Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Jerry McHale, endorsed Rene Oliveira

"Nevertheless, life is the moment and it's been an entertaining series of moments during this long campaign season. 

"According to The McHale Report's last poll, State Representative Rene Oliveira leads County Commissioner Alex Dominguez for the former's post, 53 to 47 percnent, Carlos Masso leads Adolfo Corbova for the 197th State District Court, 52 to 48 percent, and Justice of the Peace Jonathan Gracia leads Javier Reyna for the JP seat, 51 to to 49 percent

"The McHale Report has endorsed Oliveira, Masso and Reyna, but no results will surprise the community. These contests are too close to call for the dormant Brownsville Herald, but The McHale Report never shies away from predicting outcomes. It's that sports mentality that permeates our being.

Robert Wightman, endorsed Oliveria

"He needs to get to Austin ASAP and find the campaign money to set up an apartment. The legislature may not be in session, but they are working to get their bills filed. Bills are finalized and support garnered well before the session begins in January 2019.

"There are a few bipartisan bills Dominguez needs to endorse and support immediately. He needs to contact senior Democrats for help in getting in on the bill writing. It begins with an idea. Then you garner support. Then your group agrees on the language and begins to float it. This is all already underway in Austin.

"Alex does not have until January to get started. He needs to get to Austin now and look for a strong mentor who can put him in the right circles.

"This post is not criticism. It is about giving him a reality check that he is already on the job and what he needs to do to have some voice come January 2019."

DPM, endorsed Oliveria

"In hardscrabble Brownsville, Dominguez has to hit the ground running when he takes office in January. He is replacing Rene Oliveira, a ranking member of the Texas House of Representatives and, say what the critics will say, his voice was one that had to be heard by his colleagues in the 150-member legislative body. Dominguez has to earn his Capitol cafeteria card, as they say in high-political circles.

"A “honeymoon” insinuates that he gets a free pass from the critics, and there simply is no time for any sort of “learn-as-you-go-don’t-worry-about-doing-anything” mentality. To his credit, Dominguez campaigned as a “worker,” and he has to get to work. 

"His is a 2-year term, and everybody who goes to Austin in his shoes soon learns that the next campaign is simply months away. Who knows if Dominguez, himself, will get a challenger in 2020, but he has to prepare for that possibility."

(These three gents dispensed vicious vitriol freely against Pct. 2 commissioner Alex Dominguez during the months leading up to the election. Judging by the results, not many voters partook of their wisdom. So what makes them think that the man they disparaged and berated in favor of their losing candidate should heed their counsel?)   


Anonymous said...

He should listen to them because they are right. Hopefully Dominguez is a bigger man than to go nyah nyah at anyone who didn't support him, the way Trump does. That is the difference between being a mental midget on a power trip, or being a respected leader with longevity in office. Oliveira helped many people and groups over the years. I liked that Dominguez has a more progressive view of women's rights and unfair taxation than Oliveira did. Perhaps Dominguez will bring a modern view to the valley's representation, that said he is filling some big shoes in terms of stature, networks and experience.

Anonymous said...

These is no reason to take counsel from these three, who have missed the ball in every way. a person must have credibility for their advice to have any weight.

Anonymous said...

The meaning of "have big shoes to fill is: to have to meet high expectations about something that came before.

BS: The old chapter did not have any shoes. So it's wide open and domingez will take advantage.

No need to kiss-ass like the loser. No need to bend over to NO GRINGO he'll be his own MAN and will do the right thing and it's about TIME...


Anonymous said...

If he is any politician, he'll seek - and get - advice. If he isn't, he'll be Rene Oliveira. Good wisdom for your colleagues, from what I can see.

Anonymous said...

I am excited about his announcement of calling for a town meeting so that we can meet with him and address a problem that he may seek to solve for us down here in one of his areas - Brownsville. As an educator, I would like to see him involved and make it one of his big issues, with school safety and finances to help out. Our educational system is the one the legislature cut first and the ones that they have pushed to the bottom of the ladder. Alex needs to put us first, for we are the one that are the real stakeholders, for who else educates all our citizens to be what they can be. Alex, please become our voice in Austin, and please do not forget the retired educators who now qualify for food stamps because of our low annuities and poor health coverage. Alex, if you are there for us now, we will not forget in 2020. Dale gas, Alex, we are behind you in any way that we can.

Anonymous said...

