By Juan Montoya
For months – even years – District 37 Texas Representative Rene Oliveira has had it both ways.
On the one hand, he can say tell the Sierra Club he is a champion of the environment, and on the other he can give a nod and a wink to Big Oil and Gas for the construction of the liquified natural gas (LNGs) terminals at the Port of Brownsville.
At the same time, he had been pocketing money ($10,000 or more) from the LNGs.

And they have been extremely generous in return, bestowing upon him $100,000s of dollars in gratitude. (See graphic, click to enlarge.)
The letter above clearly shows the tightrope that Oliveira has tried to walk between his constituents who worry the terminals will harm the environment and the industry which finances his lifestyle.
The Sierra Club has vigorously asserted that the terminals cannot be "constructed and operated in a safe and responsible manner..," quite in opposition to Oliveira's claim to the FERC.
And various coastal and seashore communities and entities have come out against the terminals such as the South Padre Island city council, the Point Isabel Independent School District, the Laguna Madre Water District, the Port Isabel city commission, and the Laguna Vista town council.
Yet, Oliveria told the Valley Morning Star that:
“As a longtime legislator from the Brownsville area, I can assure you that the project has strong support from the local community and its leaders,” wrote Oliveira, chairman for the House committee on business and industry."
Which Rene Oliveira are we going to believe?
Which Rene Oliveira are we going to believe?
You no somewhere along the line Oliviera has his chubby grubby fingers up LNGs a**.
I said that Rear-ender Rene Oliveira the black Mamba is truly a Scumbag snake he can look you in the eye and tell you that he is black. He is a lieing Scumbag.
So, Rene lied to the public when he challenged LNG at the public meeting between candidates recently. Rene, all the while, is accepting donations from the LNG energy organizations. Rene is not ethical and lacks integrity. If elected he will continue to serve himself and not this community.
We know election time is here, because you bash Rene every day on your blog. Why is that?
Our Cameron County Commissioners gave away to LNG $337,000,000.
In return, LNG is promising "300 permanent jobs, 35 percent of which must consist of Cameron County hires", plus some temporary construction work.
35% of 300 real jobs is 105 jobs. So in reality, Cameron county residents are only getting 105 long term jobs, not 300. The other 200 jobs will be filled by people brought in from elsewhere who have masters and PhD degrees in chemistry, mechanical engineering and petroleum engineering.
$337,000,000 divided by 105 jobs = we paid LNG $3,209,534 per job.
What kind of jobs can we expect to be offered for this high price? Since less than 4% of Cameron county residents have a degree above a Master's, much less in the science and engineering fields, that means our people will most likely be filling the cafeteria worker, janitor, landscape maintenance spots right.
Head scratch.
Did our leaders demand a list of job descriptions, wages, degree requirements, and hours for the jobs that will be offered to Cameron County residents in the long term? BEFORE they signed over hundreds of millions of our tax dollars?
What about insurance in the event of an explosion, what coverage and reparations policy is being made available to the residents of Port Isabel, Brownsville and South padre in the event of death/fire?
What is the plan in the event of long term damage to our fishing and shrimp industries due to LNG poison in the water?
Will free health coverage be made available to all residents and students whose homes or schools are downwind of the refinery fumes, who develop chronic illness as a result?
How can you trust a snake, a Black Mamba at that, that's what he is known as by the top people in the Democratic party. Rear-ender Rene can't be trusted to tell the truth to a woman who he ran into the rear of her car, with a baby inside. One minute he gives the woman his card, then says there is no accident. He states that Alex Dominguez is selling us out to the LNG yet Rear-ender Rene Oliveira is taking money from LNG, like the slimeball he is.
Vote for Alex Dominguez.
Personally I hope Dominguez realizes getting in bed with LNGs was bad news. Oliveira, he is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Our only hope is that new blood will not take the same bait the Lucios were selling. But I have seen no indication from Dominguez of any realization of his mistake. Or he is too proud to admit and undo a bad decision. We all make mistakes but some have the courage to reverse course and not repeat them. Others refuse out of pride /vanity. Oliveira apologized for his drunk driving, Dominguez hasn't apologized for giving away millions to LNG. That is scary. Haven't voted yet.
