Sunday, May 27, 2018


(Ed.'s note: One of our readers with a good memory sent us a few photos posted on Facebook by Brownsville Independent School District employee and local body builder (weight lifter?) Tito Mata. You've seen Tito. He's the guy being pulled along by two large dogs on city sidewalks.

Recently we heard through the grapevine that Mata is making noises about running for the BISD board. He won't be the first and certainly not the last to express the desire to jump into the political fray. But since he is still an employee, he has to keep a low profile since the incumbents are still his bosses. 

We've also heard that JP 2-1 Linda Salazar is grooming her son Marcos Cortez for the BISD board. If you remember, Linda was on the board as well as her other son Ruben. Ruben Cortez is now the Democratic Party nominee for District 2 of the Texas Board of Education and is facing City of Brownsville IT specialist Tad Hasse in November.

There are troubling stories about Marcos Cortez having to do with an arrest in downtown Brownsville involving a small amount of drugs and a streetwalker. We have been told that there is a police report out there that will appear once Cortez actually files for the board. Did Momma Salazar "take care" of that pesky issue for Marquitos and expunge it? There is a saying in politics that goes something like "if you didn't know who your grandfather was, run for office and you will know." It comes with the territory.

Also mentioned as potential BISD board candidates are Head Cheez Erasmo Castro, former Cameron County Sheriff Dept. investigator  Rolando Rivas, and a slew of others who will come out of the woodwork once the filing period begins this June. 

But we digress. Tito, that's right. Our readers says that Tito often attends victory parties and posts his photo along with the winners, which makes the photo with District 34 State Rep. Democratic Party nominee Alex Dominguez interesting. Since there is no Republican challenger on the November ballot, Dominguez will take over for Olieria on January 2019. 

In one of the photos above we see Tito with losing candidate Rene Oliveira, for whom he expressed his support. This time around Mata didn't post one with his "good friend" Oliveira after his defeat.

The photo below with Dominguez was actually taken when Dominguez won the county commissioners' seat four years ago. Tito has also posted photos with Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez and numerous other candidates. Will his posing with them translate into political support when he announces for office as he is rumored to be planning?   

And who will he run against of the three incumbents coming up for reelection this year: Joe Rodriguez, Cesar Lopez and Carlos Elizondo? We've heard that all three gents want to remain on the board and will announce for reelection. Elizondo is under criminal indictment, Lopez was just defeated for the Port of Brownsville, and Rodriguez looks like he will topple over any day. 

Who will the would-be candidates pick as an opponent?


Anonymous said...

The board majority will fill the races in hopes of winning

All we need to know is “who is for” continued irresponsible spending and a toxic work culture for the staff?

Anonymous said...

I heard from the Rodriguez clan, that JP Salazar son Mark Cortez was arrest with a DWI, and with a Prostitute and under a control suspense. And JP Salazar , had to move rocks so her daughter in law would not find out. That her son was arrested. And paid a pretty price so it would not come out in public? Can you investigate in this information?

Anonymous said...

Mexican politics, is just business as usual in Browntown. It never goes away or even slows down.

Anonymous said...

They will never get a chance to charge me for anything, I may have lost the election but I still have the goods on many people in Brownsville. I am not the only Scumbag out there, I have a big black book and many names of prominent people who have a lot to loose, so I will make things disappear. I am not called the Black Mamba Rene Oliveira for nothing. The only thing that worries me is the end result of the mongoose, as he will not stop trying to get me. I will call on the names in my black book, I don't care about who I drag down to save myself.

Anonymous said...

They just found

Anonymous said...

Hey Tito! FYI nobody likes you! It will be fun to work against you and watch you get your ass whooped...this will be fun.

Anonymous said...

How nice it would be to find someone who would replace these 3 gentleman on the board. The criteria for selection should be scrutinized carefully with the most important one being that they are actually running to help run the district and not for personal vendettas or filling of their pockets. I would love to see Mrs. Anna O'Quinn, because she has not monetary interest and tells it like it is, after she researched the value or the conflict with each situation. We need someone who is here to support whoever is the superintendent and not to see what they can get on him/her to get her out. That is not working with the district! IF the superintendent happens to not be meeting his/her responsibilities, then someone should compile the true facts and present it to the public. Just because you don't like someone, regardless of the job he/she is doing, does not give you the right to work against them. I urge Mrs. O'Quinn to run and would also like to see people that do not have any criminal or personal records that would deter to their function as board members and also know that they do not run the district and be interfering on a daily bases at every office and school with their personal vendettas and favorite pet topics. Also, all board members should be one that has the option of attending meetings but not at the same time that he/she is suppose to be working at another place, like Rio Hondo. A retired person would be the best bet. I guess I am asking for too much, right? Tito is a good guy and means well, but somewhere along the line, he does not please many people because he does not know how to be humble.

