Monday, June 4, 2018


Various Sources

Oregon Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley attempted to visit an immigration detention center in Brownsville, Texas on Sunday. He was prevented from entering, as shown in the photo.

Here is what he said, prior to the visit:

"I’m going to try to enter a facility in Brownsville, Texas run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. I am told that this former Walmart may currently be housing hundreds of refugee children who have been separated from their parents."

As you can see, the doors are locked and the windows are completely blacked out. Why are windows blacked out?

What is going on that they don't want us to see? What horrific conditions are these children being subjected to? Abuse? Crying? Assault? Shackling? Dog cages? We simply do not know.

The detention center decided the best course of action when being visited by a Senator was to...wait for the police.

I was barred entry. Asked repeatedly to speak to a supervisor—he finally came out and said he can’t tell us anything. Police were called on us.

Children should never be ripped from their families and held in secretive detention centers."

During an interview with CNN, Merkley said that the Trump administration's new policies of separating children from the parents has resulted in ripping families apart. The broadcast reported that the Office of Refuge Resettlement had "lost" 1,500 of 7,600 children placed with sponsors and did not know where they were.

Providing shelter to these minors has become big business and child-rights advocates have protested the removal of the minors from their parents.

In its last report to the Internal Revenue Service, Southwest Key reported in their non-profit statement they had received $242,595,551.00 revenue from the government and had existing assets of  $101,686,304.00.
Brownsville native Juan Sanchez – the non-profit's CEO – is compensated to the tune of $786,00 annually.

To see full report, click on link:

The government has recently shut down International Educational Services – another shelter for minors. That non-profit was operated by Dr. Ruben Gallegos and Ruben Jr.
In 2001, the non-profit listed its income before expenses at $2,723,787 and listed one compensated employee, executive director Dr. Ruben Gallegos Sr., at a $75,712 salary with about $4,500 in benefits.

That changed drastically in the latest report available to the public (2015). In that report, that amount rose to $57,894,000 and the older Gallegos drew an annual salary of $672,000 and Ruben Jr. another $663,000.

To see IES's last Internal Revenue Service report  for 2015, click on link


Anonymous said...

These places are nothing more than reverse Coyote Scams.

Anonymous said...

You should see how they treat the employees. CEO Juan Sanchez always emphasize about la familia and I do not think he refers to his family the way employees are exploited.

Anonymous said...

With no apologies to the Catholic Church, they get millions of dollars every year in their coffers while chasing every penny they can skim. The so called 'respite center' in McAllen run by Catholic Charities is a fraud and a scam. The City of McAllen is a co-conspirator in that little scheme. The taxpayers of McAllen must have more money than brains to allow their monies to be used for such crap.
The Baptists are also in on the schemes! They have a facility in Harlingen.
The more you know, the worse it gets.
Money whores one and all.

Anonymous said...

Must be a plan by Filemon Vela and his rookies. Isn't the Willacy County Private Prisons being prepare for such an event?

Anonymous said...

So what, Montoya? What are you going to do about it, Mexican? LOL

Anonymous said...

Pinche pendejo looking for votes, he ain't gonna get any down here only a big chorizo memso...

Anonymous said...

I think it was Rene Oliveira and Dr. Rey Garcia that called the police and prevented the Senator from entering the facility.

Anonymous said...

He spent tax payer money to fly from Oregon to Brownsville to get a fucking ticket?


Anonymous said...

Rene the black Mamba Oliveira said that he will solve the problem as long as he don't have to work with a number on his shirt.

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace all you imbeciles, No matter how Texan you feel... You are Mexican from blood! let history not repeat itself, when they come for you due to your color of skin then I will like to see you laugh. The disgusting fact is that the democrats that run this town pretended not to know the whereabouts of this people and the lady that is in constant contact with a sister who knows what in McAllen has done nothing to help. May Karma bits you in the ass, and make you suffer as much as these children have, for all you assholes that are parents, let it not hit you on the way out! sick fucker!
and before you start your rumble, fuck you in advance!

Anonymous said...

A loaded allegation without any proof.

Anonymous said...

Oops, what happened to the blog sent on the Gallegos? How much did they pay you to keep quite and remove my comment? Those idiots were making more than the President of the US.

Anonymous said...

Vote racist REPUBLCIAN and continue the path to a communist state...

Anonymous said...

Non-Profit,my ass. But no one to blame but the U.S. Government for not monitoring these facilities or the CEO.

Anonymous said...

Non profit for profit...from your pocket to my pocket.

Anonymous said...

Watching the democRAT party eat their own and fall apart is so much fun!!! Keep it up..

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous how much OF OUR TAX DOLLARS is spent on these kids from South West Keys and the now closed EIS. These kids are entering out country obviously looking for a better life....and I can sympathize with them as we all do....but, when you see the salaries the directors of these organizations like South West Keys and EIS are being paid, it makes you sick. How can the directors of EIS have been paying themselves over 600k a year, and not to mention the exuberant salaries for the other directors in the organization. The director for Southwest Keys makes even more at close to 800k a year! Shouldn’t they be spending those monies on the kids they are taking care of? And our elected leaders with their heads in the sand while organizations like this are having to be closed for alleged misappropriation of funds. There is also a problem when we treat kids that are here illegally better than the veterans that fought for this country. These kids are flown all over the country, while veterans take a almost 12 hour round trip ride to the hospital. He illegally you fly...if you fought four our country, take the van...if you are able to get an appointment! The fovernment should take a close look at these organizations.....and their policies. When directors of a federally funded program are making twice as much as the salary of the President of the United States...there is a problem.....and more when we spend more on taking care of these kids that we do our veterans.

Anonymous said...

Excellent reference to this kids getting more attention than our veterans who put their lives on the fore-front to depend and protect us. These kids get attended to right away and our Veterans have, if they are lucky, to wait two or three months to travel by Valley Trash Can (VTC busses) to San Antonio. Where are our Congressman, Vela, Lucio, Jr, Lucio III, and all the other pendejos who only line their calsonsillos. Oh, no, these idiots fly first class to wherever they say they want to go. Que chingaderas y uno de pendejo para dejarse!

Anonymous said...

If they were white gavachitos they would be housed in an expansive hotel, and nobody would complain, FACT...

Anonymous said...

Noting better in the world than watch racist REPUBLICANS and their stupid president sink into a never ending toilet...

Anonymous said...

To anonymous at 5:49

You expect Eddie Lucio lll to do anything about this...wrong! He was the attorney for EIS working part time for 130 thousand a year. He has been great at keeping under the brush as they say and fooling the people. Remember when he was working for the Gas line companies to take the land from its rightful owners so they caould lay down their pipe? He quickly left the job when the public out cried. He is a snake.

The Truth said...

The failed policies of the Dumbocrats and the Repugnicunts. Everyone is making too much money off the immigrants and the drugs coming into this country! Can you imagine IES employees making that kind of money?? I wonder if pumpkin head in the White House knows about this shit?? Disgusting.
When Samantha Bee called Ivanka Pumpkinhead a 'feckless cunt' I thought that was pretty accurate.

Anonymous said...

SWK was started during the Obama years, simple fact is these places advertise in Mexico and Central America that it is safe to come on over, kids taken care of.
Judges get tough on crime to fill up for profit jails, kids cross over illegally so SWK can make shit loads of $..
The wheels go round and round.
Politicians get the gravy....
