Monday, May 21, 2018


By Juan Montoya

Patrick Anderson, who has made a run for a seat at the Brownsville Navigation District Commission has been promised that he'll get District 37 State Rep. Rene Oliveira's support when he runs again in two years.

You know Anderson. He is the pro-environment teacher from Los Fresnos ISD who has been the poorest vote drawer the two times he has run for the port.

The Anti-LNG crowd– John Young, etc., – have been promised Oliveira will introduce legislation to keep away LNGs from the Port of Brownsville. Oh, sure. He'll introduce a bill and it won't even make it out of committee. But it will pacify them enough to get another two years.

And they are willing to overlook the fact that of the two candidates running for the office – Rene and Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Alex Dominguez – only Rene has taken money from Annova LNG's parent corporation, Excelon.

The Sierra Club has vigorously asserted that the terminals cannot be "constructed and operated in a safe and responsible manner..," quite in opposition to Oliveira's claim to the FERC.

He wrote the energy commission that he is "confident that the project will be constructed and operated in a safe, environmentally responsible manner to the benefit of the citizens of South Texas..."

And various coastal and seashore communities and entities have come out against the terminals such as the South Padre Island city council, the Point Isabel Independent School District, the Laguna Madre Water District, the Port Isabel city commission, and the Laguna Vista town council.

Yet, Oliveria told the Valley Morning Star that:

“As a longtime legislator from the Brownsville area, I can assure you that the project has strong support from the local community and its leaders,” wrote Oliveira, chairman for the House committee on business and industry."

In fact, if it hadn't been for Oliveira, the LNGs may not have even come here. He was the state rep who wrote a letter o support to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission saying he was satisfied that they were safe and benign to the environment. And would you believe that the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter gave him a 100 percent rating?

To make sure they stay, Oliveira introduced a bill allowing navigation districts like the BND to extend the leases from 30 to 50 years in 2015. After that, the money from gas and oil PACs, including Excelon, Annova LNG's owner, started to pour in.

But those who are now endorsing Oliveira over Dominguez conveniently forget that three other county commissioners voted with him to approve a tax abatement as an incentive to one company – Rio Grande LNG – of the three who have lease options at the Port of Brownsville. Only County Judge Eddie Treviño, running for reelection, sensing votes to be had, voted against it.

Oh, by the way, he has also "promised" that this will be the last two-year term he wants to serve. Is there an echo in this district? Even we have been told that many bienniums ago. What would he do? Rest assured that he will die in office and they will have to pry the list of campaign contributions from his stiff, cold fingers.

But the list of luminaries – according to a local scurrilous blog – is growing in support of the 34-year barnacle of the Texas Leg.

Among them:
Patrick Anderson
John Young
Save RGV From LNG(?)
Jerry McHale
Bobby Wightman
DPM (Da Pendejita @ Macalitos)
Jim Barton
Et al.,
Image result for rene oliveira
The fact that he got loaded, crashed into the rear of a car driven by a woman who had a child in the back seat, left the scene of the accident, had his live-in mate tell the police there had been no accident, and then couldn't stand up without assistance from a police woman doesn't seem to matter to them.

What if it had been your wife or your daughter driving and your child or grandchild sitting in the back seat of the car he slammed into in his drunken blindness?

We're all human right? Or as that perennial loser and dinosaur City of Brownsville commissioner Ernesto de Leon would say, "Pobrecito. Pero es muy buena gente."

Well, but Rene is from Brownsville and Dominguez grew up in La Feria. So?
Carlos Cascos was from Matamoros and no one brought that up. What about Jerry McHale? He's from Salinas, California and Tony Gray, Rene's Admin Asst. is from Omaha, Nebraska. Even the Brownsville Republic "publisher" lives in McAllen.

By that measure, Dominguez is the kid next door. What a crock.

Zeke Silva is staying in Brownsville tending to his family and business. In fact, he is too worried about his elderly mom's health to contemplate moving anywhere. He wants nothing to do with living in Austin. That's another red herring thrown out by the Oliveira shills. 