Rene is desperate and will say and do anything to get elected. Rene has even hired McHale to be his perro to attack anyone who does not support him. Rene, like McHale has no ethics, integrity, honor or respect. Not only does Rene have no respect for married women, but is a lush with a serious drinking problem and someday will kill a daughter, mother, brother or someone in his drunken stupor behind the wheel. Rene has proven he thinks he is above the law by leaving the scene of the accident and expects special treatment from the DA and judges. Rene's expects voters to ignore his extravagant spendning, drunken ways and his desperate efforts to cover up what we all know would be a criminal offense, if it had been you.
Do not be swayed by Rene's desperate attempts to mislead voters. Rene is not fit to hold office and should be voted out. if Rene is re-elected, what does that say about us, that we are beyond redemption and deserve the corruption. Rene's character is more than flawed, he is the epitomy of what we should not tolerate in our elected leaders.
Vote for Alex Dominguez, give him a chance and if he fails, he will be easier to vote out than Rene. This is your chance to vote out someone who should not be representing us in Austin, because we are better than what Rene has proven to be.
Well now it's almost a given that he is a drunk. When he personally attended those agencies public meetings for the LNG, was he drunk? He claims he received briefings from the Texas LNG personnel, he didn't brief the taxpayers of nor the public. He and Senator Lucio have played this game before with the private prisons. Then they brought all the illegals to fill the prisons and now look at the mess. They don't care about of the long term effects that might come about, all they care about is "MONEY".
all of a sudden I see educated comments that have a thought process..
And you fucking idiot browntown Democrap voters will keep him in office. You sure as hell keep fueling his addiction by continuing to pay for his booze and whatever else he is on. Do you think Republicans are voting for him? Stay poor . You deserve being the poorest , shit stain city in the USA.
Was Oliveira a rookie at one time in Austin? Yes.
In fact - If Oliveira looses to Dominguez, and if Oliveira really wants the best for his District - he should personally introduce Dominguez to all of his acquaintances in Austin, including the 4 or 5 highest ranking Reps., Lt. Governor, etc and ask that they take good care of Dominguez and the District he now represents.
It would be the "sportsman like" conduct expected by the constituents, from one Democrat to another representing the same District.
Austin will welcome Alex they just need to get rid of the untouchable Black Mamba Rene Oliveira.
To: May 17, 2018 at 2:39 PM
Idiot you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Oliveiras have ALWAYS thought themselves as WHITE. He keeps winning because of the racist republicans. Republicans down here like people that think they are white so they vote for them. PENDEJO...
To anonymous at 9:56, it's because of idiots like you that Brownsville doesn't have more educated people....including you. You perpetuate ignorance at the highest level. 300 jobs is 300 jobs in the poorest region of the US. But noooo, you complain that it's only 300 and only a proportion is long term. Forget about the infusion of capital and money and a higher quality of life for those that need it. Forget about the economic multiplier effect of hundreds of millions of dollars. Forget about the fact that it may afford kids an education because parents that work there have a bit more money to send their kids to school so that we can have more graduates with a masters degree.
It's ignorant people like you that believe in rhetoric spasmodically, too lazy to check or research facts like the fact that the transformation of natural gas to a liquid is a physical dynamic and not a chemical one. So, pray tell, please tell me specifically without resorting to hearsay, exactly how does a LNG plant produce pollution if the process is not chemical. You obviously failed chemistry.
Instead of scratching your head, try reading a book.
No bashing necessary for this Scumbag, it is the truth being told for once.
To Dick Head at 11:55
If you're already hosting the three or four largest single sources of air pollution in the entire region you need new large industrial sources of crap like a hole in the head. Likewise, if you've already violated the Clean Air Act for decades the last thing you need are new large sources of smog-producing pollution. But that's exactly what's happening with the announcement last week that a new Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) plant is being proposed for Port of Brownsville TX, located between Port Isabel and Brownsville, Tx and upwind, of the many communities.
