Wednesday, May 23, 2018


(Recently it has been learned that Donald J. Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen demanded that the satirical publication The Onion remove a piece it wrote about the death of the now-president in 2013. Cohen demanded that The Onion remove the piece "immediately" and issue an apology. The Onion never did.) 

From The Onion

By Donald J. Trump

My friends, everybody has their down days, and during these long winter months it is especially easy to succumb to the doldrums and find yourself in a bit of a funk.

But not to fear! I have a simple tip that’s guaranteed to pick you up and get you back in good spirits in no time, and here it is: Whenever you’re feeling low, just remember that I, Donald Trump, will be dead in roughly 15 to 20 years.

That’s right. In the not-very-distant future I will die and then be gone from the world for all eternity. You may even get to watch me in a casket on national television being lowered into the ground, never to be seen again. I bet you’re smiling just thinking about that.

Now, I recognize that the news out there in the world has been particularly depressing lately, and these days it’s understandable that one might begin to feel like there’s no hope and no reason to go on, but let me assure you that there is.

Oh, boy, is there ever! Indeed, you can always take solace in the fact that the monstrous, unimaginable piece of shit that is me will stop existing fairly soon, and that I will continue to not exist for the remainder of your lifetime.

Biologically speaking, I, the host of NBC’s The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, have no more than two decades left to live. In fact, right now I’m just 10 years away from reaching the average lifespan of an American male.

How does that make you feel? Pretty good, right?

Sure, I’ll have a grand, opulent funeral that will be talked about and broadcast extensively, and all the news segment retrospectives on my life will probably be obnoxious to watch and listen to, and will very likely make you angry.

But just think: all of those segments will end with a picture of my blustery, self-important face and the dates 1946–2031 printed beneath it. Or maybe 1946–2032. Or, who knows, maybe earlier! Even if you’re not feeling glum, I guarantee the recognition that my death is a concrete and rapidly approaching inevitability will make you feel even better.

And if my death in 15 or 20 years feels like it’s too far in the future to wash away your blues, you can take heart knowing that I’ll start to physically and mentally deteriorate well before then. 

Why, by 2020, I, a man who recently tried to extort the sitting president of the United States to release his college and passport records, might even begin to show signs of serious and unavoidable decline in mental and physical faculties, and doesn’t that just perk your spirits right up?


Anonymous said...

If you do not respect the man, you must respect the position. We don't have to agree but we must learn how to contradict the actions taken by him and vote to have those actions changed. Put your vote where your complaints are. Respecting the Pres. of the US even if we know he is not presidential. 2020 is not far away and hopefully, you and I will still be around!

Anonymous said...

Es puro CULO.

Anonymous said...

The Rear-ender Black Mamba Rene Oliveira will not last that long, when the charges start. First he has the DWI charges, and many more now he is just a Scumbag Oliveira and not State Rep Scumbag Oliveira.

Anonymous said...

President Trump is the best!!!!

Anonymous said...

He speaks the truth if only he would stop lying and being so unpresidential and a bully.

Anonymous said...

Like it or not in 1 year Trump is doing a better job than Obama!!!

Anonymous said...