Anonymous said...

Tito, stick to weights.

Anonymous said...

I am fee cried MCHALE I speak with a fork tounge in many different languages, and I have been known to bend the truth a little. I will work for food and booze and a little silver. Just contact me when you need me. MCHALE.

Anonymous said...

TITTIES, as Mchale calls him, is nothing but another proven drunk!

Anonymous said...

Tito lambe huevos

Anonymous said...

(Tito lambe huevos)

Just be advised, I've worked with Rolando Rivas. Super professional, dedicated and loyal.

Anonymous said...

9:51. You are right and so smart. No one likes Tito or his brother in California. They think they are the WORD bit they SUCK. THEY MEAN NOTHING. TITO IS AN ARROGANT PIECE OF MEAT. LET HIS FLAT ASS RUN SO HE CAN BE DEMOLISHED.

Anonymous said...

If you are recommending Mr. Rivas how about having him or someone start making noise with his positive attributes.

Pat Ahumada said...

Kiss ass and would make a lousy board member. Stands for nothing.

el chucky said...

Juan so if tito mata o no mata runs, then he has to resign from his BIASD job right? Well if that the case then, Run Tito Run, so you can finally get the fuck out of dodge and the BISD. Remember tito, when you run for a public office, you become open and exposed, so if you harassed any women or men, that all comes out. Its not as easy as you think, if you have a brain Mr scarecrow. Adios y entrale carnal.

Anonymous said...

It is OK he has been picked up with the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveiras card now he is charged with impersonating a Scumbag.

Anonymous said...

He will have MCHALE behind him.

Anonymous said...

O'Quinn is laughable quack, the problems in the district are the women been assigned to leadership positions and these women go power crazy, just look at the number of complaints running through the district and all schools in which women are in charge. O'Quinn is the same crap of power Hungary woman in Education or business. There are very few women who have the ability to be a leader but the current superintendent is a big joke and just the "you scratch my back, I will scratch your back!" More crap from Brownsville and O'Quinn is just another (woman) do nothing but put more women in the BISD to keep the current mess going in the BISD.

Anonymous said...

Tito is Fritos with booze, cannot even teach , just want to be with winners with a photo to say, I support him or her. Can he even speak?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Pat Ahumada. Maclovio O Malley

Anonymous said...

One time entering his old gym wanting to join he said after taking off his hat and looking back at me he said how old do you think i am i said 50 no im 52 but you can look like me if you wrk hard with a straight face. Wtf I didn't know whether to shit or start laughing true story!

Anonymous said...

Rivas sucks. He is advised by Wicho and Don De Leon. No thanks

Anonymous said...

Zimbabwe culture bordering on gringo culture same difference.

Anonymous said...

Some one is from Trumps University who believes that only man can carry on. Give me one man that has done good and not gotten into trouble. That is why our schools are all over 90% and you do need to study how many principals are women. Man as principals are worth shit, cause they push off all work on their assistants and get credit for it. They sure do like to go pick up the trophies. I will say that may Victor Caballero does not fall in that area, for he does work his ass off.

Anonymous said...

(how old do you think i am i said 50 no im 52 but you can look like me if you wrk hard with a straight face.)

LOL! What an idiot. But sounds exactly like him.

Anonymous said...

El Pat has spoken!
So it is written, so it shall be done!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Se le callo la mollera a Tito de bebe. Nunca se desapendeho. Se Creye muy sabroso el Puto.

Anonymous said...

If I sign loud enough I might be able to let the Feds book the big boys, and leave me alone, I have learned how to sing by name in the last few weeks with the aid of MCHALE, and learning new names every day

Anonymous said...

I hear Bertha Pena is retiring from BISD under the direct instruction of Dr. Sylvia Atkinson, so that she can run for the school board and join, her, Minerva and Paul and get the swing vote. Sylvia se muere por quitarle el trabajo a Dr. Z porque ella fue la que tuvo los huevos de mandarla a la chi....... for her corrupt actions - the ones rrun rrun and Channel 4 reported on and quickly removed. Why was the indictment sealed? Bertha nomas es kiss ass, cause she uses her forked tongue when talking to Dr. Z and then turns around a bad-mouths her. Can you imagine two Pena's on the school board - we already have two chisquiadas on the city commission and now we want 3 on the school board?