LNG plants take natural gas and cool it to minus 260 degrees F, at which point it becomes a liquid. This allows the industry to be able to store and move it compactly. It's been described as reducing the air out of a beach ball to shrink it to the size of a ping pong ball. But it also greatly increases the chances of accidents. If there's a leak or spill from a tank or pipeline the LNG would convert back to a gas. As it diluted with air, the natural gas/air mixture could become potentially explosive if the concentration of natural gas in air reached between 4% and 17%. In this range, any source of ignition (cell phone, cigarette lighter, attic fan, light switch, auto or boat engine spark plug, carpet spark, etc.) could ignite a vapor cloud and impact a large area.
"…the gas must be stripped of impurities until it's over 98% methane. Co2, H2S, other sulfur components, moisture, mercury, and particles are stripped via acid gas removal and disposal, gas dehydration, mercury removal, and particle filtration…. The emissions associated with these processes include CO, VOC, SOx, NOx, H2S, particulates, and many toxic organic compounds."
That's Carbon Monoxide, a poison everyone's familiar with, Volatile Organic Compounds, a smog-producing class of chemicals like Benzene and Toluene, many of which are also carcinogenic, Sulfur Dioxide, a respiratory irritant which also causes acid rain, Nitrogen Oxide, a smog-producing respiratory irritant, PM pollution that's been linked to everything from heart attacks to Parkinson's, Mercury, a notorious neurotoxin, and oh yes, Hydrogen Sulfide, or "sour gas," a highly toxic and flammable poison that causes pulmonary edema at low concentrations and death at high ones.
LNG plants use a lot of energy, and therefore have the potential to emit a lot of air pollution.
nitrogen oxide emissions from the LNG plants would increase 500 per cent above existing levels. Nitrogen oxide emissions create acid rain, which harms waterways and fish and creates smog, which causes respiratory problems for children and the elderly, the report states.
I'll be back said the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira as he is led away in cuffs (pink ones), just watch as my black book goes to work. I got away with the DWI, has the woman been paid for her car, I don't think so. I'll be back. As Arnold learned, never share your rod with thy Staff.
Collectively, these facilities will emit a kind of super plume of air pollution that spews north into the middle of the populated areas during most of the year. If you live anywhere from Port Isabel, Los Fresnos, North Brownsville, you will be breathing the pollution from the LNG plant in the Port of Brownsville. How much the facility will add of plume is not yet known, but any increase is going in the wrong direction.
It's 10:53 PM not 9:56. Can't even get your facts straight. Wonder where you got your education. Certainly not around here. Ignorant AH. I guess its (rhetoric spasmodically).
Thinking and being able to to prove that you are White is not the same. Like being a black Mamba and not a Green Mamba is not the same.
Then why is the Rear-ender Black Mamba Rene Oliveira dealing through the back door with LNG.
Wanna be white equals money, money equals prestige, prestige equals respect and admiration and this equals a perception of achievement and this in turn equals funding from big corporations including the largest single sources of air pollution in the world. Go figure...
If the Rear-ender Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira has nothing to hide, why does he pay all his household expenses in cash plus the payments to Lorie. He is a double dealing Scumbag, that needs to be investigated fast.
To 11:49
Denial of Not-Being, in Eleatic philosophy, the assertion of the monistic philosopher Parmenides of Elea that only Being exists and that Not-Being is not, and can never be. Being is necessarily described as one, unique, unborn and indestructible, and immovable.
The opposite of Being is Not-Being (to mē eon), which for the Eleatics meant absolute nothingness, the total negation of Being; hence, Not-Being can never be. Parmenides knew that the assertion that Not-Being also exists must be wrong, although no formal logic existed that would enable him to say precisely what was wrong with it. But he was nonetheless certain about his position: “For you cannot know Not-Being (to mē eon), nor even say it.”
In the world of NOW being is true and wanting to be is not true...
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