Newby Justice of the Peace 2-3 Mary Ester Sorola – who lags in seniority behind Linda Salazar and has no law degree like Jonathan Gracia – is racking up numbers like the Astro's Jose Altuve.
Statistics from the JP courts for April and May shows that Sorola's court is doing brisk business and moving cases along, at the same time collecting revenues for the county at a greater rate and volume than the other Brownsville JPs.
In April, the stats show that 1,088 cases had been filed in her court compared to 838 for Gracia and 633 for Salazar. Year-to-date, Sorola has had 5,338 compared to 3,524 for Gracia and 4,230 for Salazar.
The stats for disposed cases reveal much of the same. Sorola had disposed of 669 to Gracia's 629 and Salazar's 641.
Monthly collections for April were $115,284 for Sorola, $88,040 for Gracia and $83,568 for Salazar. The courts' statistician cautions that year to date cash collections do not necessarily constitute county revenue, but the pattern is pretty clear. If you move the cases along and clear the docket, the money comes in the till.
May was another good month for her court with 891 cases filed in Sorola's court, 817 in Salazar's and 522 in Gracia's. Monthly collections were $103,419 in Sorola's court, $79,622 in Salazar's and $76,839 in Gracia's.

But it is under the term "probate" which, according to the statistician includes mental calls and inquests of deaths that shows who is busy answering calls for law enforcement. This April Sorola answered 16, Salazar 16 and Gracia 0.
In May, Sorola answered 18, Salazar 11, and Gracia lagged at 5. During the recent runoff election, challenger Javier Reyna questioned Gracia on his absence from his office and failure to be available for police calls for inquests.
There seem to be a weird order of priorities here. Another function of the JP office is the performance of marriages, a lucrative endeavor for JPs since state law allows them to keep the fees, usually between $250 and up depending on the venue where the couple chooses to marry.
Salazar is the cupid of the three JPs.
The breakdown by JP has changed dramatically in the last three years. Before, Salazar was the undisputed Czar of the Rings, but Gracia is quickly making inroads into the nuptial racket. The last three years' numbers are below:
Salazar Gracia Sorola
Jan.-Dec. 2014: 571 (Took office Jan. 2015)
Jan.-Dec. 2015: 682 64 95
Jan.-Dec. 2016: 676 196 82
Jan.-Nov. 2017: 504 232 74
As can plainly be seen, couples just seem to gravitate toward Salazar for some (unknown?) reason.
Loose tongues used to say that she had a system in place at the Cameron County Clerk's Office of staff who would steer the couples toward her office. And she has been caught in the county's surveillance system soliciting couples in the county clerk's office. There has been at least one report that a clerk in her marriage license section would put a business card of Salazar's office in the manila folder containing the license (hint).
We'll keep an eye on the doings on the second floor of the new county Levee Street building to see if the ranking of priorities by the Brownsville JPs stays the same.
You give Mexicans a bad name, Mapache.
Totally a blowjob, Juan. She's not Chelo Silva, buey!
Seems to illustrate that Sorola is working harder than the other JP, especially Linda Salazar. Salazar is focused on marriage because it puts money in her pocket. She seems less interested in moving cases through the system. We should congratulate Sorola for showing how little work Salazar is doing.
Its sad in this fucked up county that we elected a full time layer to a JP position. Gracia is not a full time JP however is reeping from the tax payers of this county. Tax payers in this county always complain about their taxes and yet elected a lawyer. Most lawyers are either thief or corrupt in this county
I remember when Linda Salazar JP won the election and Tony Yzaguirre thru a party at his house Honeydale Rd.and gave 20,000 Dollars cash and a Big fat battle of Buchanan's in front of Tony Menchaca, Gilberto Escamilla the fajita bandit and the whole tax office employees.
Great measuring stick.
Dont know who's paying you Montoya
But helluva report.
If only more voters had access to these stats.
How can you blame her...
The other clown with the picketing sign is so unprofessional. Her humorless jokes at weddings make my eyes roll out of my control, its like they become independent of my self control..
True all true and with the blessing of BOTCHED sylvia garza perez someone please tell her anque la Mona se vista de seda MONa se queda the county clerks needs to go to matMoros and fix her insides too what a horrible boss congratulations judge sorola
Just another bought jp out for the highest bidder.
Salazar's stupid jokes are a reflection of her intellect and arrogance. She actually thinks she is humorous. If she spent more time as JP and less serving herself, the would serve the community better. Time for the voters to turn her out!
Good job Judge E Sorola, keep up the good work.
Selective stats, too! LOL
It is time to put Linda Salazar and all her relatives out of local government. They are all leaches on the community with egos as big as their asses...that's big.
Culo Grande, is that what you mean 6.41 pm?
Way to go Sylvia !!
What happened to all the anonymous commenters stating that their life's mission was to make sure she lost ? What happened to everyone working against her ? No que one term county clerk ?
Sylvia > anonymous
Get Linda Salazar Out !!
Time to Go !!
Esta bien tapada la pendeja !!
QUe paso mijo !! Ay la llevamos !!! AAque si , AAque si !!
Pinche tapon de alberca !!
She is a Fucking Rolling JoKe !! Get her Out!!
I still like her chanclas.
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