A request for a fire marshal's investigative report on a fire where an elderly woman died has been denied by the Brownsville Fire Department's Fire Marshal citing advice from the city's "legal" advisers.

And clouding the city's response to the requests is the fact that there is no permanent city attorney to make that determination and that it involves one of the files that was illegally accessed by fired Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo. The Cameron County District Attorney has cited his prohibited access to that specific report as part of an 11-count indictment.
The indictment, which the grand jury issued June 27, charges Elizondo with accessing the Emergency Reporting System for the Brownsville Fire Department without the consent of the City of Brownsville on 11 occasions starting on Oct. 11 and ending on Nov. 23. At that time, current fire chief Jarrett Sheldon had been appointed as interim fire chief. (That's prankster Sheldon at left below in a Facebook posting.)

Harris referred any other questions to the City Secreteary's office information specialist Johnny Gutierrez. El Rrun-Rrun has filed an information request with Gutierrez and is awaiting a response from that office.
On Nov. 19, the Brownsville Fire Department was called to a fire at a duplex at 18 A Avenue, on the city's southwest side. When the first FD unit arrived, it was operated by firefighter Lt. Jorge Lerma who was pulling a late shift at fire station Station 2 at 536 W St Charles, about seven blocks from the site.
Lerma just happens to be the current president of the Brownsville Fire Fighters Association. He is also listed as the complainant upon which an indictment charging Elizondo with theft from the union is based. He accused Elizondo of making improper ATM cash withdrawals totaling $8,000 from the association’s PAC while he was its president from January 2014 to 2016. Elizondo was the fire chief at that time.
A grand jury indicted Elizondo last October on one count of theft by a public servant and one count of misapplication of fiduciary property. That indictment was issued last October but was dismissed after Elizondo was re-indicted for the same charges in two different indictments.
Accounts on what happened on the Nov. 19 fire where the woman died are muddled, and with the investigative reports hidden from the public by the city, there are several versions based on emergency response personnel and other city staff. Efforts to reach Lerma, who responded first to the fire, have been unsuccessful.
Police identified the victim of the duplex fire as 73-year-old Cornelia Ruth Wright. Wright, who was bedridden, died after being transferred to the hospital from the blaze which broke out in the room in which she stayed. The husband, Harold Wright, was transported to the hospital and treated for smoke inhalation. He survived.

Most observers agree up to that point.
However, disagreement centers on what happened when Lerma got to the fire and whether firefighter efforts may have been inadequate to possibly save the woman. Some reports indicate that the way the reports came into the station led them to believe that it was only a minor blaze and posed no danger to anyone.
Others say that as a result firefighters – including Lerma – may not have been dressed in their fire gear that stymied their to attempt a rescue.
Video from the police cars' camcorders may provide an answer, but it is doubtful that the city would allow their release if it is fighting the release of the fire marshal's office investigative report. Nonetheless, El Rrun-Rrun has already filed an information request for any existing tapes or discs of events recorded at the scene.
Then-Interim Chief Sheldon said that the victim’s husband, who used a wheelchair, alerted authorities to the fire at 10:55 p.m. Sunday night and had attempted to rescue his wife.
“He was home and called 9-1-1, and tried to rescue the female and was unable to,” Sheldon said.

