(Requiem for a friend)
As a young girl coming of age
In the Las Prietas hood
You learned to throw
To make it,
And get respect
You grew all too quickly there
And had your kids
When you were just a child, too
And leaving school, to fend off life
And earn the daily bread
You worked in bars, en los congales, too
Rough days, the hurly-burly of
Cantina pleitos
You endured, and sometimes grew inured
Bar brawls, and botellasos,
Y los plomasos
Were a part of life
As were conjuntos, chancles,y las movidas;
As were conjuntos, chancles,y las movidas;
The one-night romances, the furtive eye
Then you found him
And settled down
Sentates cabeza, mi Maria
Like most cantina girls will never do
And then that day, in peace
And home and hearth
Watching TV, with him
You felt your breath come short
And choked, and wheezed
And despite all that he did
To clear your breath,
It was for naught
And you met death
After the knife fights, shootouts
And brawls that you survived
In countless tawdry joints...
A piece of onion clogged your air
And just like that,
Without time for goodbyes,
You died
Without time for goodbyes,
You died
Adios, mi linda
Adios Maria
Descansa en paz
God bless you and keep you safe.
It seems like most every day we loose a close friend and as they become fewer and fewer, we do remember the good and the bad. Sometimes making the bad seem good. My friends are so few that I can now count them with one hand. I await my turn.
No church bells ring in this town when a Mexican dies, Montoya. LOL
Star's drive thru, huh? It is 2 miles from Las Prietas.
Its part of life.
Is it better to go first, and have someone to mourn us? Or is it better to go last and mourn em all, while no one can mourn us?
Choked on onion? How Mexican!
To May 1, 2018 at 2:20 PM
Caught between a rock and and a hard place. I believe it's not our choice to make.
In every culture, in every nation, in every town, the bar flies and low lives have short life expectancy. It is the consequence of the life they live.
BS I've seen people that take care of themselves, no smoke, no alcohol and live well and go early and also people that do the opposite and live longer. Nobody knows why.
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