We won't put words in Dr. G.F. Mchale-Scully's mouth since the successful author of several books is far more articulate and erudite than we are.
(Jerry wrote this and admitted saying he believed it would be something Dr. Tony Zavaleta would probably say if he – and not Jerry – had written it. So it wasn't really Tony's. It was Jerry's.)
Plus, it was close to five o'clock in the morning when he wrote it and he was probably nodding out. But we know the manner in which our longtime friend and fellow member of a secret organization perceives reality from our many conversations with him over the last 40 years.
When he sees his pal District 37 State Rep. Rene Oliveria, he makes believe he sees intelligence...but it's really the $2,000 and free pedas.

When he sees Dominguez, the $2,000 blind him and he makes himself believe he sees ignorance.
When he sees Oliveira staffer Tony Gray, he sees a selfless individual who has served the district's constituents well and who wines and dines him on the rep's campaign funds when he's in Brownsville and when Jerry visits Austin.
He also tends to forget that it was Juan Montoya (the for hire blogger as Jerry and his friends describe him) who trained Gray in the way of newspapers and who recommended Oliveira hire him as his administrative assistant. He did.
When he sees Dominguez's staffer Zeke Silva, the $2,000 make Jerry sees a selfish individual who has served himself well. He doesn't see anything past the campaign funds funneled to him through the Oliveria campaign. He doesn't see the work Silva has done to help the residents of colonias built by the Cardenas, Rene's compadres, in the flood zones (Laguna Seca), or the work he has done to complete the transformation of Cameron Park to a livable community.
When he sees the Oliveira team, he recognizes they can compete at drinking you under the table with anyone on the field.
When he sees the Dominguez team, he dreads the though of them winning because the drinks and gravy train will shrivel and dry up as will the free good times at Cobbleheads in Brownsville and Eddie V's in Austin.
When he sees Oliveira, he sees a man who claims 34 years of experience, expertise and achievements have made Brownsville a better place during his time as a state representative. Could this "seniority" be the reason why his district – compared with the other five senior members of the 150th representatives – has the worst family income levels and poverty rates? See for yourself below.
1. Tom Craddick, Amarillo $32,938 10.9 percent in poverty
2. Sephonia Thompson , Houston $15,742 27.8 percent in poverty
3. Harold Dutton, Houston, $19,867 24.5 percent in poverty
4. John Smithee, Amarillo, $27,603 12.4 percent in poverty
5. Oliveira, Brownsville (SPI), $13,416 39.1 percent in poverty
When he sees Dominguez, the Oliveira $2,000 campaign fund money blinds him to hallucinate he is seeing someone with no expertise and no achievements who hasn't made his precinct better during his time as a county commissioner.
The colonia improvements, inclusive playground for the physically impaired, winter coat drives for the poor, successfully fighting for drinking water for San Pedro, all disappear into the haze of the fine wine he and Oliveira share. And he forgets Oliveira never held a local elective office before he was installed as a state rep by his mother Gloria, a local Democratic Party heavyweight. Peace be with her.
When he sees Oliveira, he envisions Brownsville moving into the future. But not as fast as Oliveria's black Caddy slamming into the back of the woman who was parked at a traffic light that Oliveira's inebriate condition did not allow him to perceive. He'll also make believe that Rene did not leave the scene of the crime, could not remember how his car had suffered all the damage, and had to be held up by a female cop to keep himself from falling.
It wasn't the first woman who has helped Rene out. His current live-in lied to the cops at the scene and told them that there had been "no accident." Before that, Roller Derby Rene's girl friend took the fall when he rear-ended van then left the scene to coordinate his cover from Cheddar's next door. Sound like a pattern?
When Jerry sees Dominguez, Oliveira's $2,000 make him think his hazy crystal ball is showing him an imagine of Brownsville regressing into the past.
When he sees his pal District 37 State Rep. Rene Oliveria, he makes believe he sees intelligence...but it's really the $2,000 and free pedas.