On top of that, some speculate that when Elizondo accessed the Emergency Reporting System, he may have altered the reports to cast Lerma – who filed the theft complaint against him – in an unfavorable light.
"It's funny that the city administration – including Chief Sheldon – is not being forthcoming with the report of that fire," said a retired firefighter. "I heard that the family of the deceased had come in to thank the firefighters for saving their dad and making the effort to save their mother. Now it sounds as if there might be a lawsuit coming out of this. What changed their minds?"
If Lerma did violate fire department rules by appearing at a fire scene without the proper equipment to perform his duty, they are wondering why Sheldon has not disciplined the firefighter. Could it be, they wonder, that by having Lerma in a compromised position Sheldon will be able to buy off the peace with the union and implement his rule at the department without any objection from organized labor?
"If Sheldon has Lerma over a barrel and is holding his actions at that fire over his head, he is just as guilty as anyone in shielding the truth from the public," the firefighter said. "He hasn't done anything up to now, nine months after the fire."
DA Office sources say that investigators have began a forensic investigation into the illegal access to the Emergency Reporting System computers to determine whether any alterations were made in the reports of the cases. They also said that they are investigating whether any lawsuits against the city or EMS involving the accessed files start appearing as lawsuits in the local courts.
"If you see some of these cases pop up in the courts against the city, the Fire Department or the EMS, they're going to be looking real close to determine whether it was the result of some runner urging them to contact certain lawyers to file on their behalf," said one. "Is someone referring these cases to ambulance chasers?"
Now we will know the truth about Charles Cabler, and his quick excit from the City and the same time as the fire chief. Jail time coming for someone.
Jesse Weenes says leave Carlos alone!!! Carlos is making Brownsville great again!!!
STOP BULLYING Jesse Weenes, I heard he went crying to HR. He quickly forgot all the other shit he has done for years. Nobody went crying to HR for the bullshit he pull, what a BITCH.
What is going on in BISD? Why is the principal of Garcia Middle School replacing the Fine Arts Administrator?
Jorge "Ricky Bobby" Lerma is known for his cowardice and hiding outside a burning building even when he knows that there is a child trapped in the home. Now for an elderly handicapped lady...forget it!
Juan why did Cameron County buy Judge Mike Trejo a weapon gun look at his budget for this year they have a line item for weapons. Other JPs didn't get to have this in there budget why?
Fire dept. needs a good face-washing. Most of these assholes need to be fired! smh
Life is to short to live all amargo.
For many years the fire dept and their union have given it to the taxpayers of Brownsville, all I say is tough shit with all these wacko leaders you get or got. so suck it up and do your work putos.
There is one simple way to solve the problem, call in the Fed's once and for all. Why have we got them if we don't use them.
Nobody ain’t gonna do squat. Cause on thing leads to another n people will get burned. What a shame but just look around at all the desmadre.
Juan que jente tan fea pones en tu blog ya ni la chingas
Pongense a trabajar! I always see the F___ing firetrucks at restaurants! And there is no fire at the restaurants, where the fire trucks are at! Se la pasan tragando estos vatos!
Well, if you bring us food to all the stations three times a day we wouldn't have to go to the restaurants. Also if we are about to eat and get a call, we leave on the emergency. That is part of the job and we accept it. I doubt your dumbass will ever realize that
It is emphatically true that, under the late unlamented moron, Carlos Elizondo, BFD declined sharply (not that Lennie was the sharpest tack in the box either, but he was light years better than Carlos). However, most of the firefighters, including those in the Fire Marshall's Office, do a superb job in a world where everything rolling downhilll seems to land on them. It isn't easy to run into a fire when your body is crying out to run the other way, nor is it easy to look the other way while your political "leadership" fails you again and again, even as you try to enforce the very ordinances they enacted. Don't blame the brave men and women of our department for stupid stuff like going out to lunch in a truck (believe it or not fasting is not in their contracts). These men and women are first responders; no one wants to dwell on it, but when the manure hits the fan, these people are right there. Their loved ones know that every time they see them could, God forbid, be the last as they perform their duties and try to do their jobs despite the swamp at City Hall. By all means call out that asshole Elizondo and all those who seek to take advantage of their public trusts, but don't use an over broad brush to taint the predominately honest and dedicated professionals who protect us all.
You always see firetrucks at restaurants, and there aren't any fires at restaurants? That has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day. Are you brain damaged? Firefighters aren't kept in glass boxes and only let out of the firehouse when a fire breaks out. They have to eat, genius.
Some of you fucking morons will complain about anything and everything. Pinche bola de pendejos.
All fire stations have a full kitchen complete with stoves, refrigerators, microwaves, tables and chairs . They also have beds,TVs, phones, Internet, heaters, showers, exercise equipment, what else you need?
Emergencies don't work from 8 to 5. They come at all times causing us to leave in a moments notice. If we choose to eat at a restaurant or at the station it shouldn't matter to you because you are not paying for our meals.
The Fire Dept is in disarray. You have a malignant dwarf trying to run it with wife beaters, pedophiles, thieves and drunks. They should all run for BISD board.
but paying for your time menso...
There's wife beaters at Brownsville Fire Dept. ????
GGL, that POS mike trejo has a weapon? This POS was a wife beater and a backstabbing coward and letting his girlfriend take a dope charge for him. The only reason that this POS does not have a conviction for spousal abuse is because of daddy. Well daddy is gone and this POS better watch himself. He's still being the bully when it comes to that towing company he's got. He's got a scam with certain businesses when you park on their parking lot and not giving them the business.
With daddy gone, he'll be voted out of office next time around.
Yes, these are allegations and can be proven with any LEO who had to respond to this POS residence back in the day!
Sounds like BPD..
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