In the final analysis, it won't be up to any of us to decide who wins between Oliveira and Dominguez. It'll be up to the voters of District 37 who will decide who they want to represent them for the next two years. If they elect Oliveira again, they'll get more of the same and won't have anyone to blame but themselves.


Anonymous said...

All the guys that partake of the vino or other liquid beverages with Rene are all for him and the free drinks. Rene is a scumbag and he keeps company with other scumbags.....


John said...

Oh well, Juan Montoya and differ on who to vote for in the District 27 runoff, but we agree on how bad LNG would be for us here on the south most tip of Texas. And, living in District 28, I don't even get to vote for either candidate.

And oh by the way, we now have Centurion's Heavy Condensate Upgrader Facility and all that comes with it back from the dead -- reborn and rebranded JupiterMLP (, bringing a 670+ mile dedicated high gravity crude oil pipeline our way and proposing to build a an offshore Very Large Crude Carrier loading facility six miles off our coast etc.

For more information, see: "JupiterMLP Reaches Major Permitting Milestones in Brownsville, Texas," BusinessWire, 06-17-2018,

And see: "Dallas company secures permits to expand crude export hub at Texas port," Jarrett Renshaw and Devika Krishna Kumar, 05-17-2018, Reuters,

Can we get Oliveira or Dominguez or any other elected official to commit to a Town Hall Meeting on JupiterMLP's plans for our part of the world here? At least it's not a completely done deal because both Oliveira (09-18-2017) and Lucio III (09-28-2017) have written letters to the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality officially requesting a local TCEQ public meeting on Centurion/JupiterMLP's request for a TCEQ air quality permit for it's proposed Heavy Condensate Upgrader Facility. So TCEQ must hold a public meeting here on the permit before it can be issued. See the Public Notice on the permit request at

Anonymous said...

Stabbed 27 times...

Anonymous said...

Plenty of beer and liquor at the Rene Oliveria victory party tomorrow night. Police will drive you home free of charge since their union is behind Rene's back. Firefighters will hose you down if you smell too much weed too. Only vegetables will be served NO brown pelicans ? If you can't read or write on your liquor bottles don't worry, local BISD teachers will help you out too. Bingo will also be provided by the local politicadas to the blind votes of Brownsville. There will be a sign up sheet to apply for more welfare plus MS13 friendly members will be on hand for free face tattoos . Citizens of Cameron county who work and pay taxes and don't used the bike and hike trails are not invited period. Go Rene, screwed the taxpayers one more time or many more times.

el brown beret said...

Cool arrow is all I can say about this rene Oviedo ojete-leap frog dude, el rey de la coca o caca? your choice, im voting for Alex this time around, rene might be a senior rep in charge but its like Congress and gun control puro talk talk talk and no ACTION. Ya basta, huelga, fuera con este putito.

The Captains Table said...

Juan, why is Politics so CREEPY down here in South Texas?

Anonymous said...

Where is San Pedro, your real hometown?

Anonymous said...

Capt. Bob: Because you are here!

Anonymous said...

You're a big contributer , Robert! You're the creepiest person around . Ask Valadez and Lorrie.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you should go drown yourself after tomorrow. Your Blog has been pitiful!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:46 You really are a heart-less ass-hole, Duardo. Such a petty, obsessed jerk. Pity.

Anonymous said...

I am not running from LNG I am running to hide my records from the Feds, and trying to distroy copies of the evidence that the mongoose has on me, I can't do nothing about the woman I pimped out or the money I took, or the fraud I have committed, but I need to distroy the evidence that he don't know about. Just keep my bed warm Armando see you soon. The Black Mamba Rene Oliveira.

Jim Barton said...

I did not endorse Oliveira.

Anonymous said...

I have all the files tape recording bank statement statement from the woman who he pimped out. Dates and times where he committed tax fraud. Now to wait for the right time,

Anonymous said...

It was like a funeral party, the end for the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira. There will be no more party for him only as he is finished.

Anonymous said...

Good for you.

Anonymous said...

It’s creepy because of people like you, Ensign.

The next chapter of this saga will probably be a double feature including: The Black Mamba ends up in the White Manda
