Sunday, May 27, 2018



Anonymous said...

You seem to have a very tender spot for dead United States soldiers and their families, but love to hate on dead Confederate soldiers and their families. All were Americans and you don't seem to see the hypocrisy of this matter.

Anonymous said...

Are you a citizen, Montoya? and don't hive us that shit about being a marine and having gone to college. lots of Mexican vets have been deported. Where were you born?

Anonymous said...

The first blogger hit it on the spot referring to not just Juan. It goes for everyone who is prejudiced and biased to their needs and beliefs. All were soldiers who laid their life on the line to support our country and did not run and hide. Not until you lose someone in the armed forces, does one realize the sacrifice all the families must handle. One simple day for them is not enough to ever repay them for all our liberties that we take so lightly. Remember to salute every time you pass a cemetery and a proud USA
flag is beautifully waving next to that soldier. It should be a requirement for all Presidents to have served in the USA Armed Services before they can actually be the commander in chief - I have always argued this with my history and government teachers and it makes a good discussion. Put your heart and soul and feet where your mouth is.

Anonymous said...

Well it could be because none of us knew any confederate soldiers

Anonymous said...

"Well it could be because none of us knew any confederate soldiers"

There are dead before I was born, but so were many, many U.S. vets and war dead, many of whom were also my ancestors. I have three lineal ancestor that were in the Confederate Army. Two came home, but one is buried with thousands of other anonymous Confederate dead in a mass grave in Chattanooga Tenn.

Anonymous said...

