Friday, June 22, 2018


(Is it getting contagious for poor school districts to splurge millions to acquire a megatron scoreboard for their stadiums while teachers cry out for supplies and their facilities continue to deteriorate? 

Brownsville Independent School District has taken the plunge on the vague promise that the $1.4 million (originally $600,000) will "pay for itself" through sponsorships from local businesses. That, apparently, is the hook for school districts to bite. Now the Raymondville ISD is about to take the plunge for a more modest $600,000 board. Can they – one of the poorest disticts in the state and country – justify this extravagance.

Additionally, they are planning to use the BuyBoard method to purchase the board, a convenient way that lets them bypass the bidding process, as BISD did.

An informal poll conducted by the Valley Morning Star indicates little support for the move. It's a shame that the BISD's choice to splurge on a $1.4 million board wasn't put to a referendum to see if the voters wanted one or not. To read the story in the VMS outlining the planned purchase of the megatron board, click on link below.)


Anonymous said...

Where in the hell did this BuyBoard come from and who approved it? This is what is getting everybody in problems because of the kickbacks that seem to be coming from the buyboard individuals. Who says that the Districts must buy from them? Then if we don't, we must buy from more expensive providers and the public makes a huge outcry. Why can't we just fix the public speaker so that we can here the sound and we can all look at the score on that old reliable scoreboard. Why do we need all the bells and whistles? This is one thing that I do not agree with as far as spending so much money on something just so that we can have the best one in the valley. Who cares? I would much rather see our home teams score higher than the visitors on the simple score book.

Anonymous said...

A new scoreboard don't make a winning team, it is the team itself that brings the glory.

Anonymous said...

Do they have electricity?

Anonymous said...

Raymondville trying to keep.up with the Jones or does Joe Rodriguez have contacts up river. You know he gets a % of the referrals to paragon sports. Hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

BuyBoard is a state monitored process that government offices can purchase from. The prices on the buyboard are already set in price and the vendors can not change those prices. That is why more people use BuyBoard since they spend less time than bidding process.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the buy-board explanation, but if it is causing all these problems of kick-backs and mordidas, or % bird dog fees, why is it allowed. By doing the normal bidding process, would it not be safer and under better control. Let us go back to casting votes.

Anonymous said...

Does it increase graduation rates? No. Does it make the team better? No. Will it make money? No. Could $1,400,000 be better spent on after school tutoring to raise test scores? Yes.

Anonymous said...

They needed a score board with only "ONE" digit on the home team score section!!!!
