Sunday, August 5, 2018


Position 1 
(Currently held by Cesar Lopez )
Timmy Ramirez
Joe Valdez, Jr.

Position 2 
(Currently held by Carlos Elizondo)
Erasmo Castro

Position 4 
(Currently held by Joe Rodriguez)
Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton
Joe A. Rodriguez
Randy Gonzales

So far, this is the tentative lineup for the three positions that will be open this November for the board of the Brownsville Independent School District.

We say tentative because we have seen that in the past, some candidates waited until the 5:30 p.m. filing deadline (this year it will be August 20) and switched positions to one where they thought they had a better chance of winning.

Notice that neither Cesar Lopez nor Carlos Elizondo have indicated publicly whether they will be running for reelection. Herman Otis Powers, a past board member, has only filed his campaign finance report but has not picked a spot. In his report, he lists himself as a past candidate for position 3, which is not among the three in the contest.

Mark Anthony Cortez, the son of JP 2-1 Linda Cortez has only filed a treasurers' report, but has not indicated the incumbent he wants to face. He will have to explain to the voters how it came to be that his three traffic citations and a lawsuit for $2,300 in credit card debt have ended in his mother's court and she dismissed three of them and has been sitting on the last one since April without issuing a default judgment.

She, in turn, will have to explain why she did not recuse herself from sitting on the cases, a clear judicial canon violation of the Texas Constitution and the Texas Judicial Commission rules.

Just about every incumbent "tiene cola que le pisen" once the campaign gets going in earnest. All three have filed affidavits of conflict of interest because of their employment for companies doing business with the BISD and Rodriguez because one of the vendors (of legal services) in the district is his son.

Lopez is a BuyBoard representative who often cannot deliberate or vote on items of BuyBoard vendors. When he was a the chair of the Facilities Committee he was prevented from presiding over  a meeting where Paragon Sports was giving a presentation. A minor ruckus erupted with the Purchasing Department, but Lopez acquiesced to the directives of the procurement process and did not preside.

Today, Paragon has done multi-million dollar business with the BISD and was note vetted by BISD Purchasing because the administration had picked them from among the BuyBoard members and bypassed the bidding process.

What to say about problem child Elizondo? His star has been in  downward spiral since he was chosen fire chief with the City Of Brownsville and then got caught steering ambulance transfer cases to a company with which he was associated. Later, the fire union filed a theft complaint against him and the Cameron County District Attorney's Office was able to convince a jury that evidence existed to justify 11 true bills on felony charges for theft and breaching computer security of the city's emergency system.

He has filed an affidavit of potential conflict of interest for the company that provides EMT and firefighter classes at the BISD  because he works for them.

Rodriguez is listed as a vendor for BSN Sports, a company that has done $100,000s if business with the district for sports equipment under the Varsity Sports umbrella. Varsity Sports also lists ring maker Herrf Jones as  sister company to BSN Sports. Yet, Rodriguez was a vocal supporter of the administration's decision to award Herrf Jones the $31,000 contract to purchase $895 championship rings for the Porter Soccer team during open meetings without letting his company's relationship with that firm deter him from discussing or voting on items dealing with the issue. 

In the roughly three months remaining before the November elections, will the candidates challenging these incumbents throw caution to the wind and air the district's dirty laundry? 


Anonymous said...

No One is above the law? Luis??

Anonymous said...

Montoya, welcome back. Please continue to keep us posted on these very important BISD positions, especially the deadline to file. This is the time for all concerned citizens, parents, students, critics and supporters to come to the aid of their school district. We are in desperate need of new leadership.

Anonymous said...

Duardo not welcome at my restaurants!

Anonymous said...

Was just thinking of the possibility of allowing the real warriors to sit on the board to make decisions for BISD and it's stakeholders, especially the children. How about letting the teachers run the district or allow only retired educators to sit on the board to make sure that the real needs of the district are supported and voted for. Also, no fired or suspended or removed employers or with no conflict of interest with owning any business that sells to the district, would qualify for the election. Oops! I woke up! I was just dreaming. But doesn't that make sense. People please try to get out to vote and vote for the best candidate and not the best fajita plate or suds. Either you have children in the district or you are a product of the district and it is your right to demand and select the best.

Anonymous said...

It happened to Oliveira it can happen to Joe, la chisquiada and it can happen to the mayor. Its just around the corner...

Anonymous said...

Raza! Hay que votar. Y no por el asa el mejor pollo.

Anonymous said...

And the winners: Ramirez, Castro and Roca Tipton!

Anonymous said...

As long as "NOBODY" gets re-elected...

Anonymous said...

The Scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveira, is the most corupt person in Brownsville, he should be banned from public office

Anonymous said...

To 10"45 a.m., Rene is old news and he is not even mentioned in this article. Come on man, what's going on with you and Rene. You call him out in just about every article? Level with us and maybe I'll start calling him a scumbag black mamba too.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya we are in dire help in BISD. We are part of a 25 person bible study group (plus our families/relatives) and we care about our educational community. We have been trying very hard to encourage Joe Barguiarena to run for the Board. We know Mr. Barguiarena, he is a good man, who in his heart he care's about education. He has been an educator, worked in the U.S. Congress, has two Master Degrees, graduate of the Institute of World Affairs and business background (Business Owner). For our kids and our community help us convince him. Now more than ever, we need good people. He will be a white horse nobody saw coming. Has he made mistakes, yes, we all have, help us convince him. Thank you, help us. We are ready to work.

Anonymous said...

Bacarenia, Mrs. O'Quinn, and Otis Powers can come shape up the ship, as long as they stay clear of la mandona y la matraca de Sylvia y Minnie y old-timer (Alzheimers) Cowen. We need individuals who will speak their mind and do what is right for the children.

Anonymous said...

Our library book club group and mall walking group endorses Mr. Barguiarena for BISD Board..A good man, an accomplished man, a well read man, great speaker with a good heart. He's just a good person who means well. We don't have many of those these day's. He would WIN !!!

Anonymous said...

If Joe Barguiarena decides and makes the commitment to run for BISD Board, we at church are with him. We are ready to work hard for a new board. Everything starts at church....

Anonymous said...

Yes, Barguiarena for BISD Board...We at the Golfclub House agree.

Anonymous said...

Si we that live under the express bride on alton gloor will vote for him. My colleges at the express bride on 802 will also vote for him...

Anonymous said...

The "White Horse Joe Barguiarena" for BISD Board. We are with you, let us know .Excellent candidate.

Anonymous said...

The barrio boys will vote for you "dale gas" there's marmaja (dinero) to be made.