When he sees Dominguez, the $2,000 blind him and he makes himself believe he sees ignorance.

He also tends to forget that it was Juan Montoya (the for hire blogger as Jerry and his friends describe him) who trained Gray in the way of newspapers and who recommended Oliveira hire him as his administrative assistant. He did.
When he sees Dominguez's staffer Zeke Silva, the $2,000 make Jerry sees a selfish individual who has served himself well. He doesn't see anything past the campaign funds funneled to him through the Oliveria campaign. He doesn't see the work Silva has done to help the residents of colonias built by the Cardenas, Rene's compadres, in the flood zones (Laguna Seca), or the work he has done to complete the transformation of Cameron Park to a livable community.
When he sees the Oliveira team, he recognizes they can compete at drinking you under the table with anyone on the field.
When he sees the Dominguez team, he dreads the though of them winning because the drinks and gravy train will shrivel and dry up as will the free good times at Cobbleheads in Brownsville and Eddie V's in Austin.
When he sees Oliveira, he sees a man who claims 34 years of experience, expertise and achievements have made Brownsville a better place during his time as a state representative. Could this "seniority" be the reason why his district – compared with the other five senior members of the 150th representatives – has the worst family income levels and poverty rates? See for yourself below.
1. Tom Craddick, Amarillo $32,938 10.9 percent in poverty

3. Harold Dutton, Houston, $19,867 24.5 percent in poverty
4. John Smithee, Amarillo, $27,603 12.4 percent in poverty
5. Oliveira, Brownsville (SPI), $13,416 39.1 percent in poverty
When he sees Dominguez, the Oliveira $2,000 campaign fund money blinds him to hallucinate he is seeing someone with no expertise and no achievements who hasn't made his precinct better during his time as a county commissioner.
The colonia improvements, inclusive playground for the physically impaired, winter coat drives for the poor, successfully fighting for drinking water for San Pedro, all disappear into the haze of the fine wine he and Oliveira share. And he forgets Oliveira never held a local elective office before he was installed as a state rep by his mother Gloria, a local Democratic Party heavyweight. Peace be with her.

It wasn't the first woman who has helped Rene out. His current live-in lied to the cops at the scene and told them that there had been "no accident." Before that, Roller Derby Rene's girl friend took the fall when he rear-ended van then left the scene to coordinate his cover from Cheddar's next door. Sound like a pattern?
When Jerry sees Dominguez, Oliveira's $2,000 make him think his hazy crystal ball is showing him an imagine of Brownsville regressing into the past.
When Jerry sees Oliveira, he sees a somebody with a hefty campaign fund which he shares generously with his drinking buddies.
Go to sleep Jerr. Your delirium tremens is our nightmare.
Where and when did the sorry excuse for a man McHale get his doctoral degree? What was the title of his dissertation - Evolution of Vulgarity used by Wanna-Be Mexicans. He did marry a Mexican woman, but she was no where a match for him especially in her moral values and her teaching expertise. Jerry sat at this desk with his feet up on it while the children colored pictures at their desk - or whatever they wanted since Jerry didn't care.
This pissing match between you local bloggers it petty in the extreme. I know you are competing for readers and $$$$ but have some class. Bashing the others, does not increase your credibility or respect.
Tony Grey has see the writing on the wall and he is bailing while the going is good, Tony says he can't live with reporting on visitors days at Huntsville.
Dale gas Juan we love it y no te dejes Pat ponle!!!
May 19, 2018 at 8:04 PM
McHale DOES NOT have a doctoral degree. He has a Masters but NOT
a PHD. Ask ANYBODY that worked with him at UTB-TSC or even at RHS.
He is still in Brownsville because living in Portugal or Brasil is EXPENSIVE not because he is "close" to his family.
Money hungry gringos...
The Black Mamba Rene Oliveira has promised to give me Tony Grey's job if he wins, that is why I take the silver over the shrimp
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