Instead, enterprising reporters have deduced that his blood level was almost twice the legal limit from the filings of motions in court by the the DA on the case.
Now we learn from another of these gleanings that the DA has filed yet another motion, this time to modify Oliveira’s bond to add multiple conditions, including that he refrain from drinking alcohol or frequenting local bars and taverns.
Reporter Mark Reagan, of the local daily, reports that the The DA’s office filed the motion Aug. 7. that seeks to prohibit the lawmaker from committing a criminal offense, from visiting bars or clubs, and from fraternizing with anyone who consumes alcohol or controlled substances.
Although numerous commenters to this blog have accused Oliveira of continuing his 36-year long bacchanal even after is arraignment on the DWI charges, this is the first time the DA broaches the subject of "controlled substances."
A spokeswoman, Reagan noted, declined to comment on what motivated the filing of the motion, citing the same "ongoing" criminal prosecution. He reports that document also would require all vehicles operated by Oliveira to be equipped with ignition locks and states that Oliveira would not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of controlled substances.
Does the blood sample reveal more than alcohol in his system?
A commenter on the case emailed us after his arraignment that:
"Correct me if I am wrong, but if a citizen refuses a breathalyzer test or a blood test, he automatically loses his drivers' license, right? So, what is Rene still doing driving around town."
Others alleged that he had been seen numerous times after his arrest at Cobbleheads, the bar he was frequenting at the night of his DWI arrest. They wondered whether he had been permitted to continue patronizing the bars when others weren't. And will the restrictions also apply when the rep is in Austin?
Oliveira was defeated in the Democratic primary by Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Dominguez and will remain in office until Dominguez is sworn in in January 2019.
You trash The Herald in one earlier post and now you steal from it. smh
Luis Saenz should have taken action against Rene when the incident too place. Now it has the appearance of punishing, not Rene, but Cobbleheads and all the places that Rene visits here in town. At the same time, no restrictions of Rene in Austin. His drivers license should have been revoked years ago. Luis is no playing to the voters, now that he has announced for 2020. Luis Saenz is a DICK. Don't vote for Luis again.
To 9:09, hey dummy, not everybody reads The Herald, besides, Montoya's version is better. Keep up the good work Montoya
Hardly due to public criticism - if that were the case then Cabler, Sossi, De Leon, Martinez, Hilts and so many others would be in the tank or without a tit to suck on a long time ago.
Why would Oliveira be in Austin if he got voted out ?
Rene Oliveira is a shameless, unapologetic, drunken, misogynistic troglodyte who has always slipped away from the scene with a phone call to the right person (and with the right connections and damage control from the city) after every accident he has caused while driving while drunk and under the influence. It is time that this menace is taken off our streets. And yet he has the gall to plea "not guilty" ask for a trial by jury. How dare he!
I was there at Cheddars that night. Oliveira came in sweating like crazy and called on his phone for somebody to pick him up. I heard him tell them not to tell anybody. Then I looked out and saw a wrecked car in front. I can't believe he never got arrested then.
fucken drug addict
My civil liberties have been violated cried the scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveria, they have stopped me from not only drinking but Muff diving as well. I am Untouchable I will have the DA Luis Saenz by the balls, just wait until he runs again, and I get out my black book, his balls are mine. Does he know how much I spend on booze and Cocain every day, what is he going to do when I am in Austin? As I shall be there for three months, I can't go cold turkey, I will have friends over my house for coffee and Cocain, what is the DA going to do, get a search warrant and follow me everywhere. I am not called the UNTOUCHABLE SCUMBAG for nothing, let them try to stop me and test me, I will have women lined up at my door.
Oliveira not only "thinks he is above the law", he really believes he is. Take for instance the Travis County district attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg, who was head of the Public integrity Unit, which was investigating the criminal corruption by our so called Big Fish, Governor Perry. The Public Integrity Unit investigates wrongdoings by public officials , like Rick Perry. He knew he was going to be investigated and he wanted it to stop. So he weaseled into a set-up to make sure the Public Integrity Unit would go away. He VETO that unit and that killed the investigation into Perry's corruption.
Allegations are that Perry knew he was going to be connected to official corruption so he made sure he got rid of the department that was official funded so that the investigation into his wrongdoing would go away. That why corrupt politicians like Oliveira and corrupt judges believe they are above the law. Guess what they are
Luis Sanez, want to get re-elected dude, well how about putting on trial the ex la feria city manager who stole over $3million dollars for starters along with your compapadre Rene Olivieria? Now that I got to see these two slimy dirt balls get there day in court. Remember people don't forget Luis, so do your job that your were re-elected to do last time, or are you planning to RETIRE? .
I hope Cobble heads has been called to give evidence with the till record showing the time of each drink, and the person who served him the drinks, as he was with his girlfriend at the time.