The first step Alex should take is dump Zeke. He is a cancer. Just wait. Zeke will expect a high position under his new state rep office. Alex can no longer fly under the radar keeping a convicted felon with a pending second felony DWI employed. Alex will be under a statewide magnifying glass with people ready to jump on any wrong turn. When Alex finally sees the light, he and Zeke will have a falling out then all the praise for Alex on this blog will become quite the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Just help to expose the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira

Anonymous said...

The reality is that a freshman Democratic legislator in a Republican held House will not get much done. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he has no clout. Maybe he’ll be lucky enough to win a few terms, gain seniority and actually be able to help the Valley. But it will take time. For the foreseeable future, don’t hold your breath.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, he's got Zeke Silva with him.

Anonymous said...

Orangutan Maria and McHales words mean nothing. McHale should be sedated so to leave our community in peace. These jerks are just messing with the Community. They do not deserve oxygen water or food. They block the sewer pipes with all they can produce which is shit. Sincerely Mr. Concerned Community Member

Anonymous said...

Go zeke pay no mind to these envidiosos. Coffee is great go there all the time.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that Dominguez is indeed a fresh start, and also a fact that the legal Cameron County citizens and taxpayers wanted a change from the steering of Rene Oliveira. Rene has and always thought that he was above the law. Also, the fact that he was a legislator he would manipulate the law into whatever he wanted. He has in fact a lot of clout that he had accumulated over the many years he has been in office. We the Citizens of Cameron must keep in mind that Rene had and has many supporters of his nonfunctions. Change usually doesn't come immediately, so let's give Mr. Domingue some lead way. God be with you Dominguez.

Anonymous said...

Let him feel his feet first, he will sort out the chaff from the wheat soon enough, first he has to get the stench of the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira out of Austin. Then choose the path that he wants to go, to serve the people, or line his own pockets and become a Scumbag like Rene Oliveira,

Anonymous said...

We shall soon see how Austin will welcome Alex, we shall soon see how the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira takes his fall from grace. He know has to find a way to make his luxury lifestyle get funded and not to show his slush fund that's been hidden away for years. Only time and greed will expose him as there is no more campaign funds to hide his lifestyle. Watch and wait for him to expose himself as he will soon expose himself to the people who are now after his Black arse.

Anonymous said...

For hire one Blogger used to speaking with fork tounge in both languages, I have proven work record, have worked for booze and shrimp, booze and silver now looking for anything. My last employer is now getting ready to go go to war with mongoose, and I don't like his chances as he has lost his protection. MCHALE SULLY the people's Scumbag.

Ben said...

Puro Anonymous. You can tell Pat Ahumada didn't comment.

Anonymous said...

Translation: kiss the teacher unions’ asses, put us ahead of every other group, like many do all over the country. Fuck everybody else. We need more glass palaces and shorty mugs that say “I heart teachers”

This translation brought to you by the bullshit free captioning service.

Anonymous said...

Bob, the problem with you is you won’t even work for your booze. You’re a spoiled, steaming turd whose parents should have beat your ass growing up so you wouldn’t have turned out to be such a crazy ass lush.

You and Rene and your women should all be locked up together to have a drunken hate orgy or off eachother for our entertainment. That would at least make better tv than most of what is on these days.

Anonymous said...

It would be awsome if Alex Dominquez would give Julio Castro the position to work with him on Austin, he is a responsible and respected person. And he has no bad baggage.

Anonymous said...

Baggage is a requirement.

Anonymous said...

You can see how fast the rats have deserted the sinking ship when you have MCHALE SCULLY being the first to dump the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira even for his peices of silver and booze, this is a start of the banning of the doors on the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira. Welcome the Mongoose

Anonymous said...

Now we have the Ranting of the dumped MCHALE SCULLY Again without a sponsor now that the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira has bit the dust, and lost his slush fund, that gas been his constant flow of funding for the past 30 years, along with what he has scammed along the WAY.MCHALE was hoping to take over from Tony Gray who was going to bail on the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira, as he knew it was time to bail on the Scumbag. Now MCHALE has only the shrimp farm left to go to for his Jack and shrimp, that is back to Robert Sanchez. He may just have a few beers and some Tacos left with the Rear-ender Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira, as he will soon bite the dust the dust making his exit from Austin after taking money for things he cant now provide, where can he go for free food and drink.

Anonymous said...

Las tres petunias or is it putonas
