Monday, May 28, 2018



Anonymous said...

Not for Mexicans!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Make AMERICA Great Again

Anonymous said...

Surely you are referring to those who were born in Mexico, right. Their flag is the verde, blanco, Colorado, la bandera del mojado

Anonymous said...

May 29,2018 at 6:16 PM

Pick up your marbles, you're way out in left field, how stupid can you be!

Anonymous said...

(Colorado, la bandera del mojado)


Anonymous said...

Lol, you can call us Mojados, it is the worst you have to lick your envy wounds, we mojados came to work, and had made it in a few years much better than English speaking pochos in all their lives, I came from Matamoros a few years ago, to take advantage of the opportunities this Great Country offers to all immigrants, now own a Ranch, a Paid off Home, New Cars and trucks, Mojado pero como mejor que tu!!!

Anonymous said...

Colorado es un estado de EEUU pendejo (ROJO!!!)

Anonymous said...

Is villalobos being released fromn Federal Prison Camp Ozark in Forrest City, Ark?

Anonymous said...

You know what? I spoke briefly with Duardo Paz and he is just a rude jerk that dirties the blogosphere. Basically he is an asshole. I explained to him that Jerry McHale is bullshit with that South Texas Independent Journalost Association shit and the polls and surveys and the Baker Boys, Steinbech, Maxwell, Maclovio, etc. The guy is crazy and dillusional. Sincerely Mr Concerned Community Memeber

Anonymous said...

He hasn't named enough Scumbags yet, the black Mamba Rene Oliveira is just one of them. They made sure he lost the election, not to upset Austin. There's 5 from the DA's office two judges one federal judge who will quit for health reasons, and three top Brownsville lawyers who will get roped in the first. Armando Villalobos has been signing since the first day of his sentence. Now they have the black Mamba Rene Oliveira to sing with him. Look out it is PAMPERS TIME.

Anonymous said...

A Mojado (wet)is an illegal immigrant. A Mexican-American is a person born here whose ancestors were at one time from Mexico. A Mexican is a citizen of Mexico living in Mexico or in the United States legally.

Anonymous said...

To: May 28, 2018 at 10:52 PM culo mojado

English speaking pochos

Eres un culero y mamon. A quetantos gavachos se la mamates, mojado culo. Tu, mas grand que un pocho? Estas rete pendejo mamon.

Anonymous said...

Los pinches mojados nomas vienen a lamberle los huevos a los pinche gavachos mamones todos los pinche mojados. Pinche rancho cagado, junto con tus jonke caros memso. Sigue mamandoles los huevos a los gringos culero...

Anonymous said...

Original Tejanos from RGV are not MOJADOS, or WETBACKS. All Tejanos were born HERE in the RGV we don't kiss ass like the wetbacks or mojados. BUILT THE WALL AND KICK THE MOJADOS ILLEGALS AND WETBACKS BACK WHERE THEY BELONG!!!

Anonymous said...

My ancestors were born here I have NO relatives from Mexico. All my family from both sides of my parents were born here in the Valley. Original families that came with Gen Escando.

Anonymous said...

To 10:52 PM Lol
Maybe you are an US Citizen, pinche pocho culero, buy you still have el Culo Prieto Jajajaja fucking coconut!!!

Anonymous said...

My Anglo friend says that any son of a bitch that does not look like him (Anglo) is a Mexican/wetback/illegal. If you are not white you will always be called a Mexican by the Anglos. They may not say it to you, but believe me they say it to their fellow Anglos. They do not give a shit what side of the river you were born at.

Funny to see all these Mejicanos fighting with each other, puras jaibas.

Anonymous said...

Nobody can change that but mamar huevos de los gringos, your specialty. MOJADO TODO EL TIMEPO. "Si mi patronsito lo que el senor diga si mi patro" MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Typical gringo back stabbing asshole. We know that and treated accordingly.

Anonymous said...

"My angle friend" must be a culo mojado.

Anonymous said...

angle? pendejo pinche mojado go back to la primaria memso oops they don't teach English writing so sorry estupido...

Anonymous said...

Sanofi, the maker of Ambien, responded with a statement full of shade: "While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication."
All of you can not blame sanofi for making racial comments, so look for another excuse, say like your parents!!!

Anonymous said...

Where do you think the people with Jose de Escandon came from? Most of them were born in Mexico after their parents came from Spain or other countries to escape religious persecution but Mexico was a stopping grounds for most of them until the 7 entradas were settled by the Escondon captains. Todos somos Mexicanos y nadie es puro Americano - ni los indios del Bering Strait. How sad that we were never taught this history by our American History teachers.

Anonymous said...

WRONG grasshopper the majority came from Spain and on the way here Escandon picked up more families to settle this area (5000) because of the encroachment of the French. Spain was not having any religious problems but England and other European countries were and those pilgrims went East not South.

The State Board of Education is the one that decides what books are allowed in ALL state schools to study, NOT the teachers.
The first time I heard of Escandon was not in HS but in college.

Anonymous said...

Escandon received his appointment in September 1746, with orders to map the region and submit a proposal for entering the region and a plan for subjugating the natives. Escandon first initiated a detailed exploration of the region by dispatching seven different expeditions to survey the region and record their observations. Each expedition started from a different point within New Spain and all were to converge at the mouth of the Rio Grande. The starting points for the seven expeditions were Tampico, Villa de Valles (modern day Ciudad Valles), Queretaro, Linares (in Nuevo Leon), Cerralvo (in Nuevo Leon), Monclova (in Coahuila), and the presidio of La Bahia (at that time located on the Guadalupe River but relocated in 1749 to it present site on the San Antonio River near Goliad, Texas).
