant, store or other TABC-licensed location that is: ◦Selling alcoholic beverages to minors or intoxicated people;
◦Selling alcoholic beverages after the legal hours of sale;
◦Conducting illegal activity involving gambling, illicit drug use or prostitution;
◦Owned by someone other than the person named on the permit; or
◦Involved in any other illegal activity.

•A Private Club that is serving alcoholic beverages to non-members of the club.
•An individual illegally providing alcoholic beverages to a minor.
•Parties or events involving minors illegally consuming alcoholic beverages.
•An individual selling alcoholic beverages without a TABC permit.
•Any other illegal activity that involves alcoholic beverages.

