With some Doubting Thomases expressing skepticism about the existence of text messages from former Brownsville Port of Brownsville Police Chief George Gavito to Brownsville Independent School District general counsel Baltazar Salazar, we are obliged to salvage our credibility.
We first reported that Gavito sent the text message to Salazar during this month's meeting of the board of BISD when Salazar backed away from an agenda item he had personally revised with the administration and approved for inclusion on the agenda scant hours before he backpedaled.
The agenda item allowed for the district to enter into a Letter of Intent for a Private Public Partnership to establish a Performing Arts Center that would also provide a hospitality and culinary industry curriculum.

Everything was a go until the meeting when the administration was asked if Salazar had asked that the item be pulled. Salazar had pulled the item a month before saying that the discussion of economic development issues such as the P3 letter of intent could not be discussed in executive session.
When confronted with legal opinions by other attorneys that the board could indeed discuss such matters, Salazar let it be known that he would not permit it "por mis huevos."
Then, in this month's meeting, four trustees voted in favor of the district entering the discussions with a local university (UTRGV?) and the BISD and Jacoma Corporation, among others, to "explore" the idea.
That was despite the recommendation of Salazar to the board that the LOI lacked detail and that the district could be exposed to commitments stretching in the future for more than 20 years.

"My recommendation (was to pull it) because there wasn't any detail and it doesn't fall within the guidelines...," he said, getting cutoff by Lopez who reminded him that his position a few hours earlier was to include it in the meeting.
"I'm a little surprised you say that," Lopez said. "When we reviewed it you were OK with it, then you do a complete 180 (degrees). This is strictly exploratory. We're not obligating the school district to anything."
When Salazar was trying to backpedal on his previous approval of the item, Gavito, who was in the audience, texted him the missive above. In turn, Salazar started forwarding the text far and wide insinuating he felt threatened by Gavito, a border lawman with connection to the criminal elements here. We understand that a copy of the Gavito text was sent to other board trustees, the superintendent, and that it even got forwarded to Cameron County D.A. Luis V. Saenz, too.
Is Salazar fearful now and counting to four and contemplating his future and potential loss of his $280,000 gravy gig?
"White Horse Coming"
Gavito is an arrogant jackass. He continues to elevate himself every time there's a damn re-run of the Mark Kilroy story. Dude, let it go, and move on. You've made demands your entire life using bullying tactics, when in reality, you're nothing but a loudmouth chihuahua chasing the old lady down the street. Get over yourself.
Well, who is right? Gavito or Salazar, or Lopez. If Salazar advices the board, he sure has made a lot of boo-boos, maybe even including the now Super Supper Club. And he gets the big bucks to advice? He can't even control his life and wants to advice others.
It is funny how Cesar tries to hide his true intentions. Salazar wouldn't objected unless Cesar agreed to it beforehand.
They are playing you Gavito. Aguas!
Juan, find the "White Horse", we need him. Who is this "White Horse" We need him.
Hummm...Looks like Dumb and Dumber got in a fight. The bigger question is still up for debate, which one is Dumb and which one is Dumber???
"White Horse" Coming, get ready, all of you !!
Salazar is a thief ! He is scum just like his sister, Liz Vera.
Arrogant pieces of shit! They are so crooked
Looking for the "White Horse" help us !
And the corruption in Cameron County continues!!!
Let's find the "WHITE HORSE"..We are with him.
Yay, the "White Horse", we are with him. Go "White Horse, Go White Horse".
GaVITO knows he is full of it, only prances and dances around with hernandez to get hernandezes money that's all, he don't bring SHIT to the table. Glory days are gone Gavito, tiem to reitre, sit at home y pelarte el chilito solo. lol
Where is this "White Horse" ?
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