This man should be charged with many more charges as well as his girlfriend, I keep reading the same things that he is a scumbag and is untouchable, by the sound of things, he should be struck off and disbarred immediately.
I hope that he is found guilty and that he spends time in jail at least 5 years, he has abused his position for long enough.
The scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveria has as much respect for the DA Luis Saenz as the garbage man has for the trash. Now the DA Luis Saenz just found out that the the Black Mamba Rene Oliveria has just stabbed him in the back. He is now stating that he was not treated fair while he was getting his blood taken at the hospital, and Saenz held off with additional charges, he will now blame his girlfriend for lacing his drinks, let the judge and jury decide. Then send the scumbag to jail,for ten years.
Where did he get the drugs from a doctor or the car washers?
This scumbag has been openly snorting for the past twenty years, the blood test will show that his alcohol is less than his drug content. He should be banned from driving for life, you ask where he gets his snort from, by special delivery to his home. Why else would he drive his car home with two flat tires?, you don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure that one out.
So the scumbag is trying to get the blood work thrown out as it proves that he is a drug addict. Then get him on the drink alone. Get the police on his case as he can't go cold turkey very long, let the jury decide to send him to jail for ten years, defer his sentence until January, then send the scumbag to jail.
Rene always tells his clients: "Don't worry, I'm friends with the judge" - meaning The Honorable Ben Euresti. Guess he didn't grease the right palms to get on the his docket this time! Now a jury of his peers??? How's he gonna rig this one? Does he really believe that the average B-towner has any sympathy for him after he has fucked over his constituents and fucked his clients for years? Could be a John Grisham novel in the making, with Rene playing the bad guy.
I am a big scumbag,
And I know it.
I double crossed the DA,
And he knows it.
I will bite Brownsville in the arse,
And they know it.
The jury will find me not guilty,
And I know it.
I will milk GBIC for millions,
And they know it.
I have Brownsville by the balls,
And they can't do anything about it,
And they have to suck it.
The scumbag Rene Oliveria.
I know you Rene
You have no shame and will fall
Into the great hell
Of all lost souls you took.
(Haiku, by the way)
Huh, didn't this "I've done this before drunk" comment that he was not above the law? He's is nobody special and being an elected official at the time of his arrest? The arrest and reports are not restricted and open to the public. Just the ordinary "Joe" that is arrested doesn't get to hide behind his position or social status?
As a former elected official after January, thank God. This "I've done it before drunk" does not deserve a deferred plea. Yes, I know that this is first arrest for DWI, I think? But, a message needs to be sent to those who hold public office! That if you hold a public office, you HAVE to set the example and be a role model NOT to commit a crime!
Rene Oliviera has and will always be a "major jerk" and shame on his so-called wife for trying to cover up his crime.
Everybody in town knows that this is not his first DUI; he just wasn't caught the other 100+ times he drove home drunk. And it's never his "wife" in the car; he just promises his harem of female accomplices, usually his paying clients, that "We'll get married" so that they take the fall for him. Rene will never learn unless someone in a judicial position has the cajones to stand up to him. Otherwise, whoever last judge is in his sentencing will have a major cross to bear that will follow him/her forever: If Rene is given probation, you, Judge, know that he will continue to do what alcoholics with free access to a car do: drink and drive. Rene Oliveira is an accident waiting to happen and has been for the past 20 years. I hope you do the right thing and stop him from killing someone the next time.
The attorney for Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation is RENE OLIVEIA. Que pasa Juan, se te paso???
She is not his wife but now his ex girlfriend, who is no longer in the fold of his Muff diving club, another ex wife of some one.
Luis don't forget about La Feria and those $3 million dollars plus that are missing and were taken by the previous city manager look for them, sure election winning luis now that you are running for Da once again. Orale Charlie.
I have just got away with my DWI, as the DA forgot about the conflict of interest at the hospital as my ex wife works there and she could have tampered with the blood work
And the DA Luis Saenz was to stupid to see why I refused to take a breathalyzer. The jury is to stupid to understand this and will find me not guilty. Another one bites the dust, Cobbleheads here I come again.
When will the DA Luis Saenz learn that I am protect by GBIC and the BEDC I am totally covered with the evidence of the blood test getting thrown into the trash bin, another win for the untouchable Black Mamba Rene Oliveria, now that I have fucked the DA Luis Saenz, what is next, who wants to be next in line for my crown, not you DA Luis Saenz, certainly not any jury in Brownsville, as they may want to join my Muff diving club at some time.
COBBLEHEADS HERE I COME, the knucklehead DA Luis Saenz has dropped his balls this time with the blood test, there is a conflict of interest at that hospital, and the test will not be allowed into evidence. Now all they have is leaving a scene of the accident, but I gave her my card, and I am the well known scumbag and not a illegal criminal but an outstanding citizen of Brownsville. Come September I will walk out of court a free man, and justice will be served. All the drinks are on me, just bring your own snort.
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