Thursday, June 7, 2018


By Juan Montoya

We were pleasantly surprised when we got a call from an old friend from our ink-stained-wretch days who said he had something interesting to show us.

Apparently, our friend had found a newspaper account dating back to March 25, 1866 – almost a year after the Civil War – that he though might be of interest to us. He said it had something to do with the dissolution of one of the armed bands that governed northern Mexico during the French occupation of northern Mexico during the reign of Emperor Maximilian.

The scene then, was one of chaos, with pro-imperialist armies fighting off liberal armies under Benito Juarez and region chieftains – themselves divided – and the Union armies watching from across the Rio Grande in Brownsville.

Many Confederates had fled to Mexico when the Union prevailed in the Civil War and they joined the pro-imperialist forces occupying northern Mexico.

It wouldn't be until 1867 that the French left Mexico, but they left Matamoros late in 1866 (See graphic, click to enlarge).

The stories concerning local "libero-outlaw" Juan Cortina and someone named Jesus Palacios occurred earlier in March and apparently was a grudge killing among those forces opposed to the french imperialist occupation.

(The Daily Ranchero, our friend says, was a Confederate newspaper.)

In the first account in the Palacios killing blamed on Cortina, the newspaper states that one of its "couriers" confirmed the death of one Jesus Palacios by Cortina and then the execution of his sons which resulted in the breakup of the pro-liberal forces.

The second account is merely a follow up indicating Cortina had eluded his enemies (Click on graphics to enlarge).

The elder Palacios was said to be a supporter ot Cortina's nemesis Jose Canales and led an army in his support. The newspaper says that as a result of the Palacios killing, the armed groups in San Fernando broke up and started deserting the groups.

All were looking for Cortina and ordered that he be shot on sight.

The flare-up among the various regional chieftains indicates that the upcoming void when the French left. Jesus Maria de Jose Carvajal, for example, was scheming to become the "George Washington of Tamaulipas" and had launched a revolution at the same time that the warring bands were fighting to defeat the French.

"The rupture, as was to be expected from such an infernal combination," the paper wrote, "has resulted in the bitterest hostility among the liberal factions."

In many cases, when they were defeated by another faction in Tamaulipas, they fled into South Texas and south refuge here.

We thank our buddy for calling attention to this little-known piece of local history. The more we read, the more interesting those times get.



Anonymous said...

Who cares!!!!!!!!!!! Cortina was a cheap-ass bandido!!!

Anonymous said...

Same ol, same ol! Give Mexicans guns and they will start killing each other for control of who knows what. It is a Mexican DNA thang!

Anonymous said...

Nice story about historical events in our area.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this lying shit, Montoya! News, bro!!!!

Anonymous said...

The evidence between you and Bobby is very clear. Comments like 1:11 and 1:20 would never appear in the comment section of the BV. Although your readers may not appreciate the comments of those who have little appreciation of history in this area, you allow them to express their opinions unlike Bobby who fails to print any comment that provide constructive criticism of his postings.

Anonymous said...

I guess all heroes have another side, just like Davy Crockett at the Alamo.
Juan N. was a colorful character who only wanted his "Nanitas" property back and for Anglos to stop treating Mexicans the way they did. Even Rev. Hiram Chamberlain kept classifying Mexicans as inferior and needed to be whipped in order to understand - that was the minister. There so many stories and versions out there to read, and one must remember that each is written from the viewpoint of the writer. Don't forget to study Charles Stillman while you are at it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's to study about that murdering rat and as far as deportation cock roach Europe is where cracker faces belong.

Anonymous said...

As far as deporting cracker face white people goes, without white men and guns, you would still be living in a jacal and shiting under a bush. Take a short hike across the bridge and join you fellow brown faces in the wonderful, peaceful, prosperous city of Matamoros. There you won't have to put up with the cockroach cracker faces. Have a great life and stay the hell out of our country.

Anonymous said...

Go to the Appalachian mountains and you see the same. Cracker faces abusing their sisters and even their parents, that you don't see any where else. Nothing to be proud of to be a cracker face with guns. Typical cracker face reaction "stay the hell out of our country". Its not your country and it never will be. Your proper place is cockroach europe.

Anonymous said...

Very proud cracker face of his little guns. You more then likely don't even know how to load one, specially a "little one". Plus the typical reaction of a hillybilly REPUBLICAN "Have a great life and stay the hell out of our country", its not your country repugnant idiot. Go to the Appalachian mountains where your brother live, Just like cockroach europe where your very known jacal came from and your toilet manners are done under the sun and the moon, using poison ivy as paper. RED ASS CRACKER FACE...

Anonymous said...

How nice it is to read reasoned opinions with no racist hate attached. I guess I will have to go somewhere else to find that.

Anonymous said...

Yea south...
