Monday, August 6, 2018


By Juan Montoya

City of Brownsville Police Department Chief Orlando Rodriguez will  presented his notice to retire Tuesday and his interim replacement will be chosen from among three candidates.

Rodriguez had hinted at retiring since at least last November but held off at the request of the administration to coordinate the security measures for the Mr. Amigo and Charro Days events. He has been with the department for more than 30 years.

He was appointed by former City Manager Charlie Cabler  as interim chief on Dec. 20, 2011, and was made chief the following year.

(Insiders say Rodriguez lost the confidence of the Brownsville Police Officers Association and the top officers in the department for catering to the whims of some city officials, particularly Rose Gowen and Jessica Tetreau. In the case of Gowen, he had officers looking for her bicycles that were stolen from her house and even held a neighborhood watch alert in her neighborhood after the theft. Tetreau has repeatedly called him personally to attend to her personal whims. That "political" posturing did not sit well with the rank-and-file, they say.)

And three veteran police department administrators have emerged as the top candidates for the interim – and when the time comes – for the permanent appointment to the top position at the department.

According to PD sources, they are:
*Felix Sauceda
*David Dale, and
*William Dietrich

As has become the norm in Brownsville, the interim administrator will serve until the city manager (Interim City Manager Michael Lopez) opens the application process and vets all the applicants to find a replacement for Rodriguez.

(Incidentally, not only does the city have an interim city manager, it also has an interim fire chief, an interim city attorney, actually now a contract attorney acting as city attorney), and now an interim police chief.)

In this vacuum, Mayor Tony Martinez and several city commissioners are now wagging the dog, ramming through their agendas through the city departments.

But as far as the police chief candidates, sources say that although Rodriguez recommended that Lopez appoint David Dale, identified in the police website as head of the Uniform Services Command, police officers held an informal poll and the results went against Rodriguez's recommendation.

According to sources there, Sauceda was the top vote-getter in a poll of the three candidates. According to the poll, Sauceda garnered 60 percent of the votes, Dale got 30 percent, and Dietrich received the rest.

Sauceda, BPOA sources say, is the only candidate with a Masters degree in police administration. He has been on the force for 27 years holding the position of Narcotics Supervisor, property and evidence supervisor, jail administrator, auto theft supervisor, and been on BPD SWAT team for 24 years and commander of the unit for 12.

He was born and raised in Brownsville, is 100 percent bilingual, is Administrative Lieutenant of Patrol and holds several certificates for office of emergency management.


Anonymous said...

Commander Dale, what a joke, his own pothead son got arrested for possession, can't run things at home, but he can lead 300 officers?

Anonymous said...

Good riddance. chief Rodriguez was laughed at among his men.

Anonymous said...

Good Riddance!This guy was the worst Chief in Brownsville PD history.he appointed Dale to Cmdr over other very well qualified Supervisors.Then let Dale put a female officer as his private secretary.

Anonymous said...

Why would they want someone with a degree? There isn't a single CPA in the finance department, there isn't an urban planner degree in the planning, and the head of public works is not an engineer, etc, etc...Degrees? Certifications? Who needs 'em?

Anonymous said...

The city is a mess

It is obvious elected officials are conspiring against the new GBIC appointment. This is sad as eventually this will cost the city taxpayers in legal fees. When a commissioner used the N wordand ranted everyone was up in arms. It was not a good time but it did not cost the city taxpayers. Now you have a group conspiring and suing other commissioners . We have a civil way—- and this will have long and financial burdens to the city.

People who sue the city have no business in leadership positions within our city
Commissioners who sue the city have no business serving our city

The leaked tapes were embarrassing but pales compared to what is occurring now

This is our mayors fault

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for you to post about the DA’s nephew getting arrested for DWI....again.

Anonymous said...

David Dale was the latest sob when coming up the ranks. Still is. Would not know what to do in a critical situation .

Anonymous said...

To: August 6, 2018 at 6:44 PM

Your are so right but forgot the librarian making 80k with only a GED.

Anonymous said...

David Dale is an idiot. His only concern in the Department is protecting his girlfriend in the office across the hall and making sure no one messes with the chiefs wife, who actually runs the department from her cozy little office. Chief Rodriguez should have been fired years ago. He's a complete failure as a leader!!! GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!! Lets hope the City officials are smart enough to go to the outside for the next chief!!

Anonymous said...

Sauceda?? Seriously??? This guy is a self absorbed egotistical bully. He’s got more baby mamas running around the city than most people think. He’s Dale’s little puppet for years. I really doubt the majority of the police officers would pick what th a 60 percent vote. As a matter of fact I doubt a poll was even conducted and Sauceda wrote this shit on his own!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the fire department..

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Chief of Police from San Benito will apply for the position and save the Brownsville Police Department. Just like he did in San Benito.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who voted on this since it says BPOA did. Why doesn't the city hold a vote with officers to get the true numbers. I wonder who in the BPOA made that statement.

Anonymous said...

Another got cought with his fingers in the till. He will get a job with GBIC or the BEDC as a security consultant.

Anonymous said...

You guys need to hire Lenny "chicken without a head"Perez to run the dept or Carlo Elizondo with the recommendation of Charlie "I want my food for free"Cabler.

Anonymous said...

The Police Department is a mess! Dale who sued the city for his own benefit, faked a injury to stay out for several months to study for a promotional exam. The soon to be ex Chief allowed him to take his red head girlfriend to be his secretary and gave her the power of a cmdr. And she was allowed to give orders to all patrol supervisors to include Sauceda..Maybe Dale knew that Sauceda couldn't handle it and allowed his girlfriend to take charge. As for Sauceda has has been moved through out several depts cuz he was a ineffective/failure in all the depts.

Anonymous said...

How can I work when the application Oliveria has a big black book, and gives free Muff dives and works illegally for GBIC, the corruption is to much for me.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bunch of disgruntled cops writing these comments.

Anonymous said...

First it was the disgruntled FD, now its the BPD, who's next, Boy Club???
