Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Save RGV from LNG is hosting a rally outside NextDecade's Shareholder Meeting, the company behind the proposed Rio Grande LNG export terminal and Rio Bravo Pipeline, on Friday, June 15th from 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in The Woodlands, TX. 
Join us for this important opportunity to expose the LNG company's plans to build a massive fracked gas export terminal and destroy our pristine lands, threaten endangered wildlife, and spew pollution into our community. 

LNG in our community is not a done deal. We need your help stopping this polluting disaster from becoming a reality.

Monday evening, June 18th, 6:30 to 7:30 at the WorkPub, 847 East Elizabeth, downtown Brownsville. See the Facebook event page at

An opportunity to share information about what's going on with Rio Grande LNG, Annova LNG, and Texas LNG. Also an opportunity to plan ways to stop them from breaking ground at our local Port of Brownsville.

For example, we got the word out on the 03-08-2018 Texas Commission for Environmental Quality community meeting on Rio Grande LNG's air quality permit requests. A lot of public comments were made there opposing the permits. By 03-26-2018, the communities of Port Isabel and Laguna Vista plus three local groups requested Contested Hearings on the permits – blocking them or at least delaying them. Putting Rio Grande LNG even further behind schedule. The three groups were 1) Vecinos Para el Bienestar de la Comunidad Costera, 2) Shrimpers and Fishermen of the RGV, and 3) SAVE RGV from LNG.

In March, Rio Grande LNG told us that a ACTA report showed that SpaceX's Boca Chica rocket launch plans posed an "insignificant" threat to its planned operations at the Port. Funny how the company has yet to say anything about FERC requiring a second safety study by a different company (Millennium). 

So today one of our members filed a FERC comment on how the Rio Grande LNG and ACTA underestimated the hazards and risks of the SpaceX launches (which could start in 2019 and could include rockets to Mars by 2022, with a flight taking 100 passengers to Mars possible by 2024). You can download his comment at


Anonymous said...

Where is dominguez???

Anonymous said...

I warned you about voting for Alex Dominguez he has sold out the environmental future of South Texas for some pieces of 8, where I was just taking their money. They were stupid enough to take the word of a Scumbag Black Mamba that is their own fault. As far as SpaceX goes that is another Titan scam. Don't call me I am busy scamming my way outofmy wrongfully DUI charge, that woman reversed into my car, I was in a state of shock tbat I drove home and drank a large single malt whisky to calm myself down when the stupid cop came and arrested me for nothing. I am still the untouchable Black Mamba Rene Oliveira, now watch me perform as I have 34 years of campaign funds to spend.

Anonymous said...

LOL pendejo

Anonymous said...

Protesting idiots. They lost the fight before the paint on their cute signs was dry. It’s about jobs. Go protest where you are from. Watching PRESIDENT TRUMP kick your asses has been so enjoyable. Fucking lazy ass libtards hate anything related to hard work.

John said...

A letter will be delivered to the NextDecade Board of Directors and Shareholders at the 06-15-2018 rally asking them to abandon their plans to build and operate their proposed Rio Grande LNG and Rio Bravo Pipeline projects at our local Port of Brownsville. To sign the letter, go to

Aravel stipend is available for the first 15 RGV people who sign up to attend the 06-15-2018 rally in The Woodlands, TX, north of Houston. Departing The Valley for The Woodlands no later than 6 pm on Thursday 06-14-2014. For travel assistance, fill out the form at

The rally will be livestreamed on SAVE RGV from LNG's Facebook page at

On 06-04-2018, the Kaskela law firm announced it was opening an investigation of NextDecade on behalf of NextDecade sock holders ( On 06-08-2019, KVEO Channel 23 did a news story on the Kaskela investigation of NextDecade (

NextDecade has its Annual Stockholders Meeting scheduled for 06-15-2018.

On 04-27-2018, a small group demonstrated in front of NextDecade's corporate headquarters against fracking and against Rio Grande LNG (

The morning of 06-15-2018, a rally's planed in front of NextDecade's corporate headquarters: "Rally For A Frack Free Next Decade,"

The rally will be livestreamed on SAVE RGV from LNG's Facebook page at

Note: If Rio Grande LNG, Annova LNG, & Texas LNG get FERC permission to build and operate at the Port of Brownsville, next door to South Padre Island, the export of LNG from the Port will encourage the fracking on northern Mexico's Burgos Basin between Reynosa and San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Check out "EXCLUSIVE: First look at oil and gas leases in the Burgos Basin — Mexico's potential Eagle Ford Shale," Sergio Chapa, 06-07-2018, San Antonio Business Journal, Quote: "Mexican officials are hoping that an area of sun-soaked hills about 90 miles south of the border can become the next Eagle Ford Shale."

John said...

Check out "LNG opponents plan to protest NextDecade stockholders meeting," Sergio Chapa, 06-14-2018, San Antonio Business Journal,

Anonymous said...

Where is Domingez??? At least oliveira took him several years to turn coat against his people this pendejo only took him several days after the election.

Anonymous said...

Crybaby John has nothing better to do cause he does not have and does not want a job. I wish I had enough free time to travel to Houston to tell the LNG people thankyou for bringing jobs to the RGV. I can’t go because I have a JOB. Your group has to get help just to get to Houston? Does that not tell you what a failure you are? Do you truly think your group of amateur environmentalists represent the people of the Rgv? How many armchair keyboard “activists” were at your last meeting ? 8? News flash. YOU LOST ! I recommend Cheesecake Factory while visiting Houston. I can lend you a couple of bucks.

Anonymous said...

