Wednesday, May 30, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: The last we heard the five-year, $25 million contract with GMS for trash removal has not been renewed because a majority of the commissioners thought the city staff under former City Manager Charlie Cabler had not negotiated well enough for the profit of the city.

The "value-added" pitch by the city purchasing department that included Porta-Potties for Charro Days did not make up for the level of service to local businesses or the franchise fees paid the city by the company. One look at the conditions of the containers above indicates that the level has of improved. Imagine the vermin and flies created by these conditions. Ughh!

We thank one of our readers for these photos.)


Anonymous said...

This is one of the projects I have been informed that was very lucrative to Cheerful Charlie Cabler. What he got caught with his fingers in the till for is nothing like the big part of his scams. Just the tip of the iceberg. He was talking millions for his slush fund, and sharing it amongst the councilors under a different name, when it got to hot he retired knowing that he would not be investigated, like the Judge in the Armando Villalobos case, who resigned and moved out of town, he was in control of the welding company at the port of Brownsville.

el chucky said...

juan perhaps the city of Brownsville needs to re bid this service out once more now that former city manager cabler is no longer in town? just saying, maybe the city might save a $$million or two$$ bucks here or there? this bid is already old and stinks.

Anonymous said...

Reading this post is like reading the blog posts of the BV And MCHALE, both full of their own shit that the will only listen to their own Ranting. If they were to print this it would need double the containers to haul it away.

Anonymous said...

That foot can be interpreted in many ways.

Does GMS have to have someone at each dumpster to teach people how to open the lid and throw away the trash INSIDE the dumpster?

On the 2nd picture it looks like someone dumped a bunch of liquids inside the dumpster - is that GMS responsibility?

A picture says 1000 words that can be interpreted 1000 ways.


Anonymous said...

A picture is worth a thousand words, and when the mayor and commissioner can see the condition of the waste station, and don't do anything about, I say something is wrong with our elected officials. Even when they are to pick up trash in the alleys once a month, if you don't call them personally and threaten to call Channel 5, they do not keep their schedule. It seems that we, from "Bronsbill" are known as "pos ni modo" individuals and everyone likes to take advantage of us idiots who sit back and say nothing. Where are the commissioners and why are they not once in a while using their bicycles to parade around their areas to see all this mess and do something about it.
Why do they not set up a quarterly clean up schedule for certain areas, providing large dumpsters for neighbors to rid of unwanted stuff, including tires. Why not? Because it makes sense. Look at Southmost Blvd that was paved over last week and still has not lane markers, making it an accident-prone location, especially the way cars raise up and down on that street. OUr commissioner Rick Longoria needs to stop chasing women and get to chasing trash trucks. That goes for all the other commissioners, and even including the county commissioners who disregard dangerous country roads where school buses have an obstacle course to drive through will picking up kids. Oh, no, we have to wait for an accident to happen, right???

Anonymous said...

And the smell, Brownsville can be so much better than this.

V. Tinker Shays said...

It's not GMS's fault that all you filthy spics don't know how to use a dumpster!

Anonymous said...

If people would **BAG** their sh*t it wouldn't look like this. But i've seen it plenty of times people emptying their trash containers in there & emptying their food pans in there without bagging their trash. Mexicans do this often.....

Anonymous said...

So,in the top photo is the point that GMS has not emptied the container as scheduled or that the business does not have enough containers for thew amount of trash they produce?

Anonymous said...

If you were to put the Waste bins on the commissioners area, see how fast it would be cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

Not sure the first picture is a matter for GMS, but shows the "trashy" lack of responsibility for our citizens. As long as we have "trashy" citizens, this will be a problem, not matter which company picks up the garbage.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we have citizens too cheap to pay for garbage pick up and throw their trash....diaper boxes, dirty diapers, and other shit they get free from the state and federal government....into the container. Were they too lazy to open the lazy to re-cycle all that cardboard. The GMS container shows no evidence of being full....just having trash thrown all around. We have lazy inconsiderate citizens who obviously feel their trash is a government responsibilty.

Anonymous said...

Voter Registration Lawsuit against Former Secretary of State Carlos Cascos and DPS. Cascos and DPS wrong in not changing voter registration system to allow more voters the opportunity to vote.

The group and co-counsel Walter Kraus, LLP filed the lawsuit against the department's head Steven C. McCraw in his capacity as DPS director and Carlos H. Cascos, in his capacity as the Texas Secretary of State in 2016. The case argues Texas breaches the National Voter Registration Act and the U.S. Constitution's Equal Protection Clause "by failing to register eligible Texans to vote when they updated their drivers’ license information online." Judge Orlando Garcia ruled in late March 2018 that Texas had violated the act, but in a more detailed order this week he set the deadline for changes.

“The National Voter Registration Act is very clear: The state must update registration records every time a voter updates his or her driver’s license files,” stated Peter Kraus, a lawyer helping to bring the suit. “We are asking Texas to take simple, commonsense steps to modernize its voter registration procedures and comply with longstanding federal law.” Previously, A spokeswoman for Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos, who is named as a defendant, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

More than 1,800 Texans have complained to the Texas secretary of state’s office about the way online driver’s license transactions are handled, indicating that the violation of voting rights is more widespread than state leaders acknowledge. DPS and Secretary of State Carlos Cascos whose responsibility is to interpret election laws repeatedly declined requests to change the system, the lawsuit said.

The Secretary serves as Chief Election Officer for Texas, assisting county election officials and ensuring the uniform application and interpretation of election laws throughout Texas.

Anonymous said...

City of Alton purchased trucks and started their own service. They claim to be raking in big bucks while providing twice a week service to their residents.

Anonymous said...

Fee should go down now that they dont have to pay into Charlie's slush fund.

Anonymous said...

They’ve created a health hazard for a lot of places and the flies are a problem for people living near commercial places that need trash pickup. It’s awful.

Anonymous said...

Just one more scam making money, cabler may be out of office but he's still in control of the slush fund, for the commissioners scams paid out daily.

Chuy Brown Beret said...

Well lets face it folks looks like our Mayor Mr. Blue jeans not green jeans and the rest of the city commissioners just DONT CARE or GIVE A HOOT. No accountability whatsoever. looks like the a from the theater Del Barrio years ago in the early 70's Chicano movement then, El que chinga y el chingado. I guess Brownsville is on the el Chingado side. adios

Anonymous said...

Maybe the new mayor and commissioners can investigate him since the arm of the law is long.

Anonymous said...

The Rear-ender Black Mamba Rene Oliveira wants the interim job of city manager, he has enough on the commissioners to make this happen, before he joins Armando Villalobos. He has Charles Cabler by the balls.

Anonymous said...

pura mafia from nyc

Anonymous said...

Juan what ever happened to the committee to look into the sludge funds? Did pete shit stopped it?

Anonymous said...

The same thing that happened to Armando Villalobos white collar scam, just that it was a scam from start to finish.
