Wednesday, June 13, 2018


From "Cortina: Defending the Mexican Name in Texas." By Jerry Thompson


Anonymous said...

Murderers and thieves met their just due, at the end of a hemp rope. Justice was done that day!

Anonymous said...

At the time of this tragedy gringos killing ethics was not justice. Cortina was fighting for JUSTICE because the pinche gringos killed his whole familey and took over his lands. Pinches pendejos hablan con un chile en el osico.

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM.....Cortina's whole family was not killed by the Anglos. Where do you get this crap? A myth has been created around Chino Cortina that is not in sync with historical fact.

Cortina was not about justice for anybody. He was about enriching himself and accumulating power. Like all Mexican politicians he said one thing and did another. He was as crooked as any one of them today and his hands were covered in blood.

If you are looking for some mythical hero, fighting for justice for the poor Mexican, you have pinned your hopes on the wrong penejo.

Anonymous said...

Juan Cortina is ALIVE! He is now Juan Montoya! LOL

Anonymous said...

Your account is typical anglo lies to distort the true facts. There are more anglo rats thieves and murderers here in south texas then any where in the US, AND THAT'S A FACT. As far as "mythical heros" the anglos have a belly full of them. Starting with MICKEY MOUSE...

Anonymous said...

Ratoncito Miguel is not a myth. He lives and is a Mexican at heart.

Anonymous said...

His name was not Chino. It was Cheno and obviously, you have not read various sources to compare and contrast. Remember each writer has the option to express their own opinion and interpretation. So what is a really a fact, unless you are the primary source.

Anonymous said...

Indeed there are various sources, but comparing and contrasting them won't lead to any kind of whole picture of the man Cortina. These various sources are little more than a few facts, many of which are disputed, wrapped around an opinion or a prejudiced. It would seem that everybody down here, has a dog in the Cortina fight.

Anonymous said...

Félix Benjamín Caignet is a cuban not mexican pendejo...
