Jerry McHale's Blog

After Jerry posted what appeared to be a public endorsement by Carlos Masso, a former Brownsville Navigation District commissioner and currently in a runoff for the 197th District Court against Adolfo Cordova, Masso didn't wait long to disabuse his Facebook followers of the allegation.
"I'm running as an independent and not associated with Mr. Oliveria's campaign," Masso posted.
How long before others follow suit?
Will John Wood, Ernesto de Leon, Rick Lepre, Dave Handelman, Maclovio O'Malley, etc., Not long ago, Robert "Captain Bob" Sanchez countered McHale's Fake News assertion that he was endorsing Oliviera, a highly unlikely proposition since Oliveira is now living with the captain's ex-wife down the street from his crib and has published an ad charging Oliveira with seducing her when he was let into the Sanchez residence.
How long before others follow suit?
Will John Wood, Ernesto de Leon, Rick Lepre, Dave Handelman, Maclovio O'Malley, etc., Not long ago, Robert "Captain Bob" Sanchez countered McHale's Fake News assertion that he was endorsing Oliviera, a highly unlikely proposition since Oliveira is now living with the captain's ex-wife down the street from his crib and has published an ad charging Oliveira with seducing her when he was let into the Sanchez residence.
With Oliveira's recent DWI charge that involved him slamming the rear of a car driven by a woman who was waiting for a light to change, took off and had his mate tell police there had been no accident, refusing to take an alcohol breath test or sobriety test, having police acquire a warrant to draw his blood, and then having to be held up by a police woman so he wouldn't fall, it's no surprise other candidates are distancing themselves from the inebriated rep.
Oliveira is facing Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez in a runoff election. Early voting ended Friday and the elections is Tuesday, May 22.
Oliveira is facing Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez in a runoff election. Early voting ended Friday and the elections is Tuesday, May 22.
I made absolutely no connection between the two. They aren't running as a team. They share the same need for Brownsville to support them in order to win and that was my sole point. I am voting for both of them because they are competent Brownsville homeboys who bring much more to the table than San Benito's Adolfo Corbova and La Feria's Alex Dominguez. Ni mas, ni menos.
Ernesto de Leon has already declared his support for "Scumbag" Oliviera in the local daily rag, letters to the editor. De Leon, better known for his "Five on Your Side" piece on TV and other political antics....has cast his ballot in the media. One "scumbag" to another....we can say. Rene is a drunk and has done nothing for this community in 34 years; and it ain't going to change.
By the way, is Carlos de Leon part of Ernesto's seed???? If so, we have a racist (Carlos) and an political wannabee (Ernesto).
When the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira Rear-ended the woman on the way home the other night, he forgot that he was not in bed yet. How can you trust this slimeball to represent the people of Brownsville, who has a whore spewing out false news about The black Mamba Oliveira all the time that you don't even know what to believe what MCHALE says anymore. He said that The Black Mamba was against the LNG when he has been taking money from them, he states that people are endorsing him and they are not. He states that Robert Sanchez is endorsing The Black Mamba Rene Oliveira, when the truth is, Robert Sanchez would not piss on Oliveira if he was on fire. Here we have two whore together like there are three Robin's in the world "There was Robin Hood" then there was "Robin red best" now we gave "Rene the robbing Bastard" your choice.
The Rear-ender Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira is running a solo race, but when he gets charged with fraud and corruption, then he will use his black book to rat on all he can to get time off as there is no way he can get off his time at the Florida protection facility for being a snake. His time is coming very soon
Come to the party tomorrow night when the mongoose starts to plan his campaign of disruption against the Black Mamba Scumbag Rene Oliveira. He shall be walawing in glory or self pity, either way he will soon find out how touchable he really is.
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