Sunday, May 27, 2018



Anonymous said...

This is priceless. Our Fake President and pretend republican['t] party... Ha.

Anonymous said...

If by any chance, DJT is nominated for a Nobel Prize, the value and honor of the award will be destroyed. How can he win the peace prize for what he taking the fame for doing in other countries, when he has OUR country in total disarray. When have we been in such chaos where none of us know what lie is coming out of his mouth every time he talks. Everyone is on a witch hunt and totally fake except him, according to him. He claims everyone plays games, but as President of the Best Country in the game, he has no time to play games, especially with all his lady friends, and want us to push it aside. That Rudy Guilani is really making the mess come out of him and I love it. Trump repeats and repeats the same comments over and over and claims that"everything is moving along nicely and we will see what happens."
Even the way he sits on the conferences with his legs wide open and on a chair, show that he could care less about being presidential. What is so sad is that his wife and younger son are caught in the middle of all this and have no choice in the matter. Both seem to be bullied by him.

Anonymous said...

Redemption Song

Manfred Mann's Earth Band

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
For none of them can stop the time
How long shell they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfill the book
So won't you help to sing (No Kwazulu)
These songs of freedom (No boputatswana)
'Cause all I ever hear (No Transkei)
Is Redemption Song
Soldiers march their freedom
Out into the city streets
And though it seems like a loosing battle
These can be no retreat

Songwriters: Bob Marley

Anonymous said...

The Nobel Peace Prize lost any value, when Obama received it for doing nothing, and just in the hope he would do something. It proved to be a false hope.

IF Trump manages to pull off getting NOKO to give up it's nukes, that would be something worthy of the prize. That however is a very big "if".

Anonymous said...

The Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira has been nominated for beeing the longest Scumbag from Brownsville to stay in Austin.

Anonymous said...

You’re absolutely right about Trump’s immorality. I don’t condone that. But I do seem to recall many Democrats and liberals making excuses for Clinton when he had sex with an intern in the White House! Seems to me that you liberals should be honest about who you really are before you start bashing Trump for doing the same thing as your beloved Clinton.

Anonymous said...

By bashing Trump one does not agree with others who have done the same thing, because objectively, when you bash someone is because of what he has done to bash his public in the position he was elected to. As a man, I could care less cause it is quite obvious that almost all man take wowen like trophies and locker room conversations. But the problem will not stop until us stupid women stop it and learn to live without man. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle! I read that somewhere and I totally agree, for just tell me what good does a man do around the house in a marriage - sit, drink beer, holler at wife to bring him another beer, watch TV, scratch his you know what, watch porn, and investigate every woman that walks by. So, that is their prerogative, but not when I voted them into a position that calls for respect and honor. If Trump gets a Nobel Prize for being able to control his own Rocket Man, a so called man who has not sense of what humanity is, then the Nobel Prize is a big farce, like was said in a previous comment. I agree.

Anonymous said...

8.08 you have described the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira down to a tee, he not only pimped his client out for money, he got a big turn from it. Among the most lieing cheating thieving Scumbags out there, Oliveira takes the biscuit top of the class. When his grandson asks, Grandpa why do they call you a Scumbag, the Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira replied, you have to shake someones hand, and look them in the eye, and stab them in the back and still keep a smile on your face.
