Sunday, June 17, 2018



Anonymous said...

Was your car in show, Juan? LOL

Anonymous said...

This is better then those useless bike trails, but bike trails were designed for the city's elite.

Anonymous said...

same cars over and over. The one that is always displayed is the one from Bobby Lerma that he took from Joe Lopez. Enough with the money hungry attorneys like Ben Neece, Trey Mendez,Bobby Lerma and their buddies. They are the only ones that benefit financially from it. Brownsville Wake UP.

Anonymous said...

What a shame that we don't have a place to properly display these cars more often so that it gives the citizens of Brownsville something good to do. These people work so hard to get their precious cars, work on them, spend their hard earned money to soop-them-up and help us remember when cars were cars and didn't cost an arm and a leg. Congratulations to all the proud owners and I didn't go visit cause I didn't even know about it. Where was it advertised? That Mustang - 65? - was my dream car that I could never afford. I had a Plymouth Fury for the longest time and was called my BATMOBILE.

Anonymous said...

Where did the people park to walk over to the Historical Museum? Did they ride their bikes? I even tried to park at the cemetery but no dice. We need more cooperation with things like this to have them in a place where there is enough room to demonstrate the cars and for people to have a place to park.
The parking lots at the college would have been a centralized and large area so maybe next time TSC and RGVUT will cooperate and without charging an arm and a leg.

Anonymous said...

Only the elite get the benefit of taxpayers monies, like built bike trails which no body uses and design for the elite.