Who’s paying travel for these Fucking loosers? Putin or Saudi Arabia? LNG will help the world free themselves from petro extortion by bad actors.

John said...

At the brief 06-15-2018 NextDecade Annual Stockholders Meeting, the three proposed Directors were overwhelming approved and two new offerings of NextDecade "Series A Convertible Preferred Stock, which include associated warrants" were overwhelmingly approved as well (the first for up to $35 million and the second for $15 million).

NextDecade's NEXT stock that closed at $6.12 per share yesterday closed at $5.99 per share today. To check how NextDecade's stock shares are doing, go to and look at how its done over the last year. 10 months ago or so, when it first got on the Nasdaq stock exchange, stock shares were running around $10 per share.

NextDecade's having trouble keeping its own boat afloat. So how exactly is it suppose to lift our boats here in the Rio Grande Valley. So far, the only money the company's making is off folks betting good money on NextDecade BS.

Anonymous said...

Energy independence is possible with President Trump.

Anonymous said...

What does anti fracking have to do with creating jobs in b’ville?
LNG plants haven’t decided yet to invest their billions here.
They won’t make that call until Trump signs off on their federal permit.

So shut up anti fracker, anti LNG, ignorant elite corps of imputant snobs.
Your in a minority in this town that values jobs for our children,
an finding a use for our billion dollar investment in our Sleepy,
underutilized seaport

John said...

Environmentalist opposing LNG plants?

In 2015, Port Isabel, Laguna Vista, South Padre Island, and Long Island Village passed resolutions opposing LNG. In addition, four Brownsville pediatricians plus some other medical people spelled out how the emissions from the LNG plants would hurt our health (especially the asthma problems they'd create for our children).

In 2015, the Port Isabel Independent School District turned down a tax break requested by Annova LNG. In 2016, it did the same with Rio Grande LNG's tax break request. Because the school board believed LNG would be bad for their students and for their community.

Just this last April, 1) Port Isabel, 2) Laguna Vista, 3) the Laguna Heights Vecinos Para el Bienestar de la Comunidad Costera group, and 4) the Shrimpers and Fishermen of the RGV group as well as SAVE RGV from LNG requested Contested Hearings on Rio Grande LNG's Texas Commission for Environmental Quality air quality permit requests. Why? Because the TCEQ rules have enough loopholes you could drive a coal powered power plant through them -- not adequately protecting our health.

I think it would be great if all these folks opposing LNG plants at our Port were all environmentalists. But I think a lot of them are just folks concerned about the health problems the LNG plants would bring with them and some of them are concerned about how the LNG plants would shut down their shrimping and fishing operations. The Vecinos Par el Bienestar folks are concerned about their and their children's health and about how the LNG plants would hurt their tourism related jobs (cleaning up hotel rooms etc). Different strokes for different folks.

Jobs? The LNG jobs would eat other jobs and eat on our lungs (and hearts and brains). You can't even see or smell some of the stuff the plants would put in our air.

The companies say their operations wouldn't hurt our health. But the pediatricians and other medical people say the LNG plants would seriously hurt our health. For the next 20 to 30 years or longer. If built.

John said...

And oh yes, what does fracking have to do with LNG? LNG stands for Liquified Natural Gas. These days, that natural gas mostly comes from fracking. If we export LNG from our Port, that will encourage the fracking of Northern Mexico's Burgos Basin, about 90 miles from where we live. Fracking the Burgos Basin would endanger our Rio Grande River and sources of water. Take a look at "EXCLUSIVE: First look at oil and gas leases in the Burgos Basin — Mexico's potential Eagle Ford Shale," Sergio Chapa, 06-07-2018, San Antonio Business Journal, Be sure to check out the maps posted there. Quote: "Mexican officials are hoping that an area of sun-soaked hills about 90 miles south of the border can become the next Eagle Ford Shale." Quote "Tamaulipas state officials gave the Business Journal an exclusive look at oil and natural gas leases in the Burgos Basin, a vast region named for a hydrocarbon-rich geological formation that extends from Piedras Negras, Coahuila, to Tampico, Tamaulipas."

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaa! TRIGGERED ! Liberals are so easy intimidate . There are huge natural gas fields next door. There will be fracking closer to browntown than you think! The Zetas will be fracking near Matamoros in less than 2 years. Do you plan on going to Matamoros to protest brave John and the other out of town retirees. how about you Joyce Hamilton? They will hack your protesting old ass up in no time.

Pipelines work in both directions you fucking idiot anti LNG fags. Chooo choooooo! Trump train heading to brownsville! It’s as if your god Barry obama never existed.

John said...

Mr Anonymous,

"Haaaaaa! TRIGGERED ! Liberals are so easy intimidate"?

Define "intimidate." I am not intimidated. I use my real name. I don't hide behind "Anonymous." I state my positions respectfully, without resorting to name calling and baiting. The dishonor is yours, not mine.

Anonymous said...

Ok, since you are being honest John, How many people turned out for your big protest in Houston ? I counted 6 or so in your pictures? That kona grill in the background is excellent by the way. You seem defeated and deflated. You are such an honorable person spreading your bullshit lies. The good people of the RGV see right thru your groups bullshit. It is about jobs for the people here, not the liberal lies of anti growth old folks from out of town. Where is your obama god now? Hillary is busy meeting with world leaders At Costco book signings while President Trump leads the world on a path to trade fairness and peace. Don’t bother answering, nobody believes your libtard dribble.

Anonymous said...

These anonymous commentators are nothing but hoaxers. SNL is something you'll never be and you don't speak for the good people of the RGV. Racist REPUBLICANS don't belong here.

Anonymous said...

Where is Dominguez?